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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Sin City = one of the best and most accurate adaptations for a graphic novel. TREE FAIL! Poor trees.
  2. Slumdog is a critic's nightmare because it's a fantastic director's cash-in oscar-begging movie. The man himself is ashamed. 28 days or whatever it's called his another step into hollywood but I think Boyle is trying to worm his way down a slim line between recognition both as a good director and as a box office hit. Slumdog is not a bad movie, it just panders to the checklist of potential Oscar territory, which means sentimentality and ignorant tom-foolery with stereotypes.
  3. Don't know if it bothers anyone - but the achievements for difficulty do not stack. I imagine a run-through on easy wouldn't be too tribblesome, so I may endeavour that soon - but I'll hold Hard off 'til later.
  4. Elektra is the first film I can think of that I switched off. Never walked out of a cinema (have wanted to a couple of times, but I feel like I can't if I've paid for it!) though once during saw...3? A fat couple on the front row who seemed to be having sex during the trailers got up and laughed loudly about 10 minutes into the film. I think my dad made us walk out of a movie once when we were a lot younger. I'll ask him about it tomorrow.
  5. Not read the whole letter yet - Me and my housemates made a fairly grumpy letter about a year ago. One of my housemates claimed that there was somesort of law where we could hold back our rent until the landlord had kept his promises -- assuming the landlord had promised to sort the shit out 30 days previously. We had it in writing and the shit was still shit. But I was just a passenger so I have no idea of the legality of it all.
  6. X11 isn't fantasy football. You are fielding a team of NINJAS, you choose their battle formation as well as their tactics - throw shurikens from miles back? if they have a harcore samaurai then tehre's no point as he'll swipe them out of the sky before they get near the King. Flank the opposition? But you don't know if they're laying in wait! Promise your warriors a large pile of gold shoould they succeed? When not at war, you must choose carefully where to spend your riches. Do you spend them on your aged legend in the hope that he will be strong enough for the next battle, or do you give the Fresh Blood more time on the assault course, knowing that he will still be weak for the next fight but NEXT YEAR he will be a BEAST! Srsly. just because it's football doesn't make it less fun. You have a squad of players of different age and skill, and so does your opponent. Before each match you can set formation and tactics, and you hope that you come out on top. You have to balance the next match with the fact that there are 16 in the whole season. ... They should totally do a ninja x11! ____ New BISH signups open. A scavenger hunt of epic proportions. Check it out, and ask any questions
  7. One of my favourite mafia games was when I was in a trio of 'neighbours' with nintendohnut and rokhed. I really enjoyed having people to talk to, so that's why I decided to pair everyone up. I tried to balance that with making people have to choose which role to do - either an investigative role or a secondary one. It worked to an extent... I've learned a lot from this game, and my previous view that games didn't need time limits is not gone out the window. The night phase length was what stopped the game being better. I'll put more thought into the next game, partly as there's a need to keep people guessing and mostly to fix the wrongs and make sure the balance is better. Thanks for not being too harsh : peace:
  8. Dude, what is this! It says I can't PM you as you've turned personal messages off...

  9. It'll be running through to the first week of january! I have a few lovely ideas! Aztec Rose means BUSINESS.
  10. Eenuh; I'll say it'll end beginning of january? You know what I'm like with these things Diageo; as Eenuh says, it really can be anything. Check the first post in Bish #4 for the variety! It's usually good fun.
  11. Yeah, and there was a red herring - Zell was Drago, which I thought some might think was Diageo's character! The humans were supposed to have baltic/russian sounding names.
  12. Turn on your cameras, think of some stupid things, work on that agoraphobia and write your username on the back of your hand... Yes, that's right - it's BISH time! For those of you that don't know BISH stands for Big Internet Scavenger Hunt. It is a concept a friend of mine came up with, and we've had a BASH on this forum a few times (lol). The Basics. - You will be send a Top of teh Secrets list. - Using a camera, you will take pictures of yourself with each individual item on the list - or your own interpretation of the item. - You then compete with other BISHers to see who can get the most snaps, score the most points, have the most fun! The rules of the game vary in each previous attempt, but the structure remains the same. This is the sign-up thread. If you wish to play, please can you PM me a list of 5 things. They can be anything any everything, real or conceptual. So long as the gamesmaster (me) thinks the picture is acceptible. This game will be played through the christmas season, beginning 25th November! A thread with game rules and lists will go up then. If anyone has any questions or queries, please feel free to ask Fresh Playahs Cube Eenuh ReZ Peeps jayseven Dannyboy-the-Dane Aztec Rose Shorty nami* Rummy Paj Meen Ah mr-paul (iirc) gizmo bolded have sent their lists *Don't know they're playing yet.
  13. I tried to give everyone descriptions so that they'd easily recognise themselves in the write-up. This quickly boiled down to using the same few traits because even I had forgotten who was who. In my last mafia I had memorised each character, but this time my naming system made it too hard to remember it that way.
