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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That looked more like some sort of foreplay!
  2. That's like a friggin' Alien FACE HUGGER!!
  3. Yeah that one seems to be a game for WiiWare though, I did see it on Youtube. I'm guessing maybe they switched development to a full Wii title and added a load more features.
  4. This series has been the topic of recent discussion in the Retro Board, and low and behold, along comes a new Wii exclusive Worms title... Looks to have pretty much everything you'd want from a Worms game!
  5. I love this in game stores... when I realise that I'd actually be of far more use to the customer than anyone in that store!
  6. You seem to have very selective memory dwarf.
  7. OK well at least a game like that magician one makes it seem like it can do a whole lot more... I think it did some body tracking aswell.
  8. OK well put it this way, you said... I fully agree with you the tech is superior... but how is Tumble showing that?... Boom Blox was able to track movement and rotation in exactly the same way wasn't it. I'd like to see games that show the difference of Move.
  9. On both the Bahrain and Hockenheim gameplay videos, how does the guy know when to go?... I can't make out the lights from where he is! Is his steering wheel inner video covering a closeup of the starting lights or something?
  10. I don't really see Tumble as being a judge of the tech though, because to me it's just a scaled down Boom Blox. I just don't really understand why Move is out yet, when there's no games to show off what it can do.
  11. Yeah I thought that was probably it... is that a pun though?
  12. Very funny episode! Thankyou for the hard taco element. I'm not sure I noticed the pun. also loved Claire's high pitched "Michael!!"
  13. He sounds a bit Jake from Scissor Sisters esque. Doesn't sound like him at all... but really his voice was more suited to musicals wasn't it, so maybe he had to do something a little different to stand much hope of a sustained chart career.
  14. Yep the Classic Controller Pro is great. I managed to pick a white one up in the US and it's lovely! Though only used it for DKC at the moment.
  15. That's certainly not the impression I got from peoples first impressions on here!
  16. Retro_Link


    Thankyou! I've just youtube'd them... Simply stunning! Just like the rest of the game! And a little story teaser at the end!
  17. ROLF... now that is EPIC!!
  18. What was yours?
  19. Retro_Link


    Just completed the wonder that is Okami!!! Such a Beautuful, Beautiful game!!! I got all the bonuses/unlockables aswell it seems. Don't know if they're all standard anyway, or dependant on your playthrough results... but either way, they all unlocked. And the 100th bead to complete the set... wow the prize for that will to make any future playthroughs easier!! No credits which was strange?... or did I somehow skip them. Final boss was a bit strange... but the cutscene preceding the final stage was lovely!!! Beautiful Ending!!! And so glad I finally played this masterpiece!!!
  20. haha, good to hear you took full advantage!!
  21. That looks fantastic!!
  22. wait wait wait... you did all this... only to end up getting soft tortilla wraps?!!! Taco Fail!! Warhammer > You lot in the queue
  23. haha, very funny!
  24. Silverstone Competetion: Name the New Pit & Paddock Complex http://www.silverstone.co.uk/pitandpaddock/
  25. Agree on all aspects.
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