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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well that's the thing - the guy who has the remaining ops in that channel was never (really) a member of our boards! As far as IRC politics goes, we are effectively invading the channel and seeking to take it over. Just have to wait and see what the guy says if/when we talk to him.
  2. I appear to haev been roleblocked, so no news here
  3. Check you're typing in the correct box? Not sure otherwise. Could be a flash thang...
  4. Yeah... not 'our' property as such!
  5. Answer: Rummy. I do feel a LITTLE silly for not spotting that earlier :P
  6. You still look like a psycho
  7. Goriginal never had checkpoints :P Do it in one go, baby! External objectives, as in those you needed to do in harder difficulties... I can't remember ever not being able to do them. Everything was find-able. But then, maps were simpler back then. Will wait and see with this, methinks. Or try and play the wii version!
  8. That was going to be my question - never played the wii version- never really looked much into it. How similar to rare's original is it, actually?
  9. Well another line in the riddle - - is pre-echoed earlier with; . We know of the body only a few things; white male, just had a birthday. Suggestions that he was killed by a blunt object whilst tied up. Found behind a bar. The note itself is handwritten. The lound BANG would suggest a gunshot, of course. Perhaps it should be interesting that Blood shouts don't move in such a situation. I am unsure whether the 'three chances' thing is to do with the riddle or to do with the rules that we ourselves have to face. I'm unsure if we are able to further clarify what it is we are solving, however. Are we looking for an object, like the umbrella riddle, or are we looking for a solution to the murders in general, or are we looking for the method for the killer observing everyone? I'm unsure if it's at all worth asking for a piece of dialogue if it's not likely to be real. I am unsure if we are to propose what it is that Blood is going to say next... Dazz essentially it is impossible to think outside of the box because the box does not exist yet :P
  10. ... Nope! Can't say I do.
  11. lol. "I had been asked by mr brown many times." "Through the back door?" "yes."
  12. I got the camera from the write-up in the OP :P
  13. At what point did you first realise "this probably isn't going to work?" :P (regards to the post you deleted, not the pic itself)
  14. Interesting observation. The first line "you can't see me but I can see you" reminds me of a mirror, however I can't tell precisely what it is we're solving here. We know that the killer is observing us via a camera. it feels like this bit is the riddle; One of you is on Death’s List But two of you aren’t so riddle me this Realise all of you are in danger Ultimately the last thing you want is failure Most would read this thinking inside the box My intentions is for you think outside it for it to unlock You’d be foolish to read everything I’ve written literally What is the 'you'? Is it just a threat to say one of us is in danger, while two aren't, yet all are in danger?
  15. Dazz what on earth was that? I don't even...
  16. Yvonne was just talking of doing a wire one :P I'd like to be put down for another maff game too -- Mafiawesome: Chicago Fish. It's a mafia game about the mafia.
  17. Wearing a suit? CLASSIC MAFIA TACTIC. See? Two memes.
  18. The only confusion here is in the use of the word 'genre'. Genre can mean a type of media, but it can also mean a type within that media. The latter can be defined in various ways; form, content, meaning, matter, shape, whatever. The above exchange of posts needlessly picks upon the use of the word, rather than focusing on the points made. CGI/animated movies is fine. Disney is fine. Michael Bay is fine. I do find it silly, though, that ashley says "say what you mean" then posts again to clarify that his original post was a reference to something that nobody could've guessed because he didn't clarify his first post with that reference. Again. Snark, ashley, leads to ruins and is not needed to communicate with us peons.
  19. See that's what I've always enjoyed about the meets. The ability to have a chat with people you've never met before so easily. Ultimately the let down was that we didn't establish a back-up for teh rain we knew was coming. Perhaps next year if rain is certain we meet oxford street/leicester square area somewhere. Pub maybe, or that place you guys were outside the church? Pubs at 10am will be empty (if not closed :P) so it's smarter. Good weather = park, duuuh. Goaf - srs lol at your battleship comment :P Having let my feelings and thoughts of the weekend mellow for a few days, I think that I've come away rather content with it all. I think a part of me wished that I had myself been on form/epic/memory forming but that simply was not the case. I hadn't shaved in days and felt like puking phlegm most of the time, and I hated standing up for hours, but realistically I had the fine chance to meet some great forumers. I think my dismay is mainly at the fact that I didn't get to chat more to the great forumers I met last time... But there's always next year! And if I'm ever in any city in the country for a period of time I'll alert the boards and attempt to arrange some sort of meet. We should all try and do this! P.S. Watchng the fez vids tomorrow. Need to prepare myself.
  20. Had a phone interview earlier today for a crummy call centre job. Woes are me. Easy money fo'shiz. While I was at uni, specifically the last few years, I really felt like I'd done the wrong course completely. Some of my very good friends that I made through juggling were training to be mental health nurses and they repeatedly said I'd be good at it (due to philosophy/psychotherapy type chats), so today I looked at the course they did and sent an email to the uni. So yeah... first steps taken towards perhaps maybe going back to uni to do a 2-year diploma that will pretty much guarentee me a decent-paid job. It's one of those insane life-changing/breaking decisions that I've, really, not made yet... but yeah. Fact is my life is completely aimless right now and it's the root of all that is wrong with me.
  21. A GM should be the one to end a day phase if people are being indecisive. I used to believe days should end on a majority, but the whole No Lynch element of the game is generally overlooked or underused (by both town and mafia). A GM may be slightly unwilling to end a phase if they feel someone ought to realise that they're sitting on some decent info... but stagnation is easier to occur with large numbers of people. Some may actually have info they're withholding during the first few days - in a sense it's to build a case and to get a 'sense' of who is who. The last few phases in a game are always quick, but the first few will always be slower. Imagine playing with 50 players, or 100. Waiting to hear from everyone, or sifting through the information to see who is trustworthy and who is not, or waiting for 51 votes to be planted? Ages. We play with 20-30 players so you're going to have a slow start. Ultimately, the pay-off between mafia getting a night-kill and town getting another night worth of information is plenty worth it. I never see why people talk for so long in teh first few day phases (however, the paranoia and suspicion presented provides for a good resource towards teh end of a game). RE: Majority; I think a good technique could be whereby a player's default vote is no lynch, unless they actually say otherwise. Therefore the end of a dayphase time limit a majority HAS been reached (I'm sure there's a word/phrase for this.. opt-out?). One may still actually vote no lynch, but that should be to actually bring the end of the phase closer (where the phase is ended when a majority vote has been actually specified, if you follow me). That way, you could theoretically decide to allow the player with the most votes against them to be lynched without a majority, but only if the number of people who DON'T vote is a definite minority. Mostly, this wouldn't alter current games except for the latter stages where you see, say, 5 players and votes are split. So yeah - for me, it's the ill-use, or hesitance to use no lynch that can be addressed here. Of course, GMs are still only human and may not be around as often as they thought when they originally planned the game (games tend to last around a month!). Long post. Forgotten if I had anything else to say.
  22. vote: Let's end the day phase! Everyone's had a chance to add their cents and we're pretty short of any logical lynching price (icwudthar).
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