  14. We're sort of 'in between' official rules at the moment. Generally you're safe with bringing something back from the first two pages, otherwise it's risky business. Obv. any thread bumped with "lol" is ridiculous. If you're not sure, PM a red or blue name with the thread link and they can tell you yay or nay
  15. Actually there were 4 robots left... There were two mafias, each with the same set of roles - 4 robots and 1 human vs 4 humans and 1 robot. Town was made up of 4 robots and 4 humans, one of each were paired up and between them could choose which of their powers they'd use that night. Most of the pairings had one powe that worked only on robots and one power that worked only on humans. Nobody seemed to crack my naming system :| The town also had a 'cyborg' and a virus. These two moves were overly powerful gamechangers that were meant to address the balance of mafia powers, and were meant to move the game from nightspace into daytime politics, because no group was specifically good/bad, they were probot, skinhead, liberal. Mundi was Adam the cyborg. He picked two targets and switched them. I fucked up with him the first night somehow (i forget), and he lost interest after me pissing about forever. He caused the most confusion and horror to the write-ups - one night he targetted himself and ReZ, which I attempted to write-up but it just got too paradoxical. It would've taken two attempts on Mundi's life to die. The night he had one attempt was the night he told me he wanted to quit, so my character stepped in and finished him off. Nintendohnut was MIDAS, the virus that could affect all forms of life (if he had targetted Mundi they would've formed a new set-up mafia that would've been mental). His targets would be silenced after one post in the thread (... because I forgot to PM the silenced person before the write-up, but actually liked it this way). His target would be roleblocked that night, then would be silenced the next day, then would HAVE to target whoever nintendohnut sait to target. Unforch, nintendohnut was often blocked, and one night after he had targetted Peeps he didn't send in the role he wanted peeps to do the next day. The game started well, but I think the probots were savaged quickly and no attention EVER went on the skinheads. This has to be my fault for stretching the game out, and I accept all blame. The mafia were told that in order to win not only did they have to have majority, but they had to get rid of all of a certain race type. This was supposed to encourage the possible scenario where robots and humans really go all-out against each other in the day phases, but I don't think I thought that through far enough. Thanks for participaing everybody. I do want to do another mafia again, but I think there's a BISH to do first...
  16. The winds of change come fierce, come slow. Tomorrow, the sun will light on someone you do not know. Sounds like perhaps you are indeed 'waking up' a little. You're still fixated on image over substance, but you're getting there. Just be sure to figure your own thoughts out. Don't rely on others changing you too much else you'll go too far the other way and won't truly discover yourself. Life's always in flux, so don't think your epiphany will be the last. The enemy of primal emotion is control, and I think the adrenaline surge you've had has made you recognise a little bit just how out of our control our own lives are. Do people who hold down menial jobs do so knowing that they're a cog? Do they choose to ignore? How do they do that? I can't do that. I've done it, but it pains me. The problem is that one can have too pretty an idea of the importance of life. On the one hand, we are intellectual, artistic, imaginative creatures of communication and brilliance. On the other... well, we need to eat, right? Elswise; I've just woken up and you're talking about a lot of stuff at once, so a real response would be for me to go off on a tangent on something pseudo-relevant. All it'd be is granny-nattering, but with fancy words. Pints are needed for this kind of talk otherwise we'll quickly realise the finality of it all. Woe, woe, woe.
  17. Noah kills the doctor. Peeps is dead, he was Alexei, a liberal. That means it's game over! The Skinheads win with vote majority and no other killers left in the game. Congrats to ReZ, Diageo, Cube, Zell, Heroicjanitor. Comiserations to the rest of ya. Feel free to post your roles in this thread if you like, or any thoughts/abuse aimed at me.
  18. Yep yep Just woke up. Not leaving my bed 'til I've done it!
  19. I've missed a bunch of side missions. Didn't latch onto the whole mission/chapter thing at all until it was way too late for a lot of them! Also didn't realise that the notebook symbol wouldn't appear on the world map if they were indoors unless you land the cursor on them. Also, leaderboard says I've spent 45 hours in greenvale :| Clearly I'm not the quickest... Although I dunno if that counts for when it's paused as I've had it paused for hours before. I think the 'hours played' at the load screen could be in-game time since your last save? You're doing well with the cards! I'm on episode 7 and I only have 40 of them. I haven't officially 'completed teh game' yet because I dunno if I can play on with this save file, or what. Will grab a couple more things then just do so anyway.
  20. Well if we wait longer, we can see who isn't participating, right, Diageo?
  21. On chapter 26, officially the Epilogue of the game. Before I pack it in I'm going to do a few more side-missions... Just popped over to read the Destructiod 10/10 review... And honestly, I agree with it completely. It truly is one of the best gaming experiences I've had. I've also just looked up what the achievements are. Not sure whether to try and burn through teh game on hard straight away or, more likely, put it on my shelf and go back to it in a year's time when I've forgotten some of teh joys of the game.
  22. ... 6 visible increases 'luckily' only one visible decrease, but this report makes me sad, even contemplating x11-icide :'(
  23. Well he should be, seeing as chairdriver is the dude who introduced the mafia games to us all in the first place!
  24. Shorty - sorry, I honestly just made this thread to talk to mundi as he was the one that accidentally convinced me to get the game. Literally he posted the box-art in teh purchases thread and I went "WHAT IS THAT GAME" as I'd not seen it anywhere and it looked like your typical b-game that I'd've bought - similarly to your reaction, I'd not seen any screenshots or movies of it. I looked it up and found that it was a brand new game out the next day for £16 and just went with it. I think it's enjoyable because I had absolutely no expectations whatsoever. I don't know if I can recommend it to you/anyone because it's a marmite game. If you like I can send it up to you after I'm done with it and you can decide for yourself Also! I don't even want to search for screenshots in case I get something spoiled. The other day I'd forgotten how to bring up a certain menu, so I googled it using carefully chosen words and I accidentally read something that hadn't happened yet.
  25. Sounds like I'll give this a miss! I'll probably nip back to MW2 if I'm up late tonight and get my ass handed to me as I iron out some creases. I was really looking forward to the whole currency/contracts system, but it sounds like that's being overshadowed by a game that was clearly rushed to meet its release date. Major patch to hit before xmas, if there's justice in teh world!
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