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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Great doing, Raineeng. Pull Day killed me. I almost fell asleep whilst eating my tea. Why do we put ourselves through this? :p
  2. Hurray! Although, ANY Rare game? Really? What about Killer Instinct? Or Goldeneye? Perfect Dark? The DKC games?
  3. My order is still awaiting dispatch. I believe we used the deal at WowHD to start it all off. Hmm, I wonder if that had anything to do with it.
  4. Happy 7th Birthday, Bailey.
  5. Give it a try, brah. Fuck the haters.
  6. I really enjoyed this game and it's one of my favourites evaaar. It's Fusion in 3D. It's fun to play, quite tense at the right moments and it has some memorable boss fights. It's a shame it didn't get more recognition. I'd love another game in this sort of style, maybe even on the 3DS.
  7. @drahkon, that watch looks gorgeous. So, would you recommend it then? I've been looking for a nice littke pocket watch for years. Does it feel quite flimsy or is it quite a decent build?
  8. Take it as a compliment. If you went with a friend, you could pretend that they were your boyfriend and you probably wouldn't be bothered again. :p Push Day: Done. Squash tonight. Some brutal games yesterday with Ine... I need to win tonight. :p
  9. Legs are the ones that ache the most for me. But yes, it's getting better and they don't ache as much as they used to. Sometimes I feel great the next day and that's probably down to doing them twice a week. Weight has gone down again. On the whole, I'd say I was looking pretty good. Feelsgoodman. Also, @nightwolf: You're a woman who probably isn't wearing much (unless you go swimming fully clothed, har har), so men will perve and try it on. I always used to laugh when I was in the sauna or steam room with another girl and you can always guarantee that the woman would get hit on. (not by me, obviously, by others I mean.)
  10. Fuuuuck thiis gaaaaame. This is how tension is done. Fuck, I lost two survivors tonight. One of them was killed because I got rushed by about 4 zombies at once and the other one was a stupid kill. I hit the helmet off a riot police Zombie and it fell on the ground. Because it was dark, I couldn't see where it went. It ended up behind me and killed me in one hit. Fuuuuu. I pulled off some spectacular shots tonight. I had two bullets left against about 4 zombies and somehow managed to get two headshots before dismantling the other two with the bat. My heart was racing and I was thinking shit, shit, shitttt. I have no idea how I'm going to do this game on survival...
  11. We usually have good matches don't we, brah? I wouldn't be surprised if I lose this 6-0 or if it finishes 3-3. DRAGOOOOO will not be taking this Cup seriously. It's all about the Champions League League.
  12. Let me know if this telly is any good. I believe I saw this one along with about a dozen others and was spoilt for choice. Some of the TVs there were HNNNNNGGGGGGGGG! How much did you pay for it, if you don't mind me asking? I was looking at around £400-ish for a price range, but I think I'll need to spend quite a bit more than that.
  13. The BBC are running an article on this. It seems to be something that quite a few people have been talking about lately. From my point of view, the Olympics were something that I didn't appear to be that bothered about during the process and the build up to it. But, once it hit, I was engrossed. I also enjoyed the atmosphere in the country, even turning on the radio and hearing commentators being really excited about it. So, from my point of view, it was worth it. But, there's a lot of arguments either way.
  14. You're making me mad, brah. Time to piss people off. What's one title I've never got to grips with... Super Mario 64 Come at me! I've never been a huge fan of it. It was good but it didn't change my world. I was a much bigger fan of the settings in Sunshine and Galaxy and actually preferred them from a gameplay point of view. I remember spending hours on 64 trying to enjoy it, but it didn't click with me.
  15. Yeah, that's the one thing about the title that annoys me. I can see why they did it, to carry over the name from the 3DS version. But, urrrgh, it doesn't fit.
  16. I do agree to some extent. I love titles like Other M, which was probably their most inventive title that they've ever used. (you could almost write an essay on that title based on the content of the game). Surely with 3D World they are referencing both the old and new games at once? 3D World is the sequel to 3D Land, whereas Land and World were both used (like you said) in the past for their previous Mario games. It seems like a fitting title. Although, I'm not really a fan of numbers. I much prefer subtitles or some clever word play. The Zelda titles are pretty good for this.
  17. Twilight Princess is lovely enough as it is. Leave it alone. :p
  18. That's true love right there.
  19. I've heard nothing, brah. :'(
  20. I'm confused. MadDog hasn't accepted my challenge.
  21. First of all, hello and welcome. Secondly, you start off your post with this: It's hardly creative to begin with. SNES is in itself an upgraded name over the NES, as is the likes of SUPER Metroid or even Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2 and 3. Even during the N64 era they just added 64 to the end of games. Super Mario 64. Lylat Wars 64. Mario Kart 64. So, I'd argue that nothing has changed, personally. If anything, Nintendo are remaining true to form.
  22. Yeah, I'm enjoying having 17 4s or 18 5s in the team. I'm not going to buy any more players now, except for potentially another defender (hopefully I'll get one from the youth academy...) So, this is my squad. I'm sorted for the next two or three seasons without needing to buy anyone. I have 11 players under the age of 24, so I'm going to get the most out of them whilst I can. Like you say, it's going to be a loooong road. Sent you one, brah.
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