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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Zelda Ocarine of Time - 100% Super Mario 64 - 100% Banjo Kazooie - 100% Super Mario Land (GB) - Very difficult game! Or at least it was at the time! Metroid Prime - Kept going through the adventure and I'm glad I did! The combination of Meta Ridley and Metroid Prime is a challenging end to an awesome game and you get a great sense of achievement from completing it! F-Zero X - Unlocked Joker Cup & X Cup!
  2. Great news! Can't wait to see some pictures! I'm saving my money for OOT Link vs Ganondorf and perhaps Link from TP! Also there are new pictures (not the previous photoshops) of Gravity Suit Samus on the website; featuring metallic paint! Can't wait to see Phazon Suit, Dark Suit and Light Suit Samus!
  3. Not much of a Koffing fan, only had the original pokemon red, but never used that pokemon type. Bulbasaur was cool! Kirby's alright. A bit of an annoying character in Smash Bros, but Kirby's Dreamland 2 on the GB is an awesome game!
  4. Video Preview http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16953&type=wmv&pl=game
  5. The advert should be like the one for Prime, http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=2262&type=wmv&pl=game Except this time show it!! ALOT!!
  6. Excitetruck, Disaster and Project Hammer also.
  7. It looks bad IMO, http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=15410&type=wmv&pl=game http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14601&type=wmv&pl=game What's with the screen shaking so much from the explosions! It's so disorientating!
  8. Awesome sig!! Everything about it - fantastic game, great moment in game, nice colours, pictures well put together, good font! 10/10!
  9. Yeah that bad camera moment is at the start of one of thye Evil Foundry videos (at IGN I think), but that's pretty much the only case of a bad camera I've seen! It does ocassionally loose Sonic I think when you homing dash off at a wierd angle, but the camera is vastly improved! I think the fun of this game will come from tearing though the levels at high speed once you've learned them. After playing through each one, say 10 times or something and you know exactly what obstacles are where, when to jump, when to speed boost etc... it will be awesome fun. Couple this with the missions getting more and more challenging and you'll get to a point where you'll really feel like you've mastered the game!
  10. What can't I say? That from the videos the multiplayer looks rubbish, yet I think the single player looks great? What's wrong with that? Are we not allowed opinions anymore!!
  11. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was a great cartoon, awesome intro... http://www.retrojunk.com/details_tvshows/190-adventures-of-sonic-the-hedgehog/
  12. Just for the memories, here's the first series of Monsters in my Pocket!! [spoiler=] Other series/editions; http://www.toyarchive.com/MIMP/MonsterInMyPocket.html
  13. YES!! I was actually thinking of the Mini Boglins (forgot about all the other sizes!!) Looking through all those lists is great!!
  14. No Crazy Bones were later, these were larger than that and a bit larger than Monsters in my Pocket; and I think actually they were more rubbery! This is so annoying!! I can't find them anywhere on the internet!!
  15. Now that Bumblebee is a Chevrolet Camaro, will Hot Rod ever make it into the movies? because surely the designs would be very similar? Also can someone explain how is plausable to have Scorponok (a giant mechanical scorpion) in the film! How's that going to be much of a disguise on Earth? Unless Scorponok just hides out in the desert for the whole film!
  16. I think that might be the best way; having it on a car radio/walkman etc... The song just sounds so out of date now! and wouldn't make the best backing track to a battle! Music video (and some terrible intro!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKlcOjIUuRo Also, now that Bumblebee is a Chevrolet Camaro, will Hot Rod ever make it into the movies? because surely the designs would be very similar?
  17. IGN's take on the much rumoured updated Xbox 360; I wish Microsoft would hurry up and confirm this news!! If there is an updated console and Australia get it as soon as April, I might as well wait and import one! If there is no updated 360 (or not for a long time at least) then I'd be buying one now! Or as soon as a great bundle is available! Instead, it's really annoying having to wait on this news, wasting valuable weeks to catch on up all the great games I've missed!
  18. Got, Got, Got, Got, Need, Got, Got Got, Need, Got, Need... What great times!! Stickers/Cards - Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Power Rangers - Football Pogs Tazo's - Looney Toons (in Walkers Crisps) - Star Wars (in Walkers Crisps) - nearly completed my Star Wars Tazo folder!! Monsters in my Pocket (could get them from Pizza Hut etc.) There's some other monster collection I can't remember! They were like little slime monsters, kind of slug shaped and made out of plastic, they would carry hammers, TNT etc...
  19. Yeah she is a bit annoying, but thankfully Bullseye is awesome! They could do some great stuff with Woody and Bullseye! Though I hope Slinky, Rex, RC etc... also get good parts in the film like they did in Toy Story 2!
  20. 3 videos showing many of the Mini-games; http://www.cubed3.com/news/6799/1/Multiplayer_Action_in_Sonic_and_the_Secret_Rings They all look rather terrible I must say!! Thankfully the single player game is good!
  21. Lost Planet's meant to be quite short isn't it?
  22. It's good, but I have a few suggestions;maybe try and blend in the edge of the mario picture to the background. Also maybe try the Mario title in then middle and the name on the left (which could be in a more Mario style font). I like the dark blue colour scheme, 7/10 at the moment.
  23. I expect the Wii version will be graphically very similar to the PS2 game, which again is a shame, but this game has the potential to be fantastic!
  24. Yeah very true, I remember saying in another thread that trial and error was bound to be a key aspect of Wii design at the moment; as developers really get to grips with the Wii-mote, what works and what doesn't!
  25. This trend so far could cause a bit of a dillema! - Lazy games and ports sell on Wii - trend continues - Lazy games and ports don't sell on Wii - third party's may lesson support! However, if the Wii is much easier to develop for and costs are so much lower, I can't see the excuse for not producing at least top end Gamecube graphics, because even that would be much cheaper than developing a 360/PS3 game! and the extra work they put into the Wii game would be rewarded in higher sales!
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