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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Iun, you are the king of good news/bad news, man. Fuck.
  2. There are a lot of investigators that attain different types of information. In a bare bones game like this we should feel encouraged to share what we think is trivia as it may be a jigsaw piece for someone else.
  3. Heroijan is only allowed to post 100 words today... I thought that was obvious? Refer to the post where eevil highlights that he voted for a mafia - so did heroijan, so don't be stupid. heroijan's not evil. Arbitor/flink are bigger suspects. It's not impossible for a mafioso to claim to protect, and it's not impossible for a mafioso to turn up as good when investigated. Ese you've voted mafia off before, which is all that's stopping me from voting for you - your mad behaviour does nobody any favours. At this stage in teh game causing confusion is only beneficial to the mafia. Changevote: Arbitor. He's not defending himself and we know nothing about him so it's worth getting rid. I think it's certain there'll be another maff afterwards.
  4. Vote: Eddiecoleslaw Willing to go with that 'lead' for now.
  5. enfield with red dot sight, ghost, hardened, marathon. that nerve gas stuff and clamores with my frags. Doing alright with it - learning my range which is what most of this game was about for me before. Level 18, k/d ratio is 0.98 - was 0.2 at one point :P
  6. Using an enfield at the moment. Most games I join are carnage with the amount of carepackages flying around. Getting to know some of the maps, getting to be very pissed off at players higher level than me who clearly suck - and starting to have the occasional positive k/d!
  7. I got that cube dropped a magnifyling glass. That is all.
  8. habit, mostly. Sometimes on purpose. Every time = too small an issue to bother amending.

  9. Flink; it's not worth protectors coming out with their role! Mafia will want any roleblockers out of the way. Can you identify yourself in any of the write-ups? Gotta realise that at this stage it's worth everyone being open and identifiable. We have one, maybe two maff left so it's better to be safe.
  10. I trust that, and hope you trust me having first-hand experienced my power-boosting. Flink; who cares? Stop being such a maff and trying to identify your kill for tonight :P You really need to start building up a defense as you're a proper suspect.
  11. I'm Tiger Tanaka, baby. Got me a team of ninjas at my disposal who can boost a player's targets, disappear them from a night phase write-up (not used) or target people for information. As I say, I think flink and arbitor are the main focus here. Murray is after that (as I don't understand his role fully and he's not voted for any maff at all). Tales is still a large concern as he's so overtly maff, to the extent that I don't think it's necessarily proper to fully rely on yvonne's reports. I agree that at this stage in the game it is best if everyone comes out with targets/roles.
  12. ... Lol. Happy birthday McPhee! Insert pictures and large, coloured text here!
  13. Murray; it was me who gave you the power-boost to your coffee. I don't understand why your power was 'make coffee' that night, though. Did you choose that from a selection? Did you just forgot to send a target? What would the point be in making coffee?
  14. Nice write-up I think the fact that I conceded 3 goals shows that, while a good game for the neutrals, it has to wave warning flags for the up-coming game. Happenstance is bound for promotion, and it wouldn't surprise me if our league positions switched after the 90 minutes is up.
  15. I don't suspect Yvonne's abilities, rather that people can be investigated and found to be somewhat different to their actual alignment. EEVIL what was the sentence you added? And making coffee... as in you added to someone else's coffee? What was that?
  16. EEVIL what have you done each night? TBF I think you're a shadier target considering your voting pattern.
  17. [Just after he says 'I do'] "Lol!"
  18. Happy birthday R_A! Hope you can make another meet someday
  19. You'll stop receiving them Sort yer mess out!
  20. Following it on bbc sport. Seems one-sided. Boxing is... not something I'd ever pay to watch. The video earlier proves that the sport is driven by fluffers who inflate the drama of the situation. Yes, there's mind games to be played but it's all rather opaque.
  21. Protected you in teh day phase? Sure you weren't roleblocked? I'm fairly sure that there are multiple abilities in this game, so it's not fair to say someone just does x or y. Further lynch analysis; Day four: Eenuh (4): EEVILMURRAY, mr-paul, Tales, Fierce_LiNk Sprout (9): Yvonne, heroicjanitor, The Peeps, jayseven, Esequiel, Dannyboy Sprout was mafia, eenuh was neutral. Rummy (5): Yvonne, heroicjanitor, Ellmeister, Esequiel, EEVILMURRAY, mr-paul, Tales Sprout, rummy, ellmeister were maff. Dannyboy was 'mysterious', maybe neutral along with eenuh, but i'd not put it past maff to vote for neutrals as they're good scapegoats. No suspision removed from flink from this analysis. Arbitor, at this stage, should be removed as an inactive but that's not our perogative. Flink is vaguely active so it makes sense to pressure him.
  22. Heroic janitor basically instigated the dannyboy vote, so it's hard not to trust him.
  23. The bits where you could see nipples. Those were good.
  24. Wouldn't mind watching it, but I think haye is... yeah he'll be beaten.
  25. Helllooo? We should be cofusing on flink and arbitor here, right?
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