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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. There's no way the mid-field teams will boycott a USGP, not after what happened at Indy. It would be too negative an image for them and their sponsors. Nico was really on it today, great to see. He needs to win these next two races if he's to stand a real chance of the title come Abu Dhabi. A lot of the grandstands were half empty.
  2. The Master reveal was terrible. It just feels like an attempt to try and satisfy those calling for The Doctor to change gender.
  3. Ah ok, thanks Not that you need an excuse to watch it again of course. Have to say though, I would like the music to be different in Yoshi games, a bit more uplifting. Yoshi's 'theme' is a bit weird.
  4. Sorry, why are we watching the E3 trailer again?
  5. If the company managed to bankrupt themselves working on video game projects before, good luck introducing tv and film into the mix.
  6. Tony Stark will have just created Ultron and almost brought about the end of the world... I'm pretty sure he'll be ready to say, 'yeah this is bigger than us, take it out of our control'. Winter Soldier shows Cap's hate for the government and control.
  7. They have The Inhumans coming out in between though to fill the gap. And presumably because The Inhumans will show up in part 2, maybe when the battle goes intergalactic.
  8. It's not like they're purposefully splitting a book in two though... This film will be the MCU's own story, just with inspiration drawn from the likes of Infinity War, Infinity Gaunlet, and purely too big to be crammed into one movie. I'm so excited. I was hoping they'd start to do longer movies for the Avengers films, but now we get two! No doubt everyone will be coming together for Part 2!! GotG, The Inhumans, Daredevil and friends...
  9. 9.8 from Gametrailers!
  10. Amazing Qualifying session!! Ahhh Bottas, so close! And I've been pleasantly surprised by Sochi! Looks fantastic from the air and whilst I haven't grasped it all yet, the track has enough features to it so you can begin to recognise the layout.
  11. I haven't watched the footage, but I can't help think of Maria de Villota... both driving a Marussia, both hitting a stationary vehicle... it's just fucking weird how these things happen... I just pray Jules is ok.
  12. Seems bit strange to me that McLaren seem to be Alonso's target rather than a potential swap with Vettel. Red Bull have just promoted from their young driver programme with Daniel, so it's not like they should feel compelled to go down that route again should Vettel leave, so why McLaren? It's extremely unlikely the McLaren-Honda partnership will be potential winners next year, given it will be Honda's first engine, and every other team will be able to build on their 2014 cars and engines. Like Ferrari, McLaren have been struggling for a number of years now, and honestly I'd be surprised if Ferrari weren't the better option over the next two years. But I guess he wants a change, McLaren will show him their strategy for success and Honda will bring the big bucks, but Red Bull, Williams and even Ferrari themselves currently seem like better options. Maybe like Alonso's desire to win with Ferrari, he feels a win under the McLaren name (the team he always wanted to drive for) is just more attractive to him personally. But given his desire to win a 3rd title, surely performance is the way to go.
  13. Holy crap!
  14. Retro_Link


  15. 7.0 from IGN did get the feeling Jose was being a little generous.
  16. Following on from @Ronnie's mention about IGN 125 list, I'm loving the F-Zero GX one today! And I never knew you could spin attack to get around hairpins like that!!
  17. General Gaming is the Video game equivalent of this board... Anything video game related goes in there.
  18. Well as someone looking to get the NEW 3DS, this is of no use...
  19. Umm yeah, we have a Nintendo and General Gaming board :p
  20. ^ Yep have enjoyed watching some of these
  21. Gametrailers are live streaming 4 player co-op. http://www.twitch.tv/gametrailers
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