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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Out of stock :/ Even in that twitter pic.
  2. Just thought... are the Wavebird adapters going to fit side by side in there?... Gonna be MIGHTY SNUG! And
  3. Mario Golf should have been on the Wii U in the first place really. Can't believe we still haven't had a Mario Tennis or Golf (or even just a fully fledged Nintendo sports game) that is built around Motion Plus.
  4. @Fierce_LiNk Tomb Raider Definitive Edition £25.00 with Tesco code. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/tomb-raider-definitive-edition-ps4-xb1-25-using-code-tesco-direct-1917381
  5. Honestly I liked the idea of playing Wind Waker with Link in his alternate outfit, I think it makes it feel like that different person who's been chosen. The green tunic unifies them all and makes it feel like the same person again, albeit a younger/older version of them.
  6. Not sure if serious?
  7. Is there any news about Journey PS4 (seeing as Flower and Flow have been updated)? I want FLink to play it!!
  8. Not gonna be at E3, 2015 release date.
  10. @Wii you can edit your posts instead of deleting them all the time :p
  11. I only use my name because the options there. If it wasn't I'd happily just have him be Link.
  12. I've always used my own name for the first playthrough at least,
  13. Mercedes had SO much exposure at last weekends Monaco Grand Prix, it seems like they've missed a trick with regards to getting some promotion on the cars, or having some sort of Mario Kart Go-Kart event at the circuit.
  14. If I'm honest this seems a bit of a waste on Wii U. Like others have said, the game fits the 3DS perfectly. A new Another Code, or Advance Wars or something would have been better.
  15. Tbh a down-month is very welcome :p
  16. I think Midna/Wolf Link made for the least enjoyable Zelda, so not really no :p *runs* Give me Okami and Amaterasu anyday
  17. Midna's 'voice' was sooooooooo annoying! The ancient creatures such as Valloo, Jabun, Levias, the Deku Tree can get away with speaking ancient Hyrulian or whatever because it's slow and relaxing to listen too, but anything high pitched just gets annoying!
  18. Fused King did, you just quoted him.
  19. Ok there has to be a Pullblox level in Smash Wii U now Fighting on the changing platforms as little Mallo is reshaping the level and going about his business. Maybe you can interact with him, maybe not. Maybe you can use the Ladders in the level as well to move from top of the stage to the bottom, but if any point you hit Mallo you get Smashed Out. The level could rewind at some point, meaning the platforms move really quickly, and then Mallo will start again, this time moving the platforms differently.
  20. I've just realised, it's quite unlikely this game will use a 'realistic' style right? if they also have Hyrule Warriors coming out. Hyrule Warriors is bound to get maybe 5mins spent on it during the E3 Direct... would they have another Zelda also in that Direct that looks kinda similar? Certainly the Wii U Zelda demo at least is quite close in its feel. It's made me think this next Zelda is going to have quite a radical visual departure again? or follow the style of the Wind Waker? I suppose it could largely depend on the world. They could show a 'realistic' Zelda alongside Hyrule Warriors, if they then spend a vast amount of the time showing you what to expect from the game world instead and focusing on that. Because that would be the big differentiator to Hyrule Warriors which is level based.
  21. IGN E3 2014 Preview Discussion http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/05/26/the-nintendo-e3-2014-preview-game-scoop
  22. I really haven't been fond of Wario so far. I'd love it if his design was based on SML3: Wario Land, with his Bull, Dragon, Jets hats, traditional charge etc...
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