@Jimbob, why did you stop playing it?
Loved it personally. Possibly the game that absorbed me most into the Zelda world and made me care most about its characters.
I was quite tempted to go with to the 3DS XL whenever I returned to the 3DS.
But if the screen size of the smaller model has been increased even if just by a little, perhaps it will need reconsidering.
I guess I'll wait for some hands on impressions... and try and find out if the additional size of the XL makes using the second stick any more comfortable?
I didn't make the association between the " " colours surrounding "New" and surrounding "amiibo".
Wouldn't mind them rounding off that second stick a little more, like the c-stick.
It's always just faffing around all the time and needing to make excuses.
Who cares if some people think it's a new console... they'll find out when they go to buy the thing. Nobody realised the Wii U was a new console with it's massively different controller did they. So it doesn't matter.
Give us a proper button layout, give the thing a proper name and be done with it. All these half measures to try and please everyone all the time (which would be ok if they actually were!).
Scyther would be cool in this!
Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan,
Raichu finally?
(Can you tell I've only played Pokémon Red/Blue :p)
It would be funny if this had something similar to MK's Babalities and Friendlies and say Charizard devolved into Charmander for it :p Of course if it had finishing moves they could be epic! And hopefully multi level stages maybe?
This is probably the biggest issue with this new hardware. It's gonna really impact sales until it's release and it's not out in time for potentially the 3DS' biggest release. Very strange to not reveal it for worldwide.
Yep it's a great reason to buy one now. I'm certainly very tempted.
Pretty sure I said way back there'd be a 3rd iteration like the DSi XL and got told there wouldn't be.
I got one at launch, and bought Pilotwings, OOT, Resi, 3D Land... but then sold it as I kinda lost interest in it.
There's been a few games since though that might tempt me to get one again at some stage.
No real rush/desire though.
Thought Serebii?
I dunno, for a long handheld generation, there's quite a distinct lack of games being announced for the 3DS lately. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the final push like we've seen with XL models and things in the past (dat Wine colour with a pen!). Maybe a new handheld to be revealed at E3 next year, released Christmas?
Tbf we haven't seen the large model in white have we? that could have the same coloured buttons.
Xenoblade ported to 3DS... what a strange decision/waste of time.
Cool there's a second stick, but it looks weird and fragile! like the rubber could brake off like the eraser on the end of a pencil.
Might be time to pick up a 3DS sometime soon though.