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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ^ Oh ok guess it has shipped!! Any chance of some picture of it dab?
  2. I'm not sure it's shipped yet has it? Are you sure it's not the previous model that they just had up still and hadn't taken down?
  3. You just create new colour layers on top of each other and erase the parts you don't want.
  4. How much was the item? Please let it be £1!
  5. Five N-E Birthdays today, and WTF (that... Who The Fuck, this time) to all of them?!
  6. "In his quest for the perfect body, Chibi Robo breaks out the Mr Motivator videos!" Really! For some reason I thought you'd have been offended by it, so I thought go with something a bit more lighthearted! Ah well I'll know in future!
  7. Storming Abbey Road (Colour) (Disco) (Black & White)
  8. I've not read any IronMan source material, but isn't the point that in his universe people do know who he is.
  9. WTF! Yeah how come the girls T's get such big designs... I've had to scrap some designs in the past because they look stupidly small on the mens T's!
  10. OMG that would have been EPIC!!... I honestly think Kimi would have taken that one.The only unreliablity the '07 car had was that gearbox glitch that hit Hamilton in Brazil. Alonso would have been in the other McLaren aswell!! I gave up on McLaren when this sort of stuff started happening:
  11. Yeah I agree, he certainly isn't his best at Ferrari. As much as I don't like McLaren, he was practically unstopable their and probably should have stayed with them; bet he would have won the '07 and '08 title (especially as they've fixed the unreliabilty problems that they used to have). But then after 5 years I guess you want a change, and everyone wants to drive for Ferrari.
  12. The Spanish press have been running this pay-off rumour all season... and this particular story is linked to The Sun! I'm SO frustrated by this constant rumour it's unbelievable!! Kimi won the WDC for Ferrari in 2007, 2008 was a poor year, he started great with 2 wins, then the car was developed away from his driving style (as confirmed by Schumi), and by the time he got the car back it was too late in the season, So on to the 2009 season and both Kimi and Massa's results are a reflection of a weak car and aweful team decisions! Kimi's had 2 mechanical retirements, was running well in Malaysia before the team put the wrong tyres on his car, and like Massa has had one race where because of the team he hasn't made it out of Q1. Alonso wouldn't be fairing any better given those same circumstances, and I think both Kimi and Massa have both done pretty well with what they've had delt to them this season.
  13. Although they live in other peoples clothing, repeatedly bang into things and like to fly at you... so does that make them the crazy hobo's of the insect world?
  14. The best line is... "as you probably know I'm a working mum" because you can tell she really means "that's right, I'm one sexy MILF! ;)"
  15. It's a game to help tone your arms up.
  16. Well she started her career as a Playboy model so what do you expect! Still I think she looks pretty great, especially as a 37 year old MILF... I mean mum.
  17. Bat-Girl won't be in it.
  18. Canada close to 2010 race deal http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/77645
  19. Where are the ruddy images already!
  20. This is one shamlessly clever celebrity endorsement by Ubisoft!... Jenny McCarthy has always been damn sexy, and this is bound to help shift the software into the hands of more men.
  21. ^ yeah that looks aweful. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus looks like it could be ace! and Lily Cole looking hot in this one!
  22. Maybe they were pleased with initial (first month) sales. But now it's been out for a while, maybe it didn't meet expectations.
  23. This is the one you want:
  24. What are [FLIP] tags?
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