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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Well... after reading your impressions I finally cracked and decided to buy one! ... don't judge me. :p But in all seriousness I reckon it will be worth it in the long run as I plan to play a lot of Raid Mode in Resident Evil : Revelations for starters, then there will be Kid Icarus : Uprising so yeah, I'm sure it will pay for itself in time.
  2. Awesome additional characters but potentially very game-breaking don't you think? I'm glad that I'll be buying the 360 version tbh.
  3. That is pure awesomeness! I'll be sure to hunt down your zombie-self later RedShell this is definitely going in the review, speaking of which... *gets back to writing*
  4. You're gonna dislike us both even more now then because I just had a rather awesome session on Raid Mode with @RedShell thanks for showing me the ropes btw as that was my first time playing it, I thought we did pretty well and it was great fun too, will definitely be playing the game online more regularly now. : peace:
  5. Awesome, I'll be there hopefully we'll be able to get a game going.
  6. Well I've pretty much finished the story mode and all I'll say is this... If you're a Resident Evil fan then just buy this game as you won't regret it, definitely a must have.
  7. I've added you RedShell : peace: sounds good, perhaps we could get a Raid Mode game going at some point tomorrow, gonna focus on finishing the story mode tonight though, but tomorrow night perhaps after Mario Kart would be a good time I reckon, it'd be good fun I'm sure plus I'll need to play Raid Mode anyway for the review. ------------------------ Just finished Chapter 4... story just keeps getting better as do the encounters, I'm enjoying this a lot more than Resi 5 overall atm which is a good thing.
  8. Fair enough... if you disliked the controls for Mercenaries 3D that much then I can understand where you're coming from. True but it's not completely necessary, this is Resi after all... it seems like we only got the option to walk while aiming a game or two ago but yes it's true you should be able to aim properly but it kind of sucks that we have to pay £15 for the privilege when it should have been a standard system feature from day one as Nintendo really should have incorporated a second stick into the original design. --------------------- Back to the game, I'm a few chapters in and am still really enjoying it everything is starting to come together in the story keeping things interesting; the game definitely has a classic Resi feel to it as well which is great.
  9. ... Your loss HoT, I'm doing just fine without the CPP from what I can see all it offers is better camera control anyway - unless I'm missing something here - which has never been a huge issue for me in Mercenaries 3D so it's not posing any problems here. Of course I can see the advantage of using it but I don't think it's entirely necessary.
  10. Well I've played through the first chapter so far and I must say I'm liking the story and the structure certainly helps it along. Taking a quick break but will get back to it soon.
  11. Playing this right now. It's good... how good you ask? Too early to tell yet but first impressions are definitely good.
  12. This'll appear on PSV for sure but 3DS? I wouldn't rule it out entirely but right now I'm not so sure...
  13. ShopTo have posted my copy with any luck I'll be playing this tomorrow!
  14. Just changed my pre-order on Shop-To from standard to limited.
  15. I must say I'm quite pleased with the amount of content already available for this game and the fact that I'll be getting the rest of the content that's released this year all for £20 makes it even better I only really briefly played the multiplayer on Uncharted 2 so even the redone maps seem fresh to me. Also because I had to buy a £25 PSN card I now have £5.01 left over... any suggestions? I could even be persuaded to buy another £25 card if there's a load of stuff worth purchasing. also 1000th reply, good to see this thread remaining so popular.
  16. Downloadable then most likely, I'd hope so anyway... it'd surely fare better than an overpriced retail release.
  17. Oh sweet, this one might actually be good then! :p
  18. Perhaps compare was the wrong word, I'm aware that there is no real comparison to be made I was just trying to illustrate the point that both shows are for very different audiences... of course that doesn't mean that an audience from one couldn't be an audience for the other, variety is spice etc but yes, I'd have to say that Dr Who is just something I watch when it's on, I'll have the odd thought about it afterwards but then not so much; I reckon Game of Thrones would be something that I could take more 'seriously' to a point but it's all entertainment of some form or another when it comes down to it.
  19. So was this latest Mario Party developed by Hudson? If so that'd make it their last game surely... I guess the series will be either in-house developed again now or passed on to another third party.
  20. I just see it as an entertaining series, generally there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of TV programmes that I regularly watch so whenever Dr Who is on, I'll watch it as it's quite often great fun. I can see where you're coming from though Oxigen when you compare it to something like Game of Thrones but I suppose they are for vastly different audiences, I for one am interested in watching GoT but it's not airing on Freeview (yet) so if and when it does of course naturally I'll watch it whenever it's on or failing that get it on DVD perhaps assuming it's due a release soon/already out? But as for Dr Who... I'd only watch it when it's on TV, I wouldn't have any need to buy it on DVD because once I've seen an episode I don't really feel a re-watch is necessary whereas I suspect Game of Thrones could warrant several viewings. I'm not too fussed about which is 'better' and besides that's not what this is about as you stated you were simply curious much like I am about GoT due to all the good things I've been hearing about it, they certainly both have something to offer though.
  21. You don't remember who?
  22. Happy Birthday Dyson!
  23. So I picked myself up a £25 PSN card today, can I purchase the FHC membership from the PSN itself or through the game or doesn't it matter? Either way I want in.
  24. I'm gonna buy a £20 PSN card just so I can join FHC because that sounds like too sick a deal to miss out on plus it'll make me want to get online more. : peace:
  25. It looks... passable, or actually decent if you compare it to other Dr Who games that have come before it. Hopefully they'll take their time with it and the gameplay will actually prove to be decent.
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