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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Was very unsure how to play it against DuD. Very close game, could have easily been a 1-1 or 0-0 draw. Nevermind. Well played, dude. I'm going to struggle this season. It's all about development again, for me.
  2. They play good football, Wigan. Realistically, they know they'll be fighting to stay in the league, at least for a while anyway. I like the look of Jordi Gomez and Di Santo is in decent form. They need more goalscorers.
  3. Pretty much agree with this. Although, I don't think the games themselves try too hard to sort themselves out into a timeline. It seems to be fans and, at a push, the creators doing this. I guess a timeline does work. But, it's not really essentially. I treat each game as a standalone, unless its a direct sequel. If there are links to other games with names of locations or relating to past events, then that's cool. But, I don't think its necessarily great to try to fit these game into a timeline if it doesn't work.
  4. I keep seeing all these expensive awesome players in the transfer market. Who is buying these players?! How can they afford it? I get fuck all.
  5. Wohoo, new fixtures! I'm expecting this season to be even tougher than the last one. I'm treating it like it's my first season. I don't think my side are completely how I want them to be. Give it another 3 seasons and that's around about when we'll start to do something special. Looking forward to DuD. I'm expecting him to trounce me, as we had some great close games last season.
  6. Hmm, come on now, you can do better than that. Great performance tonight. Craven Cottage has been a hard place to go to for quite some time now. I still remember the fury in last year's game, where we threw the points away. Chris Smalling was immense tonight, and I thought Valencia looked pretty awesome, as well. At this rate, Ashley Young won't get a look in.
  7. But the FA will deal with it after the CPS have finished with it. That's what I've been reading/hearing.
  8. Played some more yesterday, into the early hours of the morning. Adore this game. I still can't believe it's been 5 years since the last game.
  9. So, if Terry is found to be not guilty by the CPS, are we to assume the FA will go for the same verdict? What happens if Terry is found guilty?
  10. 3 games seems fair to me. 8 is...crazy. Terry will get a fine. Unless the FA realise that, oh shit, we have to be consistent.
  11. People are stupid. I had to chuckle reading that, though. Too much Goldeneye, back in the day.
  12. Lol. 8 games is haaaaaarsh. Never saw that coming. FA have gone overboard with that one. Still think the boy is daft for saying what he said. Whether he meant it or not, the UK get up-in-arms about this sort of thing. They've made an example of him. Interesting to see what happens to John Terry now then. Gets off with a 5 quid fine because he's English.
  13. You can get meaning out of anything. It's Religious Education, so the majority of the time you will be looking at texts, or readings, or discussions which have some form of Religious relevance. I also didn't say you would just use religious texts to discuss these things. You'll discuss these sorts of things in other subjects as well, like (as you say) philosophy, PSHE, Citizenship and so on. RE will teach you these things from a Religious angle or beginning point, but (like many other things), it will branch off occasionally into other areas. I think it is a good thing that RE isn't strictly just about reading stories from The Bible and that being that. It's nice to do that, but what is important is trying to find the meaning because these "stories" and what the message implied is. That's important.
  14. Because it's not just philosophy. It usually starts off with reading a religious story or text, and then looking at what the text is trying to tell us. Then, it's about how we can apply that into our own lives in a positive way, with or without accepting what the text was initially talking about (accepting that the story happened or not is not important, neither is if the people in the class believe in God or not). There's a lot of stories in the Bible, for example, about resisting temptation. That's a very easy thing to discuss with children, and certainly worthwhile. Plus, you can then talk about different kinds of temptation, whether it is all good, bad, or grey areas.
  15. The NHS is one of the most important things in this country. Above all, it's just so reassuring to know that if somebody I know becomes sick or ill, the system is there to help. It means we won't have to break the bank to help them. It's not perfect. It needs a lot of money to be pumped into it to help it work better, and the staff need a lot of help and support. But, it's one of the reasons I am grateful to be in this country, rather than somewhere else.
  16. RE lessons always seemed quite fun to me. It was always a "this is what the Christians/Jews/Muslims/Hindus, etc" believe. Rather than "this is what WE believe and what YOU must believe." RE lessons in High School were pretty good. It was usually more of a morals lesson and about whether it was right or wrong to do something. I remember we had a debate once about arranged marriages, which was very interesting. Another time was about euthanasia. A lot of the time, it's very little to do with believing in God. It's more like what values we should hold to be good people, how to conduct ourselves in the right way, and so on. RE teaching has evolved quite a bit over time, especially within the last decade or so.
  17. So, work is all done for Christmas and I'm back at home. Managed to start this beast yesterday. Played for about 4 hours in one sitting, and then about 3 in another. Zelda-time is the best.
  18. Great trailer! Very excited by this. Mostly just to see how well Tom Hardy turns out as Bane.
  19. I initially saw this thread title and thought "fancy that, two Kim's dead in a day." Well played, Wesley. Well played. I blame Hansss Blixxx.
  20. Oh, aye, it was carp defending. No doubt about that.
  21. Michael Carrick was outstanding yesterday, right from the first minute. That goal as well, never knew he had it in him. See what he can do when he goes or passes the ball forward, rather than behind or sideways. Very good team performance yesterday. Hope we can keep that momentum going. Also, thought Arsenal were very unlucky to lose yesterday. Van Persie's goal should have stood and Arsenal should have got a point. Great to see them give City a good game.
  22. Sorry to hear that, JonSt and Murr. I'm sending some luck your ways. My left shoulder is aching like a bitch. I dunno what the hell is wrong with it. Drove home to Wales yesterday and found that in the evening time I could barely lift it without feeling a lot of pain. It's the same today. I felt a small amount of pain in it throughout the week, but then it was fine. Yesterday and today though, it's very uncomfortable.
  23. JonSt got it right, in my opinion. On paper, that attacking line looks immense. But, it's about whether they turn up or not. That Napoli line up at the moment is dangerous. Some very exciting players at their club right now.
  24. This is definitely authentic? As in, they are definitely kissing their parents and not just somebody else who could be their parents? You never know with youtube. That's pretty sick, though. Tonguing your Mum or Dad. Euccck.
  25. Gah, had a shiiiiiiiiiiiiit morning. Kinda filtered into the rest of the day. I woke up with a splitting head and a tiny bit of a sore throat. I carried on though and hoped it would just go away later. So, popped into the car, drove off to work, as usual. There's a section of road which is about a minute away from the school which is essentially two long straights split up with a bend. Both sides of the road are covered with trees, fences, ditches, etc. So, no houses along there. There's no lane or road markings either, it is pretty much like somebody just built a road through the forest. I'm driving along this road, and there's a car in the distance that I can see is in the middle of the road. It's quite narrow, and although there are no markings, people will obviously stick to their side of the road. Right? WRONG. Not this fucker. He just carries on bang in the middle. I'm driving along thinking "ok, any second now he's going to move to his side, otherwise we're going to crash...any second now..." He was pretty much hogging the road for himself, so I had to swerve to avoid him. In the process of doing this, I ended up going off the road. I heard a terrible sound and knew that at least one of my tyres had had it. I limped the car to the school car park at the end of the road and looked at the damage. Driver's side as fine, the bugger hadn't touched me, but only because I had moved out of the way. No idea what he was playing it. Passenger side, though, the front tyre was flat. So, my morning consisted of having to ring up a company to come and sort this out for me, whilst I was taking my class to a Carol Service/generally teaching in the morning. Cost me 45 quid, which isn't too bad, but still, annoyed. Was in a complete rage this morning. Calmed down a bit now, but was so, so angry. It was only when I spoke to a mate about it in school that I realised it could've been a lot worse. The other car could have hit me, or I could have very, very easily gone into a tree...
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