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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Lol yet another ploy to divide potential game / console buyers and I suppose it's quite clever in a way, will you choose Darth Vader or Yoda? the side of justice or the path to the dark side? But I bet a few months down the line you will then be able to download the other character for each version or something.
  2. Star Wars characters... in Soul Calibur IV... XD uberlulzhaxbbq is all I have to say to that... But seriously, it's happened so w/e I guess and tbh I don't mind, will it ruin the game? no... >> will it taint the purity of the franchise? probably... >> but heres the most important question, will it be fun? hell yes! just from looking at those screenshots I can't wait to take control of Yoda and "use the force!" against all the regular SC characters, and Darth Vader of course. So it may only be fun for a short period of time and yes, maybe it is kinda gimmicky but I find it hard to take many games seriously these days anyway, especially Soul Calibur, so even if all it adds is a few cheap laughs at a game which will still most likely be decent anyway then thats good enough for me.
  3. Awesome, I had the misfortune of seeing a clip from One Piece Unlimited Adventure (I'm assuming this is different to that) which had American voice overs, terrible, if they are gonna be serious about this then they need to release it in EU with Japanese voice overs with English subtitles or it just won't appeal as much as it should. Otherwise though, looking nice.
  4. seconded - go for Mass Effect, it has a lot more substance to it.
  5. Hellfire, I have a spare 20GB HDD that I could sell to you if your interested? I don't need it anymore as I bought an Elite when it came out. So if you just want a 20GB HDD for a reasonable price then let me know.
  6. __, ,__) __, ,__) __, ,__) (--|__| _ ,_ ,_ (--|\ | _ (--\ | _ _ ,_ _| |(_||_)|_)(_| _| \|(/_(_|_) \|(/_(_|| ( | | ,_| ( (__|
  7. I reckon BK and BT will come to XBLA in order to give people another chance to play them again or even if they missed them and to get people gradually hyped up for the new game but in a different way? I'd much rather people got hyped by being able to play the originals and maybe see a few screens of the new game rather than loads of gameplay footage which may or may not spoil lots of it before it's released.
  8. I was gonna download 300 then I saw that it was only that standard 480P variant that was 100 points and they promised it would be the HD version when they advertised it? I didn't bother as my brother has just picked it up on standard DVD so I can watch that any time and slightly upscaled too on the 360 most likely. But for anyone who just wants to watch it once I guess it was a good deal.
  9. Your most welcome Ty for the Tachikoma figure. ^^
  10. I got cash... I think... O.o and a Tachikoma gashapon figure from Ghost in the Shell Awesomeness.
  11. Hmm might be just me but it kind of looks like a rip-off of the FLUDD from Super Mario Sunshine? Or maybe thats just crazy talk, idk... I need sleep lol night all Also can't wait for the next Banjo Kazooie game, I reckon we may have it, this time next year at the earlest, the latest? Last year of the Xbox 360 being in production.
  12. lol I'm in the same situation thats why I am hoping they are too and thus I'm gonna save registering them until after the expiration period for registered points. The way i see it as, they aren't registered yet so they should be safe I'm hoping. And yes Shadow GBA games did have VIP codes too.
  13. I have loads of VIP pin codes I got with games but haven't registered yet, ones from GC, Wii, DS games and hardware. What I want to know is, if I don't register those now, are they safe? i.e after the January date can I register them? seeing as I haven't registered them yet they should be unaffected by the expiration if I'm correct. If someone could tell me whether the situation is otherwise or not that would be awesome.
  14. Ok so I was gonna get some Wii points with my stars and have found out that they have a limit of how many "virtual" Wii points that they can sell? quite literally pointless... What I want to know though is, I currently have 5400 points registered, I can use those up right now nps. BUT! I also have loads of VIP pin codes I got with games but haven't registered yet, ones from GC, Wii, DS games and hardware. What I want to know is, if I don't register those now, are they safe? i.e after the January date can I register them? seeing as I haven't registered them yet they should be unaffected by the expiration if I'm correct. If someone could tell me whether the situation is otherwise or not that would be awesome. *edit* spent 5000 of my registered stars on a DS value pack which has a ltd edition stylus and cases or sth, stupid address entry form they have on the site though only lets you enter 10 chars for address line 1? and apparently according to Nintendo every house has a number. ... I just put 00 and then the rest of my address and hope it gets here, still what a stupid entry form, didn't have this problem when they send my my remote jackets (which are pretty useless) meh w/e *rant over*
  15. Bought it yesterday before work, High Point - setting up the zapper last night it looks and feels quite nice despite some reviews citing poor build quality, it's fine. Played it today, started shooting things, it feels somehow more accurate with the zapper even if it does slightly slow down how fast you can move the reticule across the screen than if you used the Wii-mote alone I think thats a good think because depending on how you control it usually without any peripherals it can be all over the place which means that extra half second to readjust your aim. Having said that I haven't tried it without the Zapper shell yet but I may do at some point. Low Point - I've played it for an hour and 7 mins (according to the Wii) and I've completed it, the funs pretty much over aside from going back to beat those high scores and get all the gold medals. Overall - It's a decent showcase for the Zapper in order to show people what it's intended for, the Zelda locations and everything are well put together and the title doesn't tarnish the franchise's image in the slightest, just think of it as a collection of Zelda mini gmaes featuring a weapon that they wanted to include but didn't, lets face it the shooting mini games in Zelda were always the best anyway. :wink: IMO So yeah, it's good, with or without the shell I guess but the shell certainly adds something to it rather than detracting from it. I will be interested to see how this peripheral is utilised in the future but for now it's well worth picking up for the game alone with is quite simply a fast and fun collection of Zelda mini-games on a disc. Decent stuff and well worth a quick blast inbetween other games.
  16. Agreed, I would love to see a new 2D home console Sonic game, with the graphics of Sonic Rush, but slightly more polished, a variation of Sonic 2's special stage and appropriately alliterated Zone names again. That would be awesome. ^^
  17. If thats true then thats even better the loading screens in Burnout Revenge were borderline for Xbox 360, they werent the longest ever but they were long enough to be noticably annoying. In fact the only positive of loading screens is they give you a chance to change the in game music or get something to eat or drink without having to pause the game mid-race which can alter the flow of things, like say if you were trying for a platinum on a particular race, your halfway there, all pumped up, then you pause it and come back to it you end up approching the game differently IMO. Hmm maybe thats just me, but anyways no loading screens is a plus.
  18. No loading screens on PS3 version? hmm not bad but as long as the loading times on the 360 version are short Idm and aside from the aftertouch "feature" which is I presume something to do with using the sixaxis controller instead of moving the stick alone, what else does the PS3 version have over the 360 version? I only ask this because it seems that in many cases for multiplatform games such as this there really doesn't seem to be many worthwhile reasons in favor of the PS3 iteration. I'd rather have achievements tbh but if you don't like those then fair enough I guess the PS3 version sounds more viable then, but I'm still looking for reasons to get one in the future but there doesn't seem to be enough for me to buy one atm. Anyways 360 version for me, I really enjoyed the Revenge and hopefully this will be even better. ^^
  19. All I'm interested in is... Xbox 360 Resident Evil 5 Burnout Paradise Too Human Devil May Cry 4 Soul Calibu IV Ninja Gaiden 2 Grand Theft Auto IV Wii Super Smash Bros Brawl Wii Fit Mario Kart Wii PS3 Final Fantasy XIII Metal Gear Solid 4 The rest I can quite hapilly take or leave, and as for the PS3 games, I'd be happier to wait if they are planning on porting those two titles as I know many people will say that they are games to own a PS3 for but atm I am happy with my Wii / Xbox 360 and need more than just those two games to sway me toward buying one.
  20. lol... that Media Sharing thing with the Xbox 360 from WMP, I used to use that but since I got an Elite it would never work even though I could see it in the list. I since downloaded TVersity though and would recommend it to anyone wanting to share media files with there 360, a lot easier than with WMP and more reliable IMO.
  21. I've had this since yesterday, didn't play it yesterday though, played SMG and Mario & Sonic instead, started it today, first impressions are good and it's a game I'll probably play on and off inbetween other releases.
  22. The control schemes for some of the events work better than others, the ones that don't are frustrating, the ones that work are fun though.
  23. Played it for just under an hour today, my views on it atm? both fun and frustrating.
  24. I wanted to transfer a few photos from my Motorola Razr V3 (old model) phone and I updated the software that came with it, but basically it's rubbish and refuses to work properly and is a bit hit and miss. Does anyone know of any Free software that will enable me to transfer my pics from phone to PC via USB cable? I've had a look and can't find anything thats compatible and free, any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  25. Well I reached my target of 60 Stars today, I could complete the game right now but heh I'm not going to. Besides I still have a whole area to go, so I will at least mess around in there before going to the final part of the game. I see no point in rushing through it really, you can if you want but it's more a game where you just simply "play" and the beauty of it is, everyone will play it in a slightly different way. Either way it's easily one of the best games I have played in years, they should scrap the warnings before you boot up the game regarding safety (make them optional) and replace them with a warning regarding just simply how damn fun this game is. Awe inspiring.
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