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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Yeah mines the same Daft, there's a difference with every increment I go up, and a huge difference in terms of darkness between say 1/15 and 1/200. What you can do is then manually up the ISO to say around 400, that will help, but then everytime you up the ISO you're image is going to get more 'noise' in it. Grazza, I really like the one you've favourited out of yours, very nice composition! A few random ones from today: 'A Woodland Crime Scene'
  2. Very nice!! Bloody hell! That's actually a bit scary!
  3. I'd be tempted to say it's something to do with all the urban lights bouncing off a lot of water/ice particles in the air or something... not sure. I like really like the colours scheme of red, purple and pale blue in ^ photo!
  4. Honourable mentions to Super Mario Galaxy, Majora's Mask, Sonic Adventure 2, Powerstone, Perfect Dark etc... but my Top 10 goes a little something like this... 10) Mario Tennis 64 This is the best Tennis game I've ever played, certainly one I've had the most fun with. It provided endless ammounts of Multiplayer fun! 9) Wind Waker My favourite Zelda of this decade, just edging out Majora's Mask. Refreshing visual style, great story, and just brimming with character and life. 8) Shenmue II Continuation of just a fantastic experience in every way... didn't enjoy the 'subtitles only' decision, but some truely standout moments and incredible set pieces. Not forgetting Ren, one of the best characters and sidekicks ever created. 7) Mario Kart Wii Easily my favourite Mario Kart game. Fantastic endless multiplayer fun, awesome tracks, loads of replayability, plenty of characters, can be unfair on the hardest difficulty, but doesn't take away from all the enjoyment I've had playing this. 6) Metroid Prime Such a different experience to anything I'd played before. Jaw dropping visuals and effects, fantastic progression, many memorable moments, AWESOME music... enjoyed every minute of it. 5) Wii Sports/Resort Both the original Wii Sports and Resort, for all their easily accessible multiplayer fun. Me and Eddage still the Wii Golf religiously to this day, so that's gotta be getting your moneys worth! 4) Resident Evil: Code Veronica This game absolutely blew me away at the time. It was my first Resident Evil game, and tbh I had to build up the courage to buy it because I hadn't played a horror game before and I wasn't quite sure how I was gonna take to it despite really wanting to try it. Needless to say I was absolutely hooked from start to finish!! An epic adventure of a story, characters you really cared about, fantastic bosses and just the right balance so that your heart was racing, but you just had to experience more! 3) Shenmue A game of cinematic beauty. It was a world that drew you in and you lived and breathed it. Like nothing I'd played before, or have since. It was truely magical in the same way Ocarina of Time was. Fantastic design, QTE events that were fresh at the time, great characters, music and you just had to keep playing, spurred on by a brilliant emotional story. 2) Resident Evil 4 It's practically a tie for my game of the decade, but I think Resident Evil 4 may just have been edged out, still not sure. But this game has it all, a true Gamecube swan song, I don't really need to explain why I love this game, I just do, in every sense, and you all pretty much do to, so you know what I'm on about! 1) Super Smash Bros. Melee My game of the decade, and just getting ahead of Resi 4 simply because of the amount of time this game has had from me in terms of replayability and possibly unrivalled amounts of fun!! A true celebration of Nintendo and a prime example of gaming at it's ultimate level!
  5. This scene sumed it up... He was so comfortable and happy with who he had become, he didn't want to become someone new.
  6. Did I hear correctly on the radio that two of the Toga players have now died, along with the coach driver. AWEFUL news!!
  7. Penguin Bars must have swapped their jokes for philosophy! Nice photo's Daft, what camera did you get?
  8. 'real' as in ? and 'shiny' as in Transfer?
  9. Morgan Freeman does exist, though quite why God feels he needs a part time job as Head of Wayne Enterprises Technology department is beyond me.
  10. Red Steel 2 is probably a better sword fighting title for Nintendo to draw inspiration from, rather than what was done in WSR. See how RS2 turns out and build from there.
  11. And all the while still thinking of Keira... so it works as a good film in that sense.
  12. Yeah I was gonna say, sometimes people analyse and look into ilms way too much, instead of just sitting back and enjoying them!
  13. Well I bloody loved it, probably film of the year for me (or Star Trek), but then I too also loved Transformers(1)! Can't say I had any problem with keeping track of the 3D or blurry action either, except that on two/three occasions I didn't feel as though something that was meant to be coming out of the screen, was. Everything just looked gorgeous. And this film HAS to be seen in 3D.
  14. Isn't that a sign of the Apocalypse?
  15. Other than speed slicing, I'm not much of a fan of the floaty swordwork in Wii Sports Resort
  16. That was the worst bit IMO. The story just turned completely random in the third film.
  17. Judging by the fact Dante hasn't posted yet, he must have joygasmed and passed out with excitement!
  18. ^ haha yeah exactly, it could literally be anyone! Heck, bring back the other Brother!... *though that really would be a waste of everyones time*
  19. I would but they're not here right now, so...
  20. USF1 news... US F1 car to make Alabama debut http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/80776 I honestly have no idea what drivers they may announce, there's a good list out there of talent without a drive for next year, and I'm sure they've also had a word with a few from the US.
  21. Very deserved IMO, a true masterpiece! How is Pirates 2 (it's not even the first one, why would more go to the sequel?!) 4th on that list!!
  22. ^ Spoilers already!... can't anyone just wait for the shows anymore!
  23. ^ Yeah I agree, Bahrain's an aweful opener. Australia's great because it's really celebrated by the Aussies, there's a fantastic atmosphere and they just love sport, you can really sense the excitement of a new season. Personally I also like getting up in the middle of the night to kick start the new year with somethig different! I think Abu Dhabi's a pretty rubbish close to the season aswell tbh! Visually exciting (meh... perhaps), by not race exciting, it should be Brazil every year.
  24. Great interview with Kimi for Red Bull magazine, those interested, one of his best... http://en.redbulletin.com/articles/kimi/ Gonna miss him!
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