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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. S.C.G

    Fable III

    Same... and if their delivery times are anything to go by, should have it by tomorrow... tomorrow... ! time to finish off Fable II rather sharpish like... *dodges fireballs being thrown and leaves thread* :p
  2. :bouncy::bouncy: Happy Belated Bear Day of Birth Coolness!!! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy: *leaves the message 'broken' seeing as it's in the spirit of madness that is C.Bears!
  3. The sticks on the PS3 pad are awful but usable, I don't use my PS3 that much - in comparison to my Xbox 360 - so it doesn't bother me that much, especially as the main games I'll be buying in the future will all most likely have Move support but if I'm honest I'd much rather have 360 sticks - and triggers - on my PS3 pad but I just cba to modify a pad so I deal... But kudos to you Goafer, that's one fine mod-job of course it'd look even better if you were able to buy one of the new controllers that actually have black sticks but they are probably quite expensive still and that'd be just purely for the sake of aesthetics.
  4. This title has been shaping up pretty nicely over the past few months, I must admit at first I was a tad skeptical but it genuinely seems to be a decent Sonic title - in the case of the Wii version at least - that should go some way to putting Sonic back on the map in terms of decency. Sonic 4 is already helping the reputation of the series along nicely and this seems to be only adding to to it in a positive way. Roll-on release day and colour me somewhat excited.
  5. So you can't save them all up for a rainy day then?
  6. Happy Birthday Daft! Have an aerodynamic day... (whatever that means) Hopefully it'll be harder, better, faster, stronger than the last.
  7. Early hours of this morning - so still counts as today - I was chatting to a friend for hours about all things game related, we only recently started to catch-up as we hadn't spoke in a while so there's still loads to talk about, just made me feel really happy. Also I plaued Castlevania for a bit after that which is always good.
  8. Nice vid Shorty! you basically used exactly the same tactics as me nearly except at the end you do know that when one of the arms 'falls' you can actually use a homing attack on it while it's in mid-air? it saves you some time because you only have to hit it once instead of three times when it gets stuck in the ground.
  9. Congrats Shorty! I got the Untouchable achievement last night, along with the avatar award too, took a few tries but it's very satisfying when you finally nail it.
  10. Fuck yes! 'Untouchable' get! I genuinely thought at one point that it had to be an impossible challenge but after trial and - much- error I finally managed to nail it! Now just the second avatar award to get, if I can be bothered lol I know it's worth it but... well we'll see... but yeah, just happy to have got the last achievement in it atm.
  11. You've already answered your own question... Buy it, play it, love it... it's that simple.
  12. Well, I have all achievments in this game apart from 'Untouchable' nearly got it on a few occaisions, I did manage to get a nice place on the leaderboards though for Time Attack on the last level 24th which I'm quite pleased with considering the 'top 10' consists of cheaters who somehow manage to glitch the game into recording '00.00' or '00.10' which is impossible to get, in comparison the number 11 time is '04.51' I believe, mine was about 30-40 seconds more than that. Also has anyone managed to get all the rings in the little 'end-game' bit after the final boss yet? apparently there is an avatar award up for grabs if you can do it and it's pretty awesome too, for the other avatar award you 'simply' need to have set a score for every single stage in the game (including bosses and special stages) to get it.
  13. Happy Birthday to two genuinely awesome members.
  14. Quite frustrated? lol I hear that... I had to replay the exact same stage I don't know how many times before I got that last elusive emerald but it was worth it in the end, plus I got pretty high up on the leaderboards for that act and all the enemy kills counted towards the 'enemy hunter' achievement of course. Game = 10x better than the demo, assuming that you only get to play the first level or two, the game gets progressively better from the second zone, trust me, at first I was thinking 'wrf?' from the first zone but after spending numerous hours with the game I now love it.
  15. It has minor niggles Imo, not of the game-breaking proportion either, it's not perfect but it's as close to classic Sonic as Sega have achieved ina lonnng time. Also, fuck the final special stage Raaaawr! I know it's doable but I don't have the time right now, I'll be getting that final Chaos Emerald and completing the game later though for sure. For anyone on the fence, if you really like Sonic then this should be a no-brainer, just get it... you will enjoy it I'm sure, just as I am, it's still well worthy of the title 'Sonic 4' even with its minor faults.
  16. 0? I got about halfway through... don't forget it is a new Sonic game, I'm familiar with a couple of the acts now but not all of them, plus I'm replaying each stage and ensuring I get each Chaos Emerald, only one to go now.
  17. Give me another hour and a half and I'll post some more impressions.
  18. After an hour and a half, I gotta say I'm enjoying the game a lot! Yes there is a slight issue with the physics but it's by no means game-breaking and once you figure out how to use the level design to your advantage you can just get on with enjoying the game.
  19. The game is up on XBLA! you need to go to arcade > all titles > S > Sonic 4 and get it from there but it is now available, I'm downloading now!
  20. Well, it's not up on XBLA yet... ffs, they manage to get Comic Jumper up there early - which is an awesome game btw - but not Sonic? I know typically they have been known to put stuff up in the afternoon but really, it should be up there now.
  21. I loved Sonic 2's special stage, there's a simple way to stop Tails running into bombs too... Get rid of him! :p play as Sonic Only lol. The special stages in the first Sonic game were good too but this was before Super Sonic so... the motivation to get them all wasn't as strong but obv this isn't the case in Sonic 4. I can't wait to play as Super Sonic actually IN the levels again as opposed to only at the end.
  22. Well... whatever floats people's boats I guess...
  23. I don't have a problem with achievements that have you collect stuff, just so long as it's clear whereabouts you're supposed to acquire the items from, in an open world game such as Crackdown it becomes a pisstake but in a game such as say Ninja Gaiden II (crystal skulls) or more recently Castlevania (health/magic gems) it actually feels doable due to the structure of the game and the fact that it tells you how many are in each area. Achievements I really don't like though are the ones that make you play the multiplayer in a specific way, like form a 24-player game with specific rules etc or in a specific mode that no-one plays, I know why it's done because the devs want you to play ALL of the game but it still annoys me somewhat.
  24. What are the special stages actually like? are they anything similar to say... Sonic 2? [/curios] Edit - Oh god... I just found out, they're like the ones from the first game! except timed? god help us all!
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