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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. When you're watching the GIF's you have to remind yourself it's not live action. Incredible. ... Is what I would have said my Gameboy couldn't already run this stuff, so yeah I'm used to it.
  2. They were protecting us from the bald women! #Bald
  3. #Bollards #JazzClub #Nice
  4. Full of personality, looks charming!
  5. It wouldn't. Mario and Pokémon are pretty much the only character driven franchise that Nintendo can rely on to produce the sales figures anymore. And as for their Wii created casual properties, their success will very much depend on how many they can persuade to make the transition over to Wii U. Sony have in Naughty Dog arguably last generations hottest and most anticipated developer (Uncharted, The Last of Us). Likewise they also have Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Beyond) and Team Ico. Along with first party franchises such as Gran Turismo, God of War, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper etc... indie developers ThatGameCompany and Giant Sparrow. Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear are also two of the biggest gaming franchises and most associated with their consoles.
  6. #BRITS Best British Single, Adele, Skyfall...........................................
  7. FUUUUUCK 2hrs to go! Anyone know when the GT Pre-Show starts? 10.00/10.30?
  8. Could have bought older consoles since.
  9. Don't think this is for me, I only got 6 on Level 1! :p Level 1: 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 15 Level 2: 5, 7, 11 Level 3: ... ... and 13 tells you the answer itself!
  10. Posted for no other reason than the #random Ellie Goulding cameo from 2:15 onwards... @MadDog
  11. Think we may well get a reveal during the PlayStation Event tonight, especially with that Battlefield looking image being teased in the countdown earlier. #Shiny
  12. Dude you ben doing it wrong. joke. Had to stop watching after 30secs. The lack of personality/charisma did me in.
  13. meh, never really noticed in the games I've got for the console. Probably because I'm having too much fun. Be nice to see shorter load times mind. Sonic Generation I'm looking at you.
  14. It may sound strange, but I think Sony have developed a lot more heart through the PS3 and with their PS3 franchises/approach, and I think that's what's drawn me too them after all these years. Watching that PS1/2/3 comparison video I still get that sense of what I didn't like about Sony in the past, even though I find it difficult to explain exactly what that was. With the PS3 however they've completely won me over, the event tonight has me really excited and it'll be the first E3 I go into watching their press conference as a real fan wanting to see what they have to offer, instead of to just see what the others are doing, or hoping they have somewhat of a bad one.
  15. Grid 2 comes out in May I think, so yeah there could be a PS4 version of that, but I'm not sure it'll sell all that well given the 6 month gap to the console or whatever. Wonder if Codemasters could have something else in the works.
  16. Grid 2 you mean?... or you think they'll be developing Grid 3 for the PS4?
  17. Not me, it was my first and only SEGA console.
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