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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Yes! so much... Day 1 purchase. Ever since @Aimless originally posted about this making me aware of this title I thought to myself 'if this gets released over here then this will be my first *must have* PSV title' so this news is most pleasing.
  2. Get ready to order online canand - and anyone else pre-ordering this game - as Game have announced literally less than 10 days before the launch of Mass Effect 3 that they aren't stocking it and if they aren't stocking one of the 'biggest' games of 2012 then it doesn't bode well for any other games or the stores future in the high-street. If I end up pre-ordering Black & White 2 then it'll definitely be with ShopTo... at least you can rely on them!
  3. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! I am so in! totally buying an instant PSN card from Shopto later.
  4. So am I right in thinking that this - thankfully - controls nothing like the earlier Motorstorm games and more like say... Micro Machines thanks to the twin stick RC setup? If so then I'm in. But how should I download it? does it matter which system I download it on first... I'm guessing not due to everything being linked up quite easily between one account - I haven't connected my Vita to my PS3 yet - also most importantly, how much fun is it?
  5. Has anyone made any progress in Master Mode aside from passing the first zone?
  6. Just redeemed my code for Super Stardust Delta, ended up getting it for a cool £1.49 I'm guessing I might as well just download the Advanced Star Fighter Pack right now as well?
  7. That's what a certain Gamestop store that I used to visit said and they were closed down less than a month ago, still it's only a possibility but a real one. -------------------------- So, Black and White 2... colour me interested but it has been several months since I last played my copy of Black so it'll have to feature something pretty special if Gamefreak want me to invest again so soon... ... with that said I have bought every main iteration Pokemon game since the original Red & Blue so I guess I'll end up getting suckered in once again soemhow.
  8. Well done canand you're an example to us all. But there is the possibility that Game won't be around by the time this actually releases so you might want to consider a back-up plan... just saying.
  9. I hope so to @Daft I really do because it could certainly benefit from a DLC pack that doubles - or quadruples - the level cap, adds in some 'extra' avatars and skins - so as not to conflict with existing trophies - plus of course adding in several other more 'random' trophies including a platinum. If they can manage that and price it all at around £4 then I'd be happy, otherwise... I'll just keep playing until I've completely beaten the game before possibly shelfing it if there's nothing left to achieve apart from a greater high score.
  10. Hmm well if it's a matter of cost then I suppose trading in your 3DS is a viable option but if you can afford to buy the PSVita without trading in then I'd urge you to do that because although technically the Vita does make the 3DS look underpowered the system can still do a fair bit and will surely have a lot more games out this year, plus Mario Kart is always fun. But I leave that up to you... as for the PSVita quite honestly Lumines is rather good if you like puzzle games, I have Rayman Origins but haven't played it, I could do so though if you like? I've been meaning to try it out anyway but it depends on how soon you're planning on getting a Vita. If you decide that you can just buy the system without trading in and want both games ShopTo still have the bundle that I purchased which contains a PSV, Dungeon Hunter, Lumines, Rayman, 4GB card (which you need) plus pre-order pack for £269.86 which is quite a saving plus you'll get about £8-£15 worth of reward points to spend on ShopTo so it might be worth considering. Anyway, have a good think about it and if you need any other help or have any questions then let me know. : peace:
  11. Loving Life, Loving Lumines! So I got two more trophies last night, the one for '30 blocks in 30 seconds' took ages but I finally did it plus I got the one for 'creating, saving, playing 12 playlists' which is pretty simple to do. Oh and I've reached the level cap, it's 50, am crai... no more exp for me. Still haven't unlocked the trophy for 'playing three hours within a 24 hour period' despite obviously doing that, it must be really strict and only count the time of when you're in Voyage Mode or something. I aim to clear all the trophies in time seeing as there aren't that many and the game is still fun to play, shame the multiplayer is onlt ad-hoc - I think? - as online multiplayer would have been awesome.
  12. Still no code... I hope this won't be the same as having to wait an age for the free Kid Icarus code on the 3DS as that took ages, I'm just impatient, I can wait but would really love to be able to download and play SSDD right now... ... I know I could buy it but I won't on principle as I know that I'll be getting it for virtually free with the code, just the waiting. Anyway, still loving the PSV and yes I've still only been playing Lumines. :p
  13. I'm sorry to hear that Serebii.
  14. Game Artwork Soundtrack CD Premium Steelbook Case Mine arrived on the same day as my PSV so naturally I haven't played it yet, what's more is that the box the ltd ed came in weighed more than the PSVita and games so I think it's a pretty substantial limited edition.
  15. If only I had the space... that's the main overriding factor for me at the moment, I do like physically owning most things, for instance CD's I always buy as opposed to MP3's, game discs as opposed to direct download but with books I feel like I can make the sacifice of not owning the physical items seeing as I don't really have the space for them and that I haven't really been reading as much as I used to in recent years so I'm hoping that owning a Kindle will bring about some positive change. I suppose I could have just started using the library again but hassle/returning/late fees... I know I've paid a price for simplicity but I'm hoping that what I should gain from it will outweigh the cost eventually.
  16. I would but chances are many of those books could be in the 'Free' section of the eBook store so I'd have to compare.
  17. + Can't wait to start properly reading it started the first chapter last night but was too tired to focus properly so will try again tonight. And no I didn't buy the Kindle just to read one book, I wanted to get back into reading though and wanted to start with something decent that I've always been interested in but never got around to reading.
  18. But... it has a huge Cube in it, how could you not like it? Jokes aside though, I think it's a solid puzzle title... maybe not to everyones taste but a decent launch title if you can get into it. At least you tried the demo though. : peace:
  19. From your activity list on my Vita... 2/25 10:09 'Cube1701 is playing "Lumines Electronic Symphony" for the first time.' The PSV! it... plays games, music, video and it lies! :p Something obviously not right there then but still, if you really don't have it then I'd definitely recommend it to you.
  20. The latest entry in the psychodelic puzzle game that's almost entirely centered around the music for the game while everything else quite literally 'falls into place' around it. Vibrant visuals, astounding audio, fun to play, frustrating to not play and criminally addictive. Features a decent selection of modes including Voyage, Master, Duel, Stopwatch and playlist plus the 'World Block' which is a huge cluster of blocks reset each day which anyone who's connected can contribute towards earning exp in the process. Online leaderboards are updated regularly as you play so you can see how you stack up against other players on your list or worldwide if your prefer. Current forum members known to have the game are... @S\.C\.G I would urge anyone who owns a PSVita to pick up this game as it's easily one of the better launch titles for the system and is perfectly suited to picking up/putting down - if you can - at your whim. : peace: Join us!
  21. ... You're kidding me? I kinda thought this might be the case but didn't want to believe it, this is a terrible pre-order bonus in that case I mean what's the point in having it for say people who only own a PSV and not a PS3, even for those that do own a PS3 - like myself - they are unlikely to use it. At least the discounted PSN game is worth having but I'm wondering how much longer we'll have to wait for the codes plus the early access to Frobisher Says... I'm not too fussed about the latter but I would like my code so I can get SSDD for practically free!
  22. So the pre-order pack DLC... I redeemed my code on the website and got sent the codes for both the avatar and accessories but when I try to download these items on my PSVita for some reason it won't let me? I thought these items were for the PSV? Anyway, I'm guessing that I either have to redeem them via either my PS3 or on the website but it seems kind of silly. Also did anyone get their code for their discounted game? I think it mentions in the e-mail that the discount for the game and early access to Frobisher Says will come later but I don't see why they can't send me the code for the dicounted PSN game, kinda wanted to get SSDD which I chose as my title. Small things really... but yeah otherwise really enjoying playing on my PSV I got another high score on Lumines tonight, played the main mode for over an hour continuously and got around 333,000 was quite pleased oh and it seems I've contributed to the World Block again.
  23. Thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure now how this 'World Block' on Lumines does work because somehow I've only contributed to it once despite playing it every day... perhaps it's only certain modes. Anyway, the game is still awesome even without it.
  24. Feel free to edit the thread title, mods. :p Oh and bring it on! ... just as soon as I get sent my discount code so that I can download it.
  25. Basically all the time your connected to the PSN and are playing Lumines it counts all of the blocks that you have cleared then subtracts them from the 'World Block' so you contribute towards its obliteration earning exp as you do so. I believe it resets daily, check the manual for more info! : peace:
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