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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The environments and graphics in the trailer remind me of Phantasy Star Online.
  2. Surely this should go in the official Mario thread? Especially since multiplayer is being talked about in that thread at the moment!
  3. Images http://www.jeux-france.com/news19613_opoona-l-avalanche-d-images.html Also can someone change the thread title now we have a name!?
  4. Still should be cosidered a rumour, but it's sounding likely!?
  5. lol, that doesn't really work as an innuendo!
  6. One person plays as Mario and the others players (I think it's planned for 3 others) do everything they can to get in the way; using their pointers to do things, I think.
  7. Let's hope so! Looks great!
  8. Video Link http://www.cubed3.com/news/7034/1/Videos_of_Koei
  9. So you fall for it!!
  10. New Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17796&type=wmv&pl=game
  11. This is a classic with a long overdue return though. Anyways, It's the April mag, it's probably no more than a NIGHTS April fools! If you meant Mario 128, that was Pikmin; http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17790&type=wmv&pl=game
  12. I don't really think the Mario series is a 'classic game making a long overdue return'. Sunshine was only a couple of years ago, and the article sounds like it is referring to a 'series' with only one title, something which has stayed a classic game i.e. only released in the NES/SNES/Mega Drive etc... era!
  13. Thread closed!
  14. Have to say I don't really like the look or sound of this!
  15. Well it's an Exclusive Capcom game! But not really the type of game I was hoping for! Something like; Powerstone 3, Killer 7 sequel, P.N.03 sequel, Devil May Cry Wii, Steet Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Lost Planet style game! Maybe next time!
  16. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17765&type=wmv&pl=game Good advert, but the game doesn't look to be as good as Kororinpa or Monkey Ball; have to wait and see!
  17. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17740&type=wmv&pl=game Looks good! EA really are doing well!
  18. Yeah same! Hopefully there will be some news by the end of the month!
  19. Think I'd have to agree, the Lost Woods song is awesome!Majora's Mask 'classic' overworld remix is also great! The 'credits' music of Ocarina of Time is phenomenal! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJtLyiM4jmc
  20. No I was referring to the fog in Kokiri forest; you can't see all the way from one end to the other and you certainly can't see the Deku Tree rising above the trees in the distance; just a faint outline of something; which adds a great sense of mystery!In the GC this 'fog' doesn't exist and the draw distance is much greater so you can see everything and it ruins the atmosphere! Also I like it on the N64 that the people of Kokiri forest don't appear until you are quite close to them, all you see is their fairy. On the GC you can see everyone from anywhere! This video shows the 'fog' I'm reffering to; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocufF_zHZ9s Yes Yoshi was rubbish in Sunshine, but I think somehow it would have been better on the N64 because you wouldn't have expected so much! and just being limited to the castle grounds eating butterflies would have been pretty fun! An extra level would have been awesome though! And yeah I agree that the ending of Mario 64 is one of the best endings there is! Looking back over all the levels is so cool and the music is great!
  21. Yeah I agree, Zelda OOT on the N64 for example is so much better than the GC version.e.g. All the fogging etc... that was removed for the GC version really adds to the atmosphere of the game on the N64! Yeah I have! Though the achievement (being able to say you've completed it 100%) is better than the reward! Infinite lives, when you've completed the game! It should have been that you could ride around the castle grounds on Yoshi, or unlock Luigi as a playable character!
  22. I don't think this is something Nintendo need to worry about!The DS is already WAY out in front, has a MASSIVE userbase and games catalogue!! Also like the articles says, if the screen is staying the same size it won't change much anyway! Maybe just a 'slighty' different look and maybe a change to the 'analogue'. Maybe get rid of the UMD player? I think the main reason for the new model is for Sony to get the component costs down and it will effectively just be a price drop!
  23. Well seeing as Sonic Adventure 1 was my first Sonic game, that's not the case!Nor have I bought any Sonic game after SA2 (Heroes, Shadow, Rush), which I would have had I been a great Sonic fan! I have no 'loyalties' to Sonic, I just really enjoyed the games!
  24. The Wii really needs support from Capcom, they are producing some really great games at the moment! I think a remake of Resi 4 for the Wii would be a complete waste of time and would much rather Capcom use the Resi 4 engine for; Exclusive Wii remakes of Resi 2 and Resi 3, games that would sell fantastically well! Wii doesn't get Resi 5, so Resi 2 & 3 would make up for it! along with Umbrella Chronicles! I'd also like to see; Powerstone 3, Killer 7 sequel - Wii-mote as light gun Viewtiful Joe 3 - Wii-mote actions used for moves and for drawing in the cel-shaded world to change/alter landscape etc... similar to how you used the stylus in the DS game, but better! (also kind of similar to Okami)! P.N.03 sequel - Dance actions with the Wii-mote to perform moves Devil May Cry Wii Steet Fighter Marvel vs Capcom
  25. I've never played it but Rocket: Robot on Wheels is meant to be good isn't it? Also, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are awesome games!!
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