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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Whether or not the gun was unloaded, the Father is a complete idiot for waving a weapon infront of anybody, let alone his wife. Whether it's loaded or not, you're still brandishing a weapon. He fired the gun, so he intended to cause harm to his wife, either physically or psychologically. How would you feel if somebody pointed a gun at you and pulled the trigger, even if it may not have been loaded? Surely the man should also be charged with attempted murder or an equivalent charge in this case, as well? As for "murdering" yourself, I just don't buy that at all sorry. For me, the person brandishing or using the weapon is the person ultimately responsible. If you load a gun right now and the gun remains on the top shelf or in a cabinet somewhere, you don't kill anybody - because the gun isn't being used. Yes, some responsibility should be taken for loading it, but not the entirety. Very interesting, nonetheless.
  2. I wish there wasn't a trade-off either. Thinking about the curved runs. I'm not sure how much of a big deal it would have made on the WiiU version. I'm sure on this version you'll only be able to allow players to make runs in straight lines (like with the Pro Evo games). What would solve this problem and make this the ultimate game is if you could "trace" the run on the touchscreen. It would then allow a player to either make a straight run, or a curved one (imagine a winger going beyond the left/right back and then curving the run so that they're directly behind them). You could even be creative, where the run appears to be going straight, but then curves or moves to the inside/outside. It would give you complete independence over each player.
  3. Hmm, I really don't know, dude. I've spent a lot of money recently and have a disgustingly large backlog of games to go through. May behave myself with this one, work through the Wii games, then get this and Resident Evil: Revelations in a few months time.
  4. DRAGOOOOO do not give a shit because we fear nobody. Except the might that is Recall United. DRAGOOOOO hears that they have one hell of a midfield.
  5. Haha! That deal is insane. o_O I had a fucking weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was watching a match at Old Trafford with my mate from school, who is an Arsenal fan. Seemed really odd. I woke up convinced that I was actually there.
  6. Loved the idea and style behind this video. Found it more cute than tear-worthy. I SHED NO TEARS.
  7. U looks the better of the two games. But still, I don't think it's enough. As for Origins, really? Not inventive or imaginative? For a start, it looks beautiful. There's a great sense of humour about the game. I've still got a way to go with it (I think) but every level seems to bring a smile to my face. It feels different to the other platformers on the Wii, which I think has really been blessed this generation. Totally agree about the Rayman part. It shocked me a little, as I didn't think the guy had it in him anymore. I can understand that NSMB is a bit of a money spinner now. Nintendo obviously knows that. I would just love it if we got something a bit different. More unique. Where Nintendo really push the boundaries of platforming. Fantastic image. I don't agree with this argument that Nintendo rehashed the same game over and over. It may be true with Mario Kart and NSMB, but there are so many titles which contradict that. Kirby's Epic Yarn. Metroid: Other M. Skyward Sword. Super Mario Galaxy. ExciteTruck. There's the likes of Batallion Wars, Endless Ocean, Disaster, too.
  8. I disagree. I'm playing Rayman Origins right now and that shows how inventive a 2D platformer can be. What about Epic Yarn? What would make the New Super Mario Bros games better? Easy. Rework the world map. Really go crazy with it. Give us multiple routes, Lylat Wars style, where you discover new areas on your third or fourth playthrough. Give us access to new and exciting items that you can buy along the way. What about more variation in the type of environments we encounter. Snow, Land, Fire, Underwater, Desert. Everytime, it's the same. It's a bit lame where you get given a map of a snow world and you see "as, these levels have snow now. The last ones have water." It just needs to be a lot more interesting than that. The levels need to be less defined by the environments. You can allow for more creativity that way. Super Mario Bros. 3 has much better map designs than these games. Much less linear. Generally, they are just more interesting to look at.
  9. So, I tried it again. Quite enjoyed it! I didn't find the "chance" shots cheap at all. Am seriously considering investing in it at some point.
  10. It is a total shame that Nintendo both get recognition (in terms of sales) and criticism for the New Super Mario Bros games, whilst they simultaneously create fantastic games such as Super Mario Galaxy and 3DLand. If things were the other way around, where Galaxy and 3DLand were the ones driving the sales, then I'm sure we'd all be acting differently. The difference is that is it not. We'll just have to deal with that, I imagine. It seems ok to have games like Galaxy which gather the critical acclaim, and NSMB which will capture the "everyday" crowd and bring in the moolah.
  11. Yeah, the music is a bit of a letdown, too. The quality of it is great. It's well produced. But, there's only two tunes that I can remember off the top of my head, and they are the ones that you hear the most: Skyloft theme (which I admit that I quite like) and the theme when you're flying in the Sky (seems at times more fitting to a Super Mario Bros. game, somehow). Perhaps it's unfair to judge a game entirely on its first go. Maybe you need to go back and play it through a second time to appreciate it. The first 10 or 15 hours seem excellent, and I found it very hard to put down. But, once you learn of the game's structure, it just seems to lose a tiny bit of that magic. It becomes a bit too predictable. Although:
  12. It'll differ from person to person, but there's no denying that the nostrils look more flared in the first picture than in the second. If he was pulling the same expression twice, then it would be more suspicious. @Frank, now, did that video of Gangster Squad actually get shown? I know that there is a particular scene in the trailer that they have now cut after these events, but was it actually shown in the cinema? If you look really hard enough, you can find coincidences in everything. Like the Lil Wayne video, it is creepy that there are 12 skeletons, but the gunman's target was originally reported as 14, and it seemed like he was shooting at random, rather than specifically aiming at 12 to mimic the video. I do "enjoy" looking at different theories that surround specific events such as this, but at the same time, I do think as people that we look for things that sometimes just aren't there. Why does somebody walk into a cinema or a school and decide to kill people at random? Is it because this is a twisted way for them to receive their fame?
  13. Look in the mirror and smile. Then, don't smile. Look at your nose both times. It's the same guy. Anybody can take two photos and look completely different in both of them. Look at his chin in both photos. Look at his hairline. Look at the basic shape of his face. It's the same guy. The eyes look wider, yes. Probably a lot of reasons for it. Lack of sleep. Paranoia. Something to do with killing 12 people mercilessly, perhaps.
  14. Would love to see Cazorla in the Premier League. I'm not sure what to make of this talk about Lucas Moura. Clearly the guy is excellent, but I'm almost certain that he won't come to United. Part of me wonders whether or not we are making bids to show that "hey, we still have money!" rather than it being serious. 30 million+ for a 19 year old is insane, but I've also been reading that his original price was around 23million, which we bid, before Sao Paulo hiked up the price.
  15. I'll join up. Ine will play, too. I'm not sure how the logistics of that will work. Will we be separate contestants, or a team? I don't particularly mind either one.
  16. Obviously, people will spin this into somehow being Nintendo's fault. It's a complete and utter joke. No excuse for it. No reasoning behind it. It's giving gamers "a choice", or rather "an ultimatum." Why can't there be a definitive version of the game, and why can't that be on the WiiU? I don't think it's much to ask for. This is a new system, with an exciting game-controller that is perfect for this. Why can't we get the best version of the game AND the exciting new gameplay mechanics, as well? No purchase. Will wait for what Pro Evo has to offer, although Konami will fuck that up and not include online or something. I can just wait, because I'm still enjoying Pro Evo 2011 Wii as it is.
  17. Hmm, spoilers (I guess). The controls are the best in any Zelda game. So fun, even just getting rid of minor or small enemies. The "story", which includes the cut-scenes and the overall story-telling elements of the game are poor. Ine is playing through Twilight Princess at the moment and it is just far more cinematic, thus more engaging. The overworld just seems much more interesting, too. The poorest sections of the game are the boss-fights. Twilight Princess obliterates Skyward Sword in this department, both in terms of the scale of the fights, and the design for the bosses themselves. I quite enjoyed going through the temples/dungeons, but there's only two bosses in the whole of this game that gave me that "fucking awesome" feeling after I defeated them. Overall, it is obviously a very good game. I prefer it to the Wind Waker, which I find over-rated. I don't consider this as good as Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask.
  18. Win bonuses? Just training the younger ones? I don't think that's working, as your 18 4 striker is now 18 3 and the 23 6 midfield lost skill, too. Looking at that change report, I'd be bricking it, dude.
  19. I take it you've been saving the money instead of form training? To be honest, you would've been bum-raped in the Middle League with a squad like that. Particularly that midfield. A blessing in disguise that you didn't go up.
  20. Good game, earlier. But, fuck...that change report is pretty hilarious. It begs the question "what were you doing last season?!" How come only 2 of your midfield got a +? You've got some good defenders, though. Next season should be interesting. Basically, it's do or die for my defenders. I'm not bringing another one in if I can help it. Bought a new striker who I am happy with, so a far greater effort is going to be spent on blooding him. Going to go with 3 strikers this season instead of 4. Depending on how this season goes, I may even offload another midfielder if it becomes too tricky.
  21. Good point, I've already got about 2 and a half million econ. I may spend some future monies on a defender, but I may stick with just this lot. Trying to keep the squad number down. Don't really want to spend more than 2 million on a striker, especially as they'll be a youth. I suppose there is the option of spending it on a more experienced player. I can see this next season being all about DV and staying up. We've stayed up, so we know that we can do it. Don't see why we can't do it again. Very happy with my midfield. Goalkeeping position is sorted, with my 21 6 (22 7 after change report) keeper becoming club number one. Just need to improve DVs for defenders and bring in a good striker, and we're good to go.
  22. It's too facking late now, Holmes! I've put the offer in. It will still help with teamwork values though, yes? At least that was what I was told. Also, if I buy a player today or tonight, or whenever, won't it effectively be the same as buying a player a day before the season starts?
  23. I...uhhh...:'( Do you know the Spanish for the following words? Loss/Lose Relegation Sucking You may find them really useful! Pam?!
  24. Totally agree with you, dude. I've put my two under-performing strikers on the transfer market and have already put in a bid for a new player. I wish there was a way to cancel your bid, because I've just found someone else who I prefer. Aw well. It's heartening to look at the players you have brought in and seeing their transfer value increased. Two of my midfielders were bought for next to nothing and are worth 3-4 million each.
  25. Is that to De Peeps, or me? Or both?
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