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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That single player though!
  2. Hmm I think the 3DS port/remake probably rules out a Wii U version. Although it would be cool of a special edition of the game did a Bayonetta and included the first game, maybe with some improvements.
  3. Because I was just taking the previous page as an example, and because yourself and Sheikah have a habit of having a go at one another.
  4. No not everything. And fuck me, @dazzybee @Serebii and @Sheikah I'd advise you to read the last page back and make a note of how boring this is all getting between the lot of you.
  5. I just love Monza, and Ricciardo made it a special one for sure! There was some fantastic racing and overtakes in the midfield. Singapore will be interesting because as far as I'm aware both Mercedes drivers are pretty mighty there. Rosberg had some incredible drives for Williams there and got his first podium there, in not very good cars.
  6. Yeah they still look like those in Xenoblade Chronicles. Shulk in Smash is a good step up from the character models in X, but still a lot of development time to go.
  7. The only thing I've really noticed that could need improving so far are the character models... well the cut scenes in general, which although I presume are all the in game engine, certainly seem a bit low-res and blurry.
  8. It wasn't a Nintendo initiative at all. It was the month of the food item. Nintendo just put out their own Peach related tweet.
  9. Plants vs Zombies?
  10. What is AKB48?
  11. From the scans it looks more like 3DS visuals! Not liking Claire's character design. And Claire doesn't even know Barry does she? so this just seems like a strange duo, even more given Barry's daughter looks about 14.
  12. Gametrailers discuss their experience of the Japanese version: (they completed it) http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/xwnrle/hyrule-warriors-report--hyrule-warriors
  13. lol, they just joked on Gametrailers the next Wii console will be called Wii New :p
  14. Oh so people can just use "It's Serebii" in future?
  15. Which I why you told us all you'd added Serebii to your ignore list... and yet here we are again.
  16. I'm not even sure I believe that amiibo game [Nintendo Infinity] is coming. Which Mario would you upload into it as Mario? Smash Mario, Mario Kart Mario, regular Mario?... would they all work? Would there be a new Mario for 'Nintendo Infinity'? I wouldn't be surprised if they were just kept to individual games.
  17. Yeah the toys are a lot worse than the actual in movie designs. Those stretch lines in Raph's neck!
  18. Well it is, because we already knew it wasn't coming to Wii U/3DS in the thread we have for the game. And without looking back we probably talked about it at the time the game got leaked. You'll just have to hope they'll bring a version to Wii U at a later date, like they did with the other console for the first game then.
  19. We already knew this. What you thought the official reveal would suddenly add the Wii U/3DS to the list? I don't really feel we need the negative news constantly reposted. Ok you're fed up with the Third Party Nintendo situation, it's not gonna change, but you won't go and buy a PS4/XboxOne to get all these games? You can't mind that much then.
  20. Yep GBC was a successor to the Gameboy to me too. Loved that little Purple guy!
  21. I don't really have a problem with Capaldi as yet. I just really did think that episode was awful.
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