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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. If this video doesn't make you want to play some Sonic the Hedgehog or other Sega games, then I don't know what will... I'm going to finish the run of Sonic which I started last night and go after some of those trophies. I recall going for the full amount on the Xbox 360 collection years ago, so who knows... this might be my first platinum.
  2. @Hero-of-Time congratulations in joining the N-Europe Panzer Dragoon Saga Owner's Club! And... congrats on picking up those other titles as well, I suppose. Nah, in all seriousness; it's a great time to get into Sega Saturn collecting while you still can. I was lucky, my first real find was a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga for £4 in a second hand shop, complete apart from the sleeve, that was way back in 2001 I think. Indeed I could have had Deep Fear for the same price, but I only had £4 on me at the time, I still think I made the right choice, though I did pick up Deep Fear later on... ...I tried to check to see how much I paid but I'm pretty sure it was when the game was around £40 and it was at that point I thought the game was getting pricey. I've done quite well with my Sega Saturn collection over the years, there's maybe only one more title I really, really want for it currently and it's another one of the big hitters. Keio Flying Squadron 2... I've wanted to buy it and the Sega Mega CD original for some time but it's some pricey now so I might bide my time for a bit. Besides, recently I've been somewhat heavily involved in Neo Geo Pocket Color collecting... In addition to a few more N64 games, so I've got to save for a bit I think.
  3. NES Classic Mini - back in stock since yesterday - still in stock Might be a good time to get one while it's not selling out.
  4. ... ANY track but that one! ... Well that happened! ... track selection be damned! Baby Park for the last race then? Or Grumble Volcano I suppose. ... Actually that worked out pretty well.
  5. Comm Error, Race 4, GP1...
  6. I used to use Basic on my Amstrad 6128+ back in the day. In fact, I got the original machine down from the loft recently, minus the original monitor as I found a place which makes a new Din plug to Scart cable and power supply for it. And that new ZX Spectrum mentioned above... I have contributed towards that Kickstarter project as I've always loved the Spectrum as well. Now this Petit Computer 4 is coming to the Switch? (hopefully over here as well) I think 2018 is going to be the year when I get back into programming, at least in some form or another.
  7. The Adventures of Elena Temple
  8. *looks around* *updates Trophy Card* *leaves thread* Yep, add me to the N-E Yakuza fanclub please... ...lifetime membership.
  9. Yep, RIP staff discount on video games online. It was thanks to Tesco Direct that I got my Xbox One a year or so after it came out for close to £200 with staff discount, vouchers etc. I got my first HDTV on there as well, still works to this day although it's now in another room in the house. I'm glad that I got my Xbox One Elite controller and Nacon Revolution PS4 controller when I did last year, I'll likely use those pads for the rest of the life of those machines. Oh well, it was good while it lasted and there is still a chance that videogames may be available online from Tesco.com at some point, just not yet.
  10. Tonight... it begins!
  11. Yessssss! Give me full retail versions or give me death! Well... maybe not that but... I mean, I've reserved space on my PS4 Tower now so... please? Just some Resi 4 - 6 style simple re-releases will do. So, I should start playing Yakuza Zero pretty soon huh?
  12. I'm still finding myself playing this for part of my Monster Hunter fix at the moment. In fact, I played it for a little bit before dinner earlier, still progressing with the 3* quests. The most interesting was the egg carrying quest, as I forgot that you could still carry an egg while climbing down vines. Twenty minutes to figure out the mechanics, two minutes to complete the quest after that... I totally beat down Astalos well before finishing the quest though.
  13. I'm inclined to agree with Top Hat Gaming Man on this one, I've always found Chaotix to be very underrated. Although I am glad that I was lucky enough to pick up a copy years ago, I wouldn't fancy paying the asking price for it these days. Maybe one day it will get re-released in one form or another though.
  14. Exactly, there are much better games you can get on the Switch for £35 or less which are family friendly. Why not get Super Mario Odyssey or Mario Kart 8 DX? Or if you're getting digital games as well then Sonic Mania is great fun, probably my most replayed game on Switch let alone other platforms.
  15. "1-2 Switch is one of those games that you couldn't pay me to keep in my collection" There's a quote for you to put on the box when you print more copies of it, Nintendo. In fact, it amazes me that valuable game cards were sacrficed to give 1-2 Switch a physical release and meanwhile you have third parties not even using game cards at all for some games. Those game cards could have gone to a greater cause... like giving say Bayonetta, Resident Evil Revelations 2 or even ALL of the MegaMan Legacy Collections a proper physical release. So in summary, there are much better physical games you can buy instead of 1-2 Switch. I know a lot of the first-party physical games (and some third party) are expensive but, they are decent titles and most of the games seem to be holding their value. It's a good console to play games on and to build up a collection for.
  16. Ikaruga releases on May 29th.
  17. I just loaded up the 3DS version as well, decided to advance the offline quests which... I'm only on 3* Quests it seems. Must have been all that relentlessly focused online play back when the game first came out. Anyway, I completed that hunting for Abyssal Mushrooms quest but I found hunting the Glavenus more entertaining... well, mildly. The thing could barely scratch me in my shiny Astalos armour but it was still fun to butcher it nonetheless. Then I just went about my mushroom gathering, struggled to find the camp, found it, delivered the items and that was that. Still fun to play, I'm still going to be playing Monster Hunter World and I'll still be buying Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate when it comes out on the Switch.
  18. If they are your consoles, in your property then as far as I know, it should not be an issue if this is a genuine enquiry. Out of interest, if you do wish to sell, then you might actually get some buyers on this very forum. Start a thread in General Gaming (https://forum.n-europe.com/forum/11-general-gaming-discussion/) and what kind of prices you're after along with some pictures. At least that way, you might not even have to list anything on eBay or as much of it as you thought.
  19. Definitely a mis-price. They cancelled all of the pre-orders. *sigh* Oh well, they did send apologies and code for £5 off your next online order so not a complete waste of time.
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