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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ^ I dunno what makes you think your opinion is so definative. If the mass crowds are saying its a fantastic game then it most likely is! I know I absolutely loved it! Yes it was probably too easy (there were a couple of difficult stars), but it was such a joy to play. Fair enough if it didn't excell in your eyes, people rate games differently. Gametrailers Spike TV's GOTY Nominations: I'm really struggling with my GOTY. There's been nothing much out on Wii this year that I'd hold in that high regard, and it's difficult because I've been getting older Wii games lately. I wouldn't give the award to the few 360 games I've played this year either. I think 2009's been a bit of a lame year tbh. Game of the Decade for me is probably between Resi 4 and SSBM.
  2. hahahaha, great!
  3. You so post your 'New and Old screens' the wrong way round!
  4. First DS2 image:
  5. New Short Gameplay Trailer:
  6. Well I'm assuming this doesn't have a story, and is more of just a sports game with challenges.Plus Mirrors Edge had enemies and combat etc... though that wasn't necessarily a positive!
  7. If it's all the same colour can you not just select it with the magic wand?
  8. Nah they don't, I'd have liked it if they did.
  9. Free Running: Actually some ok visuals, and hopefully complete freedom to do what you want. Looks like it has some achievement style missions. This could have been made into so much more though and been the Wii's Mirror's Edge/Assassins Creed.
  10. On the T? You go into Edit and click replace design.
  11. Personally I'm getting pretty bored with these constant lego title, and I'm not a fan of Harry Potter, but this is gonna sell like crazy!
  12. You have to create it on a transparent background. What programme are you uploading the template and creating it in? If you don't have photoshop you can download a programme called GIMP off the internet which is what I transfer the files in to, to save them as png files.
  13. Him and Struart weren't arrested were they, I thought it was justan issue being delt with by Aussie authorites. The whole thing is stupid and ultimately ITV's fault. They gave them permission to do it, having been asked, and after consulting health and safety they told them it was ok, they didn't think to look into regional laws, but then why would you really! Are you sure it was a pet, that sounds a load of rubbish. If ITV had known it was someones pet they wouldn't have agreed.
  14. haha, great episode!
  15. It looks nice all coloured in, but let's see it on a shirt! What's your redbubble page?
  16. Super Mario Land on the Gameboy was pretty difficult, given the fact you had to play through the entire game in one go, without continues or level selects! I was SO pleased when I managed to complete that!!
  17. Sweet! sounds good!
  18. I idea of roaming SOTC style bosses, as Hero' mentioned, has me most excited. I think that would be a fantastic change for the series, however ithe game would just be looked on as being late to the table and copying that game, so I'm not sure they's do it.
  19. I completed Zelda 1 on the collectors edition without too much trouble I think, the most difficult part was knowing where to go at times. I spent ages just wondering around at one point, not knowing I could cross over a small river (or something along those lines) to get to the next area, it didn;t even cross my mind for ages because I just thought that wasn't a way you could go! I remember in Ocarina of Time, there was one Golden Skulltula that alluded me for possibly years! In the end I literally put it down to a fault with my game (haha, as we all do when we can't do something). Then who knows how many months later, I thought 'oh well it can't hurt to put some bugs down that hole outside Dondongo's Cavern once again' and there it was! I couldn't believe it!! How had I not done that before!
  20. Blue coins?... really! I didn't use a guide and don't remember finding it difficult. haha, so true! Definately give it a go! Rick Dangerous was a bitch because you couldn't look down, so there were many leaps of faith only to land on a pair of spikes or be shot by a dart etc... It was a lot of trial and error, but it had a great deal of charm to it and it was fun, so I did keep at it, but I was young at the time don't think I ever made it all the way through the first level. Though like you said with Turtles, I returned to it years later to see if I could do it... but it was still really difficult... but then that's what games were like back then and I love it for that!
  21. He really, really is!
  22. A number of Amiga 500 games as a kid. The two that really stand out are Turtles as you mentioned, oh how I hated this bit: and Rick Dangerous! The number of time I heard 'Whaaaaaaaaa' as a died! Also yeah Zelda 2, The harder difficulties on Goldeneye, but then I hadn't/don't really play FPS, The hardest difficulties on F-Zero GX to unlock the secret tracks.
  23. He was perhaps a bit overly dismissive, but it's true that Nintendo could have done SO much more. They have all these franchises that they just aren't using/producing sequel too, let alone ever coming up with new ones! Pachter yes was awesome. His Wii HD banter is great! and he even came out with an epic name for it, Wii RegGie!
  24. Though the Priory-Luffield complex seems to allow for more overtaking than you get at the majority of circuits nowadays. It slows the cars right down, and in bunching them up theres quite often a fair bit of overtaking around and out of Luffield corner. Theres a bit of a corner before Fuffield on the new design, but I'm not sure it'll do the same job. Yes straights and hairpins can be good for overtaking, but you only have to look at the Yas Marina Circuit, where coming out of a hairpin on to the longest straight in F1 couldn't even help overtaking in this dire era of F1 aero regs.
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