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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. See, what I would have done is play Arkham City first, then Luigi, then get Origins. I worry that City and Origins will be quite similar, so I want a sufficient break between the two. THE WONDERFUUUUL ONE OH ONEEEE.
  2. Laughed so hard. Yeah, Miiverse on 3DS would have been unreal. Imagine all the images for stuff like 3DLand, Kid Icarus and Mario Kart. Yeah, that seems like the next thing to do. It would also make meeting up for matches and games and stuff a lot easier, surely?
  3. I'll be picking this up regardless, although it may be a while after it launches due to having other stuff to play around that time. I'm loving Arkham City, so it's natural to want to pick this up afterwards. I don't need a multiplayer for this.
  4. I mentioned this earlier. "I would actually put that as a negative. For me, this is why Skyward Sword was weaker than it should have been. The narrative was almost non-existent." But, even with Mario, the storytelling isn't that great. I'm sure Nintendo could come up with something better than they already do. It doesn't need to be on the scale of something like Xenoblade, but I can't help but sigh and think "yeah, yeah, let's skip this shit..." whenever I start up a new Mario game. :p
  5. I had a shit night's sleep. It was awful. Really, really awful. I felt tired, felt comfortable enough and it was late, so I expected to get off ok. But, no. No. Nooooo. I just couldn't do it. I used to find sleeping hard in Wales, too. I'd go to the gym, so I was using up my energy, but it still wouldn't work. Yesterday was like that. No matter how I altered my body or if I was above or below the covers or if I faced one way or the other, nothing worked. In the end, I got pissed off and played ZombiU til about 5:30, at which point I STILL didn't feel tired. What the fuck, body? Somehow I managed to do it and woke up at around 11. I hate this.
  6. I have yet to find that. I think I've missed it somewhere. I had a major FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU moment, again. I couldn't sleep at all last night, so decided to play this...until about 5:30 in the morning. The sun was coming up, it was quite eerie.
  7. I like all Metroid. I just feel that we're more likely to get an Other M or Fusion-style Metroid seeing as they're more recent than Super, and because I'm not sure Nintendo has it in them to create something as "complex" as Super anymore. Of course, everyone would love another Super Metroid, but let's be realistic now. :laughing:
  8. @Sprout, cheers for your loot, brah. You must have had about 30 bullets in your backpack, aha. They came in useful. My current survivor is the best one yet. I did really well tonight. Managed to get back to the Brick Lane flats and killed my old zombie. Made it through the next sequence all ok.
  9. That's a shame, brah. I can't imagine playing this solely with the GamePad...the WiiMote is too precise. I had a hooooorrible moