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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. and the complete edition is £6.49 https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-gb/games/gta-iv-the-complete-edition/cid=EP1017-NPEB00882_00-PGRANDTHEF000001
  2. @Wii can you start your own let's hate on Skyward Sword thread please and just go be bitter in there? :p I GET IT.
  3. Lewis refuses to wear the Merc caps because he doesn't like them fashion wise He's working with Merc on the design of their 2014 caps.
  4. Maybe £25 for the two (paypal), free postage?
  5. Yeah that's definitely the creepiest thing Nintendo have ever done. And that includes...
  6. @Mr\-Paul I'm looking to sell Ni-No Kuni (unplayed) and Heavy Rain, if either interest you
  7. Ah ok fair enough! Nah Rez is right it's a download copy.
  8. @ReZourceman WHY U NO GET LEGO BUNDLE?
  9. Alonso uses them now too :p This period of F1 will go down in history as The Battle of Flat Peaks.
  10. I was going by the end of the trailer :p
  11. Time to dust off the No.1 Ferrari cap.
  12. oh right yeah... there is that :p
  13. Ahh crap... Daleks are in it :/
  14. Same ;p Gonna wait to see what Christmas/New Year bundles may come along though to get mine. Wind Waker, DKC, Mario Kart, Wii Party, Wii Fit (maybe)... yes please!
  15. And that's all that matters! Get on it, have fun!! What games you getting?
  16. Aren't you getting it for Donkey Kong? :p
  17. Hope that's fake, looks way to similar to 3D Land and is way to cluttered! Don't need two of every character on there!
  18. 2D Puzzle Adventure game, More here: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/09/10/valiant-hearts-the-great-war-ubisofts-world-war-i-love-story
  19. (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U eshop, PC) Uses the Rayman Legends engine. Single player/Co-op RPG, can here IGN taking about it here: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2013/09/10/why-we-love-ubisofts-child-of-light-and-valiant-hearts
  21. This US Open Final is incredible!!! Go Rafa!!
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