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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Dunno if it's been posted before, Extreme Sheep Herding:
  2. Easy now Rez!..
  3. Very nice boxart! and yeah one that should attract buyers!
  4. Miyamota also believed in Wii Music
  5. What's appropriately priced? Play.com - From £15.00 New/Used http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox/4-/570866/Grand-Theft-Auto-San-Andreas/Product.html Amazon.co.uk - From £8.95 New/Used http://www.amazon.co.uk/Grand-Theft-Auto-Andreas-Xbox/dp/B0007A5FWG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1238863639&sr=8-4 Ebay? Second hand in store?
  6. Ghostbuster is on Ch4 tomorrow at 5.45pm!
  7. Certainly this gen and last I'd say Miyamoto doesn't know what the hardcore Nintendo fans want, the ones that have been keeping 'em going all these years.
  8. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! Just makes you smile!
  9. Looking good! Though I hope they tone the racket sounds down a bit! It's like someone playing a knackered piano or something!
  10. Just a heads up that Ghostbusters [the movie] is on Ch4 tomorrow at 5.45pm!
  11. Yeah IMO Star Fox Adventures would have benefitted from having gameplay like Sin and Punishment or Jet Force Gemini. Fox should have been given his blaster and the game be fast paced.
  12. EA: Wii MotionPlus is too Sensitive Better to be over responsive, so it can be tuned down, than under-responsive and not much of an improvement.
  13. Yeah I agree with you on Treasure, great call! The only time Fox should be on foot, would be if they used the Great Fox as a hub from which to select levels. Like in Rogue Squadron how you could run around the hanger before getting in your vehicle; I would quite like to be able to walk around the cockpit, corridors and hangers of the Great Fox and you could recreate the classis corridor run as red alert sounds around you.
  14. Oh come on, I'm a hardcore gamer, and I love Wii Sports and would love downloadable options. And like I said, downloads in Wii Fit would have helped its lifespan. They haven't even provided Mii downloads, it's just lazy! And LOADS of core gamers love Mario Kart for example, and yes it gets the occasional online challenge, but they could have thought about online and given a couple of new courses/characters, or some new levels in Mario Galaxy etc... I understand what your saying about the casuals not downloading, but when you see games like Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts [which can't have sold well] getting downloadable content, and Mirrors Edge etc... I just don't get it.
  15. Yeah, stupid Shigsy! Get a grip man! and from the second paragraph, Star Fox Voyage is actually quite a nice name!
  16. Big blow to McLarens reputations.It's not damaging to the sport other than maybe to those who recently hopped on the Hamilton bandwagon, everyone else is gonna understand the issue. I completely agree. Also if he hadn't [been told to] lie, the controversy would have ended there, but yeah you can bet he would have felt some reprecussions from the team. He's gotta have some trust issues against the team now, it will have damaged their relationship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qualifying: Jenson... blah, blah... Fantastic job from Toyota! Both Trulli and especially Glock were very impressive! Some big names out to mix things up, Massa, Hamilton, Heikki and Alonso staggered down the grid, should provide some interesting action. Also Vettel should be flying through after his 10 place drop. Aweful mistake by Ferrari with Massa! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE: Qualifying Weights 1. Button - 660 2. Trulli - 656.5 3. Vettel - 647 4. Barrichello - 664.5 5. Glock - 656.5 6. Rosberg - 656 7. Webber - 656 8. Kubica - 663 9. Raikkonen - 662.5 10. Alonso - 680.5 11. Heidfeld - 692 12. Nakajima - 683.4 13. Hamilton - 688 14. Kovalainen - 688.9 15. Bourdais - 670.5 16. Massa - 689.5 17. Piquet - 681.9 18. Fisichella - 680.5 19. Sutil - 655.5 20. Buemi - 686.5 I think Ferrari with Raikkonen can be a bit encouraged by that.
  17. Either that, or they are just confused over RE:TDC?
  18. Shopto.net Sale: Shaun White £14.95 Mario Tennis £16.95 Deadly Creatures £12.95 Pikmin £17.95 Tomb Raider £9.95 De Blob £12.95 We Love Golf £5.95 Boom Blox £10.95 PES 2008 £9.95 Dewys Adventure £5.95 Mario & Sonic £16.95
  19. I'm not really sure why you'd need motionplus in Wii Fit. It's mainly all Balance Board based, and I can't think of any exercises that would need 1:1 hand movements. In original only used the Wiimote a couple of times [jogging, weights, boxing] and it worked fine enough.
  20. We don't know Wii Fit 2 will use MotionPlus [if that's what you were referring to]; I can't see why it would need it. Still doesn't justify them not adding new content to their existing games.
  21. Awesome! I take it bonus means free, and you are not being charged any extra. Be nice to have a second wheel; glad I didn't buy an extra one now!
  22. Surely regardless of sequels, people would like updates for Wii Sports/Wii Fit/Mario Galaxy etc... Loads of other developers do it, and Nintendo's one of the biggest! I don't know what Nintendo even do half the time this gen!
  23. 1) No I know, and that's why they are doing it, because the casual market wouldn't know how to download and because they can get them to buy a whole new game. 2) Well why should you have to shell out £30-£40 for a new Wii Fit game. It would make sense to offer updates to Wii Sports/Wii Fit anyway, even if they want to bring out a sequel at some point. Certainly would have stopped everyone getting bored with the game a month after it was out.
  24. IGN Hands-On: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/969/969383p1.html IGN Screens: http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/143/14316581/imgs_1.html
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