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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. G2A doing what G2A seems to do best... ripping off developers of Indie games by allowing fraudsters to rip people off for games buy buying them with ripped off credit cards. "Literally, worse than piracy" This is why I think it's well worth supporting Indie devs by buying the game either directly or at least through a reputable storefront with no keys used inbetween. Even if you only experience some games via PS Plus, or Games with Gold, I'd imagine that the developers still at least get something for having their games included. Indie developers having to foot the bill because G2A allow these practices to continue unchecked just isn't on, somehow though... they'll probably carry on getting away with it.
  2. DF Retro: Turok Dinosaur Hunter well worth a watch, I can't wait for the Limited Run physical version on the Switch.
  3. I beat the main part of the story mode last night. Now, I've just got to finish the rest of the courses and then... then I'll feel like I can play other peoples courses. It's just that, being that this iteration of Super Mario Maker has a story mode with 100 courses, I feel like I should at least play through them all.
  4. Splatoon theme get! That was fun for an hour. Will be back again when the next theme hits or when the physical version comes out.
  5. Sega Lord X with a video about Easily Overlooked Games on the Sega Saturn which features some pretty interesting titles.
  6. The Happy Console Gamer has made a video on finally getting to play Trials of Mana 24 years later. I can't wait to play it myself, only another... five weeks until the physical release.
  7. It's time for the latest edition of... Oh Ubisoft! *bleh!* Oh, and it's crunch time again. (when is it not these days?)
  8. So technically... the Wii U lives on! (In the home button notification on the Switch Lite)
  9. Well, due to getting a good deal on a physical copy of the game, I'll hopefully soon be joining the conversation on this fantastic game once I've played it.
  10. Quick question... There's no good reason for me NOT to buy Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom is there? I should get it now for a decent price while it's still available. (physically) Yes... I'm trying to talk myself into buying another Switch game. Edit - it's OK... I convinced myself to get it, got it for £37.50 boxed with the extras in "as good as new" condition, too good to pass up.
  11. Sega Lord X has put up a video about his personal experiences with the original Japanese Mega Drive version of Strider which is well worth a watch.
  12. Vrrrrroooooooom! Rise: Race the Future is coming to the Switch eShop on 22nd July for around £15. Developer by VD-dev Games who have been known for technically impressive work in the past. Check the article for details and that short but very sweet trailer.
  13. Nintendo Wii games? Easy... here wii go... Here are my picks... The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Kirby's Epic Yarn There may be a huge library on the Wii but ultimately, for me, I'd always end up choosing those same retail games which I enjoyed playing the most. Look out for the N-E Top Ten DS Games coming soon to the main site.
  14. Thank you. I thought I saw that as well, but I couldn't be sure as E3 week was a bit of a whirlwind, but that's good enough for me, if the Pro Controller was there, then I'm there for the pre-order.
  15. I think I came basically last in all three GP's if that helps? (6th, in front of the CPU characters but behind all of the N-E racers)
  16. My reaction to this... "Oh nice, they put all of the games on all of the system variants, where do I pre-ord... ... ...only available on Amazon? Oh well... I didn't need it that much anyway." In all seriousness though, I have most of the games on the Wii VC so, I don't have to get this but I might pick one up one day if it becomes more widely available. Or second-hand "as good as new" off eBay once the price calms down if the unit sells out and gets snapped up by scalpers. I would have hoped that won't happen though, not with the TurboGrafx-16 mini, it's a cool thing but I can't see it going mad price-wise like the NES classic did. Then again, hopefully more than enough will be manufactured of this unit as I'm sure that had something to do with it. But if there's anyone who is only interested in only five of those games, the titles are so good that I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase.
  17. The main site seems to be running slow, no errors, it's just taking around 3-4 minues to fully load the main page. Edit - all seems to be fine now, must have just been a blip. Edit - or not, it's running slow again.
  18. Last Gamer - The Return! Yep, after four months, Joel is back and making videos again (or soon enough anyway) I've really enjoyed his videos in the past so this is excellent news. The new Games Room looks amazing, even though it's just a whistle-stop tour, really nice to see all of those games with the box-arts on display.
  19. Obviously I want this but we're getting closer and closer to release and I can only see physical versions up for pre-order of the Master Edition? There's supposed to be a version of just the Iceborne expansion available as well but I can't find it for pre-order anywhere.
  20. I'm hoping Pro Controller usage is supported without question as it's the only way I'll consider playing the game. Has it really not been confirmed yet? I was hoping that Let's Go would get patched so that a Pro Controller could be used when playing on the big screen. I haven't touched it since I started playing it briefly a little while back, same for Super Mario Party... I'm aware of the reasons behind the joy-con only control scheme but I just hate being effectively forced to use them if I want to play the games. So I really hope that these latest games support the Pro Controller on day one, otherwise it's a no sale from me.
  21. An insightful and well-made video there @dan-likes-trees I liked the way in which it was all presented and the examples used resonated rather well I thought. It must have taken you a while to put together, did you use many programs to edit it? I'm interested as I'd like to do some video editing myself one day. In any case, I hope you do make more in the future, I'll sign in and subscribe to make sure I can keep updated.
  22. Nintendo Switch Lite has been announced, launches in September Up on the front page. I'm glad that I don't want one and have no reason to buy one, OG Switch for life... ...until they release the Pro version. Fantastic news for anyone who has been waiting for this announcement though.
  23. Up on the front page. I'll probably make use of this Rewind Feature. As much as I enjoy playing certain NES titles, some of them benefit from a few modern shortcuts.
  24. Sega Lord X with a video about EA on the Saturn but don't worry, there are no "surprise mechanics" in any of these titles.
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