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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah, dunno why people are now talking about this, when i've posted some stuff in the season 3 thread only days ago! Does a mod wanna move my volume 4 posts over here?
  2. Damn Transformers looks good! Though only thing i'm not sure about... not sure I like that massive transformer being on one wheel, seems an odd design. Is the beast transformer on the ice Ravage? Guess he'll be the 'scopinok' [beast transformer] of the sequel. Also anyone know who the car is? and who is standing over Sam? at first I thought Starscream, but the head seems very different?
  3. Epic match!! 10hrs of match tennis in 48hrs for Nadal, in the heat and at odd times of day!! Phenominal!! He's raised the bar yet again!
  4. Seems you found the SSBB online board, so I'll close this now!
  5. I think it would be great if the in-game could perhaps more closely resemble the cartoon cutscenes, but still, it looked alright in those videos!
  6. yeah, £16.99 would be a bargain!
  7. Done and done! Thanks! Though does say they can still change the price.
  8. Yeah looks alright from those, I like the 4th video especially! looking forward to a new trailer!
  9. What's wrong with discussing where the look has drawn it's inspiration from? Nothing wrong with a nostalgic look over the series! And how can it be totally original, yet sport a similar look?
  10. As I couldn't get them all, I just used a cheat code to open all of them up!
  11. Nah, there's no denying it's based on the latest TMNT movie!...
  12. It's certainly right up there, along with Another Code [another point and click puzzle adventure], HotD: Overkill, Sin & Punishment 2 and Mad World. Other choices such as The Conduit, FFCC: CB aren't really doing it for me atm! Had such a blast with Zack & Wiki, and I love a good adventure story, so this seems perfect to me!
  13. Sums it up!
  14. I've never seen Anchorman, but in every other film I've seen that he's in, I've never found him funny!... which is why I can't be assed to watch Anchorman! And that film looks rubbish!
  15. IGN Full Interview: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/949/949584p1.html Just the gameplay info... Sounds really good!! Having never played the series; this is possibly my most anticipated Wii game!
  16. RE: UC - £14.99 http://www.choicesuk.com/Product.aspx//GAME_Home/Wii_GAME_Home!827667
  17. Yeah think I remember doin that. There was another one, which not sure I ever managed to do.... Train level + turbo mode + small mode [was that a cheat? or maybe you just had to crouch?!] and try and get into the front of the train with Alex and Xenia, before the metal shutters come down. haha, me too! Yeah I used to love having all weapons mode on; especially as you could dual wield every weapon! Damn two shutguns packed a punch!
  18. They asked about single player cheat codes though!? I think cheat codes can be quite fun, think back to Goldeneye. I never really used them, but big head mode, unlimited ammo, invisibility, turbo mode etc... can be fun to turn on occasionally.
  19. Yeah that's interesting actually. If you go from the trailer without the gameplay footage at the start it comes across better. I prefered the HQ Trailer, it did look better from that. I think the desert gameplay footage and the aweful music for 1min at the start of the trailer just set the wrong tone.
  20. IGN Video Review: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/dor/objects/748475/killzone-next-gen/videos/killzone2_vidreview_012909.html;jsessionid=42k88c9niqckq Is it me or does the reviewer sound like Kermit the Frog!! [Especially around 1:30mins >]
  21. That can't be many places in the country that run courses though can there?
  22. Why?! So it was wrong, big deal! No need to print a bloody retraction! other sites don't when news gets updated as incorrect! *cough* cubed3 all the time, IGN *cough* Stop being so melodramatic! Exactly!
  23. haha, they never leave my side!
  24. Didn't deserve its own thread! but... Fuck yeh!! hit it techno E3 penguins!!...
  25. WHAT!! That sucks!! They talked about doing more De Blob, so they must have been pretty sure they could get through it, but seems not! T'is a shame!
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