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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. 1. Super Smash Bros. Melee 2. Resident Evil 4 3. Metroid Prime
  2. Watch us wreck the mic' PSYCHE!!
  3. It was never an EA series, it was Midway (hence the Midway logo at the start of the game and in-game!), For Ready 2 Rumble 3 however;
  4. LEEEEEEEEEEEEET'SSSSS GET REEEADY TO RUUUUUUUUMMMMBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE!!!!!! This looked like a great series on the Dreamcast (played the demo, but not the full version) and would be a great addition for Wii! The original on the Dreamcast; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgpKQjTTlg8
  5. This time you help people! GTAIV Trailer Not really of course! but the video looks so cool!
  6. Wii Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17439&type=wmv&pl=game Some of this actually looks rather good graphically; like the first sewer level shown in the trailer! Also looks to use the Wii remote/nunchuck quite well, though nothing groundbreaking, you probably use it to swing the club, balancing on ropes maybe, rowing, etc... I really like the rats animations in this aswell, such as the motion blur scuttling and climbing up walls/nets etc... Also, it looks as good as the 360 version and from the trailers, the Wii version looks alot more fun! 360 trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17409&type=wmv&pl=game Not a game I'd buy, but it does look like it could be a great fun platformer!
  7. Video Review - 7.6 http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17308&type=wmv
  8. Nah, I think Wind Waker still gets that award! and maybe even Tales are better!
  9. If you don't think you'll play it then sell it! However, there are alot of games you don't have in your collection such as Gears of War, Lost Planet, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, GRAW, GRAW 2, RS: Vegas etc... then there are awesome games in the future such as, Halo 3, Banjo Kazooie, Alan Wake, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Resi 5, Stranglehold, Turok, Haze, PGR 4 etc... etc... Though if you don't have the time to play games all that much then there may be little point!
  10. Don't really know a great deal about Galaxy at the moment though either! I need to see more about the worlds/levels! Smash Bros gets my vote because it should have everything Melee had and MUCH more!! and Melee is one of my favourite games ever! Hopefully there will be individual adventures for each character, but even if there isn't there is; More levels, more moves, better visuals, more characters, destructable environments, hopefully more missions along with targets, home-run, collect the trophies etc... Can't wait!
  11. I voted Smash Bros!!
  12. Beetle Adventure Racing (awesome game!) looked as good as this back on the N64!!
  13. This should definately have a 2 player co-op and hopefully 4 player co-op!
  14. N64 - First console, legendary games, great memories! Gameboy - Just great having portable games and many great games at that! Dreamcast - Couldn't believe how great the games looked when this came out as the first 'next-gen' console and many fantastic games! Don't have a Wii or Xbox 360 yet!
  15. I didn't enjoy this game anywhere near as much as Super Mario 64! The levels were very similar to one another, there were no different themes other than warm sunny themed levels! There were no classic traditional enemies! Yoshi was almost pointless and added very little to the gameplay. Wasn't fun to use and had no character/personality at all! And no Green Yoshi!! Fludd took away from the classic platforming, as the levels were designed around using it and consiquently it felt less like a mario game! Too many similar missions in each world! Red Coins, 100 Coins, Chase! Also Blue coins! Islanders were terrible additions with no personality! General voice acting was terrible! The game shouldn't have used it! Bowser was rediculous in this game! Terrible, terrible story! Shouldn't have bothered!
  16. Not sure it will be in this case though! If it's anything near as good as the Pirates movies, which it should be considering everyone who's working on it! it really could be awesome!
  17. Selling my copy of the game on ebay if anyone's interested in buying; http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Metal-Gear-Solid-The-Twin-Snakes-MINT-condition_W0QQitemZ250088144624QQihZ015QQcategoryZ20390QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. I'd imagine they will! Firstly it's based on Sand of Time (not that that would really have anything to do with it!), but Secondly, they will be going after the same audience as Pirates of the Caribbean, so I'd expect that level of fighting/violence. I think this film will be more action and less comedy focused than Pirates, but it will be great to see what they do!
  19. This has the potential to be fantastic!! Seems a very fitting follow up franchise for Disney and Bruckheimer, as it has the same sort of themes to it as a Pirates of the Caribbean movie; the locations (that aren't at sea), costumes, sword fighting etc... so they should really be able to produce something great! There's every chance of a trilogy aswell (though it might not follow the story of the games)!!
  20. Nice reward!
  21. IGN Impressions http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/767/767088p1.html
  22. New Videos http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17242&type=wmv&pl=game http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17248&type=wmv&pl=game Looks great!
  23. It was posted under the new trailer!!
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