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Everything posted by dukkadukka

  1. right, so children who haven't been beaten, or had a "smack every once in a while" have no values? this thread gets more and more bizarre every time i read it. p.s) haver, don't forget about women and homosexuals too
  2. i fucking hate polls.
  3. rick dangerous 2. i might have cheated a little bit.
  4. hehe, how are those two films at all related? howl's was disappointing for me, i'm hoping that king kong is much better.
  5. i can't wait to see this, it should be brill
  6. i'll admit i've done worse, but i just think that you knew of this boyfriend's existence, and although you don't know him personally you betrayed him as a human being. i've done some pretty nasty stuff myself, but i've learnt to empathise now and i'm above doing stuff like that. you are just as much to blame as she is.
  7. let's hope so, their virgin suicides soundtrack was sublime. good to see kirsten dunst and sofia coppola working together again, and luckily for us, from the looks of the direction coppola is chossing to take this film there should be a little bit of lux's character in marie antoinette. oh my gosh, i've just noticed formt he trailer that the guy from i heart huckabees is in this too! i love him! btw, i've never really tracked a director from the beggining of their career before, so i was just wondering, is it normal for directors to sustain relationships by using the same actors and composers in several different films? i know that in the 50's it was common for directors to re-use the same actors but is that so common now?
  8. lammie - but going back to the argument a few pages ago, why does it even matter if we call them winter lights rather than christmas lights? apart from some people's irrational fear of their culture being attacked and suppressed by dirty foreigners, i really can't see the problem. big flashy lights, egg nog, tacky wrapping paper and santa are so far removed from religion already it doesn't even matter. maybe we should start defining "xmas" and "christmas" as completely seperate holidays, that way we can keep everyone happy.
  9. "fighting is the only thing i remember...i'll do it!" lol
  10. belkle & sebastian are pretty great. have you got all their albums? all i have is boy with the arab strap but its awesome! sleep the clock around is like my favourite pop song evarr!
  11. aww, you swear so cutely!
  12. i think the smell would be more likely to push me over the edge
  13. the uk is not a christian country. the only time the majority of our population do anything remotely christian is at christmas and easter, but only out of tradition. more people care about wether or not they'll get their hands on an xbox 360 than about the tales and adventures of jesus christ on christmas day. christianity is undoubtedly most prominent, but that doesn't make us a christian country; much in the same way that even though cadbury's is more popular than nestle, we are not a cadbury's country. just wondering, is it racist for white people to call each other nigger? because my friends and i all do it in a kind of faux-gangster way, is that okay? i've never really thought about it before so i was wondering if any black members could give me their opinions.
  14. ooh, thankyou so much! i can't wait to see this film, it'll be massive. thanks pro_bono, reputation point for you
  15. ash, are we allowed to say "ages" now have vbulettin been in contact with you guys yet?
  16. can we say ages now?
  17. to be fair maiky, i think most people with as many valuables as yourself are sensible enough to secure their houses properly.
  18. brilliant thread title
  19. if you do set up the paypal account i'd be happy to contribute, but unfortunately it won't be a great amount as i'm always skint in december.
  20. platty, i have to disagree. if you look at how quickly we're changing not only ourselves but the world around us too, putting that into perspective you could argue that we're evolving at a far more rapid pace than ever before. and i wouldn't say evolution's "stopped" with us, i'm certain that at some point we will be superseded by a race greater than our own.
  21. i'm sorry but i refuse to watch this program on principle. i think it's sick to mess with people's heads like that, i'd sue their asses if they did it to me.
  22. AIDS, it'll certainly catch people's attention.
  23. maybe the online gaming seciton would be more appropriate. or even tech talk, just not here. welcome to the boards by the way
  24. what about you?
  25. just wondering actually, why the hell is a boxer promoting a fat reducing grilling machine?
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