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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Good Game, Brah. GGB! I wish I had gone 5-4-1 Defensive, but alas, I am not AC Elites. Wait, they only play 4-4-2, lolz. In all seriousness, there is no fucking way we're staying up. We're going to go down and be bottom of the league. The only annoying thing is that the form of some of my players could be higher.
  2. Internet hug for Daft. It's a bit unfair in a way that he hasn't really answered your question and keeps reiterating the same line over and over. It could be genuine that he just needs a bit of alone time, but for your own benefit you need a bit of clarity there, too. Maybe do as he says and try to back off a little and see if he comes around and messages you. If he doesn't, then I guess you know where you stand and you can begin to move on. If he does come around and he wants to take things further, then he'll appreciate it a lot that you did as he asked and allowed him some time. This kind of situation is difficult, though. Been in plenty myself to know. the majority of the time, you have to give the person the benefit of the doubt. Ball is in their court.
  3. If you want things for the house, get yourself a bench and some free weights. The multi-gyms are decent, but you'll "out-grow it" at some point, unless you pay big, big amounts of money for a monumentally expensive one. Plus, surely you'll be limited by what you can do just by using that? Or, get rich, and buy the multigym, the bench and the weights. I had my Pull Day today instead of yesterday as I had squash and was too fucking tired for it. By the final game, I was dead on my feet. Pull Day today destroyed me. Dat heat! It's too warm for this.
  4. I'm going to lose about 20-0 today.
  5. Get Spotify and then thank me later. There's a TON of new music you will discover just through that alone. Or do you just not get that emotional attachment with music?
  6. There's bad writing with some film characters, there's bad writing with musical lyrics and there's bad writing with the dialogue of some games characters. That doesn't and shouldn't taint the whole genre. There's equally good examples. What about the classic "Alien", which helped to redefine both the science fiction and thriller genre? The characters in that are all well developed, well written and the way it is filmed and shot is iconic. It's a classic for a reason. Blade Runner? I can't live without music. It's too broad and I'm amazed when people say that they don't listen to it at all. It's the broadest and widest thing there is. There is literally something for everyone. You can argue that for film and games too, but music in particular has a certain amount of depth to it. There's also new genres being created all of the time, amalgamations of genres, genres being "brought back" and reworked. I went through a dip where I fell out of love with music, but I'm right back in it now after doing some soul searching and now I'm finding new stuff all the time. Films are important to me. They engage me in a different way to films. In terms of priority, they matter to me less than music, but it's still very important. Even the whole experience of going to the cinema, which is something that I class as a night out. I love it. True, there is a lot of trash out there. I will rarely go to the cinema to see an action or a comedy film, purely because the amount of shovelware that exists is large. But, by the same token, there's so much to enjoy. I was blown away by Man of Steel, I will always remember watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight back to back in preparation for Rises and seeing the Lord of the Rings trilogy in succession is another great memory of mine. So, it would have to be games that would miss out. Not because I necessarily think it's not important to me, but only because I'm too in love with the other two to let go of those. At the moment, I'm gaming quite a bit and that trend seems to have been continuing since around the time I finished uni. I went through a lull period where I just lost a bit of interest, but now I'm right back in it and love it.
  7. Benteke has handed a transfer request and Bent is being linked with Newcastle. I can see one of them leaving for sure. Both would be disastrous for Villa. If they could get big, big money for Benteke, then that would be great as they could reinvest.
  8. It can help though if either yourself or the person you are a bit nervous. Not everyone is an extrovert, so I do believe there's a place for those type of dating locations. You could do the whole lot and go for a film, meal and then a drink. Long date is long. Film to break the ice, a meal so you can get chatty and the drink to GO FOR THE KILL. Or, go for the drink first to loosen up and then the meal, and then the film where the dating person can rest on your shoulder, or on your lap, nomsayin'?
  9. I don't understand how some people can be passive or have no interest in music. I'm not really talking about taste, I'm talking about having no desire to listen to it or discover new music. It's almost the same as people who don't like watching films. Genuine conversation with somebody at work: "I'm off to the cinema tonight, can't wait, I'm seeing blah blah blah herpa derpa." (this is me) "Oh, the cinema, I don't like it. I can't sit down for too long." "Ok...do you prefer watching stuff at home then?" "No, I don't really have time to watch films. I don't like sitting down and watching things, it's boring." ... Why do I work with these people?
  10. I laughed at that bit. I imagine everyone in real life refers to you as jayseven. Sounds like good work, though. It also highlights how being friendly and nice to everyone can get you far, especially in work.
  11. The trick is to find a woman who plays games but not necessarily the same ones as you. I can play Xenoblade or whatever I want on the telly and Ine has the 3DS to do whatever. Animal Crossing, at the moment. So, you can game, spend time together and be in a relationship. Three birds, one giant stone. Win win win win winnnn. @Aneres11, that's quite brave to break it off. It can be an incredibly awkward thing to do. It's cool that both of you are still friendly. Sometimes those sorta things go sour realllly quickly. @drahkon, try to get the dinner idea in there, but it's not absolutely essential. As long as you're spending time alone with each other and getting friendlier (if you know what I mean.jpeg) then you can use your charm and it'll all go fine. Ask her out for a drink after the film, if you're still going to that.
  12. Personally, I would kill all of you for the chance to play a Zelda fighter in the style of Soul Caliber. The reasons why it could/would work: Nintendo systems are quite famous for being a bit short on racers and fighters. So, there isn't an abundance of them. This could fill a gap. Zelda is a long and established franchise with followers of all ages. So, it has the Zelda and Nintendo branding to help it sell. The games have existed for a long time and contain tons of memorable characters. Shortening the roster would be a lot tougher than having to struggle to think of additions to it. The same point above applies, but with regards to locations. Imagine fighting with the waterfall entrance to Zora's domain behind you. Or fighting in Death Mountain. Or fighting in that same area where you beat Demise in Skyward Sword. There's tons of opportunities and scope here.
  13. That would be milking it now. But, there's enough content and there's room for a fighter, for sure. Probably a racer, too. Golf and Tennis are a bit too niche. Not sure the demand would be there for eet.
  14. It would be a nice change from racing in Karts. It wouldn't replace Mario Kart, but it would go alongside it nicely.
  15. But, imagine the fanboyssss. They would eat their own livers for stuff like this. It would also mean that the Brawl roster wouldn't be clogged up with Zelda characters. There's probably enough room for another fighter on the system, as traditionally Nintendo systems (particularly from the N64 onwards) have been a bit light on the fighters and racers side.
  16. A better idea: A Zelda fighter in the style of the original Soul Caliber. Imagine the roster, imagine the locations and battlefields. Imagine that music. Imagine imagine.
  17. The other montage too is fantastic. THERE'S NO EASY WAY OUUUUUUT! Am cry, Stallone. Am cry. I remember getting emotional over that as a kid. Drago used to scare the shit out of me. Trying to watch Universal Soldier after with him in it after seeing Rocky IV only made it worse, seeing as how he's almost unstoppable in that, too.
  18. Yeah, it will leave you with smoother skin, I imagine. Basically, guitar and gym will ruin your hands. :p Stairs are awful. Worse considering that I live on a ground floor flat. Every step down there is ow, ow, ow. There's a lot of them, too. Anyway, welcome to this thread. That's good going with the running.
  19. It could be just to get the ball rolling. Arsenal haven't got a chance in getting Suarez and I don't think they really care either. However, they are after Higuain. If Real Madrid put a bid in a or Suarez and it's accepted, then that might free Higuain to go to Arsenal.
  20. Go onnnn, @Animal. Life has been awesome lately. New car is brilliant, Glastonbury was amazing, Thorpe Park was great and the weather is turning wonderful. We bought a small, tiny portable barbecue and used it for the first time today after the final at Wimbledon today. Food was lovely. I've been sat in the garden all weekend, wearing pretty much nothing at all and soaking up the sunshine. Am I...Am I winning?
  21. Loooool, genuine facebook status update from somebody I went to school with: "What a final from Murray - He's really made tennis big in Britain now."
  22. I've never tried gloves. Do they actually help much at all? Won't it hinder your grip strength in the long run, unless you plan on using gloves forever? I'm going to get back into skipping tomorrow. I'll do it in the morning after I've dropped Ine off at work, as it's cooler then and the outside of the house will be in the shade. Tomorrow will also be Pull Day and potentially will be doing squash in the evening. Tiredings o'clock.
  23. That was incredible. Can't believe he did it in straight sets. Djokovic was gracious in defeat, a true champion, but Murray ruined him over those 3 sets. Some of the shots he made were amazing, I can't believe how many times Djok tried to play a drop shot or smashed a shot wide and Andy just got there time and time again. He fought for every point. Loved that.
  24. I'm going off the current topic, but back on topic: I've just started House of the Dead 2 and 3. I've got Overkill as well, but I'm building up to it. I love 3, although the unintentionally diabolical voice acting in 2 makes it brilliant. Ahaha. My first ever time playing these games.
  25. Welcome home, @bluey.
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