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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Bullsheeeet! Grass types are good if you know how to use them... I've always picked the grass starter which has always worked out pretty well, I find them to be more 'tactical' than the other two choices as they often end up learning recovery moves or moves that affect status rather than being all-out attack.
  2. ShopTo have just lowered the price of this to... £32.85 on both Xbox 360 and PS3... the Wii version is £26.85 which is worth noting, a smart move too given the uncertainty of DLC regularity.
  3. She fails on every level then... :p -------------------------------- The game on the other hand, looks full of win! a barrel-full of win to be precise!
  4. Cut out the middle - and first - man... or should that be 'mon? and just go with the grass starter, that way you'll end up with the final form you really want, it shouldn't take that long to evolve it anyway.
  5. So... when does the shit smearing session commence? It had better be in the next ReZourceman Daily or you're full of shit... ...literally. ---------------- In all seriousness though, why so little love for the grass starter? personally I think it's the best one since the second generation tbf.
  6. Yes... ...but Metroid Prime is still better. >>
  7. Yes, but all of it makes a lot of sense.
  8. At times it feels like they spat on it but then forgot to polish...
  9. The only 'hard' parts are the broken bits... like when you're being held down and have to shoot left or right... I hated that part so much as it felt so needless and generally shit, I now understand why it was put in but it was still executed in a poor way and just ended up detracting from the game slightly. The same with the insta-death sequences... they are just tiral and error but really the game would be better without them as they add absolutely sod all to the game except needless frustration tbh.
  10. If you do... (because you know we'll hold you to it) will this be featured in an episode of Rez daily? ------------------- I hope the broccoli monkey changing into different elements is true, that looks pretty sweet, but yeah... fuck that fire pig evo, looks terrible tbf... grass all the way for me as always.
  11. If you were left wanting more then you should go back to your file because trust me, theres stuff that happens post-game that more than makes up for the slightly 'lacking' ending and really finishes it off properly, so I would advise going back to it to at least get the proper ending before you trade it in.
  12. You know they will probably release it all on disc once all four parts are out... well maybe anyway... I'm sure I remember seeing some kind of flow-chart thing when they were making it and it had plans for a disc release as well? unless I was imagining it but it's not beyond the realms of possibility. *edit* found it...
  13. Sheikah I'm truly sorry for your loss I didn't even really 'know' Sally but even I as a fellow cat owner couldn't help but shed a few tears at reading your lovely dedication to a clearly much-loved family pet... nay! member of the family even, because when you have a pet for that long, that is what they become. I know it won't be of much comfort to you but I understand what it's like to lose a cat especially when you've had them for so long, the first main 'family' cat we has lived for about 17 years! and the day he had to be put down was a terrible one indeed... I still miss that wonderful cat. But this thread isn't about my loss, it's about yours and it's a lovely way to commemorate her, R.I.P Sally...
  14. This... is basically what I was trying to say, but failed somehow, they could have made some of the textures look a lot nicer, I'm sure Team Ninja have the ability to do this but just didn't quite put in enough effort, as for the rest of the game though it is well designed indeed but yes... the actual space-station areas look better than the faux outdoor areas. -------------------------------------------- I've just gone back to the game after completion and all I have to say is...
  15. I meant in terms of effort that had been put in, so in that sense it is comparable, ok so fair enough they had two perspectives to work with maybe the workload increased in that area and meant that they had to skimp on the graphics/audio but still it would have been nice to see a little more detail. Size of rooms? I can remember plenty of huge areas in Prime that looked a lot nicer and as for the loading, fair enough but I'd rather wait a second or two for a door to open in a long corridor than for the game to stop for 3 seconds and tell me that it's loading. I'm not saying that Metroid Other M is bad, because it's clearly a good game, I just can't help but notice the areas in where it's lacking is all.
  16. This has the potential to be amazing... I justy hope it lives up to it.
  17. Annnyway... So it got 40/40 in Famitsu? nice, if anything it's at least a good indication of the games quality, sure perfect scores may have been handed out more frequently in recent years from the Japanese videogame 'bible' but if the game was merely average then it wouldn't be getting anywhere near those marks surely? so it's reassuring at least... It would seem that Nintendo have finally given the series the much needed 'reboot' that fans have been crying out for ever since the third generation of games appeared. First the Metroid series gets a reboot and now this, these are exciting times indeed.
  18. Happy Birthday Captain Falcon! If you're having a party don't forget to make some...
  19. Completed the game in between 10 and 11 hours... for me there was a point about 4-5 hours in where I thought to myself 'Ok now this actually feels like a Metroid game!' and I really got into, not that there hasn't been a day thats passed in which I haven't played it but within the last 24 hours I was hooked on it. The focus game mechanic still seems broken to me... yes you can find time to recover health in a boss battle... if you find the 'broken' part of the area you're fighting in which allows you to effectively 'hide' and take no damage but as for out in the open? your chances of fully charging are slim at best and that's why it feels a bit pointless, I;d rather collect health... replenishing missiles is fine though as that just negates the need for having seperate missile station rooms but... I still prefered having those in Prime particularly because it felt more challenging having a limited amount of them. Fighting enemies is an entirely new experience though and for that Team Ninja should be applauded because the system works well once you get to grips with it and allows for some particularly fancy footwrok on Samus' part. Cutscenes are nothing short of spectacular, clearly this is where most of the budget went because as mentioned before some of the other in-game fire effects etc are somewhat lacking but I deal with that due to the environments themselves aren't essentially 'real' as they are contained within the bottle ship, whereas in say Prime you were actually visiting a new planet and so everything looked and felt more authentic but that was also down to Retro Studios putting a lot of effort into stuff like that so this still doesn't excuse the fact that Team Ninja have been a tad lazy in some areas when you compare with other Metroid games. Overall it's still a very good game but it's not without its moments of frustration, but it has served its purpose in moving the series forward in some respects which I think we should all be pleased about to a certain degree, not that there was anything wrong with the Metroid formula but some of the better ideas in Other M will surely go on to be subtly included in future iterations of the series, whereas recharging health will hopefully be nothing but a faded memory.
  20. Such as some sort of 'adaptive' control method for say an FPS in which you still use your controller to move but with Kinect erm connected... you'd be able to say for instance actually move your head to look around a wall while in cover or use hand gestures to signal orders to A.I team members. Something along those lines?
  21. So no Super Mario World then? judging by that image.
  22. Ok so I'm very tempted to pick up Move on release but... is there anything really... genuinely worth having since the only game I'm really interested in for it is the Time Crisis triple pack - too lazy to look back and find out what it's called - which I'm guessing isn't a launch title? or maybe it is? What's on the starter disc just an update or something... y'know... playable.
  23. Alatoise!
  24. Nidosect!
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