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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. That looks like a closed down school. Please define original question.
  2. I think that panicking is an unavoidable state of being. You say that is a solution as if you're an android! it is impossible to not freak out. To be faced with certain death, I doubt anyone will simply accept it willingly. Even after making oneself unconscious -- which lasts seconds. I've googled it and the general consensus is that a coffin holds roughly 5 mins of air. You may try to knock yourself out, but I'm pretty sure that as the air runs our your body will wake you up and you will spend your last minutes gasping. What I think you are most wrong with is your assumption that you can calmly die whilst buried alive. I believe it'd be a horrific experience full of panic and fear. If one is able to accept ones fate eventually then fair enough, but it won't happen immediately.
  3. Oh shit! I've just woken up and I'm in a coffin six feet under! I'll just hold my breath and it'll all be over...mmmm... You really think it's that... easy?! Your logic astounds me.
  4. That gif is weird. Danny Boyle just slides in out of nowhere in the background. I can't eplain it.
  5. Hey look slaggis is back! Aw look he's talking rubbish again. Aww.
  6. 1). Happiness is an emotion. 2). Emotions are just signposts that tell us when we are doing things right or wrong in relation to our internal conscious/sub-conscious needs/wants. This is wrong. 3). Whatever our needs are would then dictate our emotions and ultimately our happiness. Not accurate 4). Sussed it! The way I see it. Emotions are uncontrollable primal urges. They are a display of the nature rather than the nurture. Also, we are talking about behavioural psychology. I do this. I feel that. Therefore, I shall do this more in order to feel that more. In relation to need/want; I think it gets ridiculous fast. Success in relative terms to emotions is different because success is typically measured against other people, against society. Emotions stem from the self. While they pretty much share a negative-opposite thing, they are not directly related. Even just acknowledging that this is 'true' bears no relevance to the thread. Understanding that happiness is just an emotion will not stop you from nor aid you with attaining it. Your methods of attaining it are not simply reactive pavlovian responses though. There is an amount of sentience, of imagination, that is required in defining what you think a successful you would be. or so I think. I would probably argue the exact opposite if the opportunity arose. I don't even really know what I'm on about. GIMME THE SCOOP, SCOOP.
  7. Diageo; holding your breath 'til you pass out, then simply dying while unconscious? No. You resume your breathing when you're passed out, and your body will wake you up when it starts choking. Suffocation/drowning is a nasty way to go. Actually I was thinking as if you were buried without a coffin. With a coffin... dide do you know how hard it is to knock yourself out? I DARE YOU TO DO IT NOW. Can't be done.
  8. Sign me up.
  9. I do not think the highlighting of the wooden leg is pointless at all. It's clear that we're not just Pirate Extras. There aren't many with peglegs, and we know one was a killer, so that's a big deal. Vote: Nintendohnut. I'd like to follow this wooden leg theory first. I, too, am not wholely certain about smeagol considering his character, but my gut says it's all good.
  10. I'm not the double voter. I found out Smeagol's character - it made me lol. Heroijan; I thought that the first write-up made the crow's nest guy sound like he was an unreliable investigator, and since ell came out and accused Maddog of being evil and seemed so sure, I just presumed he was to be the crow's nest guy and thought I'd put that out there.
  11. Vote: No president As I'm not convinced I trust anyone yet
  12. Depending on how you describe it... I'm coming up to 5 and a half years with my girl... I guess "on and off" would be the most accurate and least helpful definition :P Presents still, duh. A nice jolly good 'retro' day doing stuff we did when we first went out. Or at least I think that's what we do. Lol. At the start there's the whole week/month thing. We started going out on a wednesday so that was a thing. Well, for me it was. In my head. Your week anniversary, Diageo?
  13. I'm better today, cheers for the rallying there, guys Did a bit more shopping and wrapped shit up. I love christmas! I love giving people stuff, I guess I was trying to say taht I hate it when tehy focus on the money side of it all. P.S. I think it was the verbal hiccups -- hik hok hok -- that cemented it as drunk prose :P
  14. Darren Arnofsky and dave fincher at the helm. Mmm! :P I didn't like the bowie impression because it was too obvious, and too giggly. Bowie was stylish and cool, man.
  15. Diageo you're ruining another mafia for me. Stop asking a billion questions, every other post. You give nothing away yourself and ask mundane questions that aren't helpful. It's a drain to come in here and see your at your interrogating again. Vote: Dannyboy as nintendohnut is quite vehement about it. Just to say that I don't think anyone should bother voting me as president.
  16. Arg. Forget to set my tactics and escaped lightly. Conceded 2 goals from 11 chances, scored one from one :P Oh well.
  17. Best of luck for you mate. Widespread ice and heavy snow is still predicted up 'til friday. My dad's spent £170 and 15 hours getting to and from Heathrow for a flight that was eventually cancelled.
  18. Aerial scene was second to the bike scene, which was after teh lots-of-games-and-tron scene. You're so silly. There was club fight scene, but it was hard to see it through my facepalm.
  19. Yupyupyup. I'm on season 3. Fallen behind a bit, though. Honestly don't care much for the Abel storyline. Is a decent enough show though. You know that Jacks is british? He was in the film Green Street. Such a different character!
  20. hey drungken thrad how are you ! U;n not allowed to use the backspae so I can't ocrrect the obvious mistakes. M... Let me tell you about my day. I want... I WENT shopping! It was good. I buo...bl... bought a bunch of shit and i have no idea hw ... who will get what presnt ub... but I figure that someone will appreciate wjhatever it is i get. I'm on the dole so i anticipate that most people will think iw on't be able to afford decet ... decent gifts for them HOWEVER my philosophy is one of self detriment. S o I've spent loads on everyone because i fee the... FEEL the gifts i get them will be wanted. However because they expet me to be all opoor and su... stuff they'll get me more lmited stuff even though they can afford more"! so when it comes to the exchange theny... then they will fieeel bad for onot spendig enough and i will feel bad that they clearly dont know me well enough to get me decent shit. I hate christmas. I am going into de t... devt b... debt because I'd rather buypeople stuff they'd like then be reserved with my money, and that was meant to be a full stop. I remember the christmas when I spent more on po..one rpresent for a family member than clearly eevery one put toghetehr had spet... spent on me. It shouldn't be a big deal but it was a feeling noticable in the air. And I'm going to do it again this year. This christmas is going to be shit. Except for my dad's presents. He was supposed to go on hik... hok... hok... hOLIDAY so entrusted me with his bag o' gifts for the family. That bad... bag has two presents in it. As he left for the airport (without knowig he'd be back in a few hours) he told me htat THIS bag was my presents... My bag has lik e 6 presnts in it all for me. So on o.. top of all the guilt my family will jhave when they see their dole son spending so much on them they'll then see that the father they all hated hsa chosem CHOSEN ME as a favourite, of sorts. All the niceities in the world will make for a pleasant aura, but the truth in the eyes of all around m,e will make it clear. I fucking hat ebeing so aware of the eyes. Fuck that shit. End of post.
  21. It's one of a few rare examples where the film was made for the fans of the original. If it was a new outing then it probably would've achieved much more. You couldn't recommend it to anyone because you don't know anyone who has seen the first film. As I said in my first post, I think seeing the first film is pretty necessary to get the most out of this experience. In both cases - newcomers and old skool diehards - the film could've been better. It trod a line that tried too much. Truthfully, I think the Tron universe is one so utterly unexplored that I'd love to see another movie... But one that was far more serious about actually exploring the concept rather than trying to pander to multiple audiences. Which will never happen. It's the perfect "oh, if I had made it then..." film. The original wasn't much dissimilar.
  22. Ah, but can China really claim to be the sole owners of such an attribute!
  23. Each season surprises me. The end of the season I'm ususally left with "WHAT THE FUUUU... There's no way they can follow this, let alone top it" -- yet this season was an exception. I think this season has been the most consistent in terms of tone. You can consider it a grieving period, especially when you consider the especially low bodycount we've had this time round. While we have Dexter returned to the status quo we really seem to be heading towards a season 6 that may have easily been season 5. If the kids didn't stay with the grandparents then we'd've had a season focused on dexter trying to fit his secret life around them as the main focus on the season. This season served to give that scenario a greater depth. Quinn is surely cleared, but there are enough clues dotted about to link dexter to the whole chase incident that could give season 6 a better story to combine with Dexter As Dad. Random words strewn together! yeah. The stakes weren't necessarily as high as previous seasons but I really think this has been one of the most reliable and enjoyable ones yet. I, too, thought
  24. Yeah I can't see 3D so wearing the glasses largely makes it 2D. There were a couple of moments where my eyes did synch as things were flying directly at the camera, but all in all I don't give a shit about it. Hope it's over sooner than later.
  25. It's like when people look at Milton's Paradise Lost and see that, actually, Satan is the most rounded character. You're right - Clu was the most developed, and I don't despise his role in the film at all, nor the character. His aims made sense, but I suppose it was that he quickly became the moustachioed villain rather than carving a specific niche for himself. If you imagine a top 100 villains of all time, clu won't make the cut. There was nothing specific to him that made him stand out. I've come away from the film happy. There's plenty to moan about but I think in general they did the franchise proud. I think I should be in charge of the script for the sequel, and maybe in charge of cinematography. Daft you can do the music? If I directed the film I would've done more parallels between reality and the grid. We only really had a silly cop chase to compare with the line game, and flynn's arcade on both sides of the coin. Oh! Another point - maybe because it's been so long since I saw the original. Why is the portal so far away from where Sam Flynn actually entered the grid?!
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