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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. I can't wait to play this stunning game once again, no word from ShopTo yet so the waiting game continues!
  2. Happy Birthday Mokong! I hope you had a good day and had plenty of frakking cake!
  3. Annnnnnd... I've beaten the game! I finished it right after watching 'dat Nintendo direct which featured some nice footage of it, I was thinking in my head as I was watching 'Yep, I've been there and there...' etc literally finished every stage, explored every route, grabbed every Red Star Coin and let me tell you; it is very worth your while getting them all but I won't say why. Even the two-player mode is a blast, I got my brother to play all the stages and we had fun with it, some of the 2D races make it feel similar to the split screen multiplayer of Sonic 3... except here the screen doesn't split as player one has the gamepad, it's a simple thing but it makes a big difference. Trust me when I say that this is easily the best Sonic game that I have played since the original Megadrive classics, I feel that strongly about it. So time attack is all that's left to do oh and of course... finish the review, it will be written up well before it is due, you all have my word, which is as true as Sonic is blue. : peace:
  4. I thought it would be, just left me wondering for a moment due to the wording, bring on the bundle ShopTo!
  5. Hmm so the Killzone bundle that contains just the PS4, one controller and the game is up there, I'll be waiting for the mega-bundle though also I noticed when I clicked on the description it mentions next to Killzone 'May not be suitable for trade-in' this to me means one of two things, either the box doesn't have a barcode - so can't be scanned = not suitable or the game is a download. There is no way in hell it would be a download code though is there? If so then I'm out... my connection isn't that great as it is, it took me nearly 7 hours to download Sonic Lost World on the Wii U the other day and that's a 6.5GB game, I shudder to think how large PS4 games will be. :p Anyway, the waiting game continues...
  6. Similar perhaps, but better... that's one thing I miss with these mostly 3D Sonic games, not being able to hold down and press an action button to charge the spin-dash, that was one of the best things about the original games; I'm over it though as the move still works well enough. Although for the 2D sections I'm slightly disappointed that it doesn't give you the choice of using the d-pad instead but it's understandable given the nature of the game. I've been really busy today with work etc so I haven't had a chance to play it again yet, but rest assured that as soon as I've finished grabbing a quick bite to eat I'll be on it until early tomorrow morning!
  7. As you wish @dazzybee coincidentally I was planning on talking about the parkour system anyway so here goes...
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Frakking hell @Blade, I'm sorry to hear about your breakup pretty harsh of her to cancel your copy of Wind Waker as well, she could have at least let you have that... not that one game matters much in the grand scheme of thing I suppose but still, would have been a nice gesture. Me and my girlfriend have broken up - again - this time permanently it's unfortunate but things weren't going anywhere long-term so it's for the best for both of us, at least now we can get on with our lives I suppose. We'll still be talking, just not as much and only as friends so it's not that bad as 'break-up's' go I suppose. especially as we knew it was coming but still at the moment I'm just... not sure what to do. Life goes on though.
  11. As promised update time! Will be putting stuff in spoiler boxes from now on in case anyone doesn't want to know what kind of acts are in the third area onwards...
  12. Right, I didn't get up quite as early as planned but anyway, today is the day that I play the frakk out of this game! I'm onto the third Zone now - I'm being pretty thorough in exploring each act - and the game is still throwing in new elements, it's even starting to really feel like Sega's own take on Super Mario Galaxy in a way, really good in any case. Hopefully will report back with a big update later. : peace:
  13. Sadly no... we might try and get into contact with Sega about that but for now I'm assuming that they aren't including the bonus but perhaps it is in there somewhere, doubtful though as it's dlc. The main game continues to surprise and delight, cleared the entire second Zone now including all red star coins - trust me you will want to collect them all - the 'food' stage that we already knew about in that set but it is just one act and it makes more sense in context. Will play more later but *sigh* now for work... :/
  14. You should get it, at risk of hyping things up it's the best Sonic game I have played in a long time... not that Colours and Generations weren't good, they were amazing titles but Sonic Lost World is basically the perfect culmination of gameplay ideals combined with a brand new control/exploration system that works far better than anyone could have expected. It's still Sonic so it's still fast - very fast on some acts - but controlling everyone's favourite blue hedgehog is now a lot more manageable while still providing a more than adequate level of challenge within the game design. I'm on to the second Zone now and things are showing no signs of slowing down, everything just keeps improving! But for now I must sleep, truly tired after today but I will ensure that I arise early tomorrow - well today - so that I can play before work, then after... my weekend properly starts as does the 'real' play-session. : peace:
  15. Right, impressions! (Based on playing the entire first Zone, all four acts) With regards to the story it's a quick cut-scene to set the tone and then straight onto the first act, after that the scenes are after every act but they are short and loaded with really amazing humour that has carried over from Sonic Colours. Sonic controls really well thanks to the new parkour system as for most of it you will find yourself holding the right-trigger, this makes Sonic run faster also it means that he will automatically climb over obstacles and run up walls while you hold the button down so all you need to do is keep on running and sometimes jump/change direction, you will have the odd death by falling off the edge but not due to the camera which is spot on, it will be just down to experimentation. Visually the game looks stunning, really showing off what the Wii U can do at high speeds, load times are barely noticeable which is a plus but yes... I'm really loving the art-style as the world around you and the classic badniks plus Sonic himself all look amazingly detailed. The music so far has been spectacular, I would describe it as the perfect mix between old and new with no sign of any lyrics yet, the quality of the actual audio is crystal clear in surround too. Stages seem like an even split so far between 2D and 3D which is very pleasing, the early boss battles are good enough, even though I said I don't like the Deadly Six from the moment I saw their designs they do make a bit more sense in context. Plenty of things to unlock too including mini-games for collecting all the red star coins which are a challenge to find inside the levels so expect to be replaying them a lot so that you can also explore all the various paths too of course. Overall I'm quite impressed so far, I won't get to play it until later tonight now -work - but I will try and keep reporting back after each new Zone. : peace:
  16. @Cube is covering the 3DS version, I'm covering the Wii U version. Harsh... ...but fair. (please re-add me after the game comes out though) I plan to start playing it after breakfast so hopefully I will post some brief impressions at around 12PM so I'll try and cover the topics that you have specifically asked.
  17. Around 6.5GB... still rather sizeable for a Sonic game, Even I'm not holding out that much hope :p The Megadrive games are still the best no matter how many Sonic games are released but if you're asking me 'is this the best modern Sonic game since Colours?' then I'd say that there's a good chance but time will tell when I play it tomorrow.
  18. So the reason I'll be needing a hard drive pretty soon - as mentioned in the Wii U thread - is because I'm currently downloading this game! Best of all the 'embargo' clearly states that I can talk about any part of the game just so long as the review isn't posted until a certain date, in preparation for me playing the game tomorrow - it's still going to take a while to download - I figured it would be good to open my playing of the game up to the forum. If you have any questions about the game - just so long as you don't ask me about the score etc - then post them here and I'll try my best to get back to you after I've played the game for a few hours, obviously if it's anything that relates to the story/extras then I will spoiler-tag it but yeah, anyway. Ask away! And I'll get back to you either tomorrow or over the weekend at some point. : peace:
  19. It would seem that I'll be in the market for a Hard Drive soon - less than 4GB remaining capacity will be on my Wii U by the end of the night :p - I like the idea of getting the same type of hard drive as you bought Dcubed being that it seems to have served you well so what I would like to know is if this is the same hard drive... http://www.tesco.com/direct/toshiba-2tb-desktop-hd/525-2138.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=525-2138 If it is then I can get it for around £60 hopefully next week as my staff discount will be worth double from Monday to Friday so this seems like the ideal thing to use it on.
  20. Being that the console is less than a year old, it really should be covered under warranty and I would argue that with them should they try and charge you a stupid amount of money. They need to be doing everything they can not just to gain new consumers but to keep their existing ones happy so I wouldn't be surprised if they fixed it for free, at least seeing at its the first time its broken.
  21. Happy Frakking Birthday Paj! Have a piece of cake you cylon lover!
  22. VC Weekly 260 Mega Man X review Enjoy! : peace:
  23. No problem, just thought I'd ask, I was thinking of eBaying it but I just thought I'd offer it to you for a reasonable price... as on eBay it has to go up for around £20 or so more to cover the 10% that they take. Anyway, I'd be doing the same as you personally as the red and blue ones do look better, I love my red one even though its picked up a couple of marks here and there as I use it so much, really great console. : peace:
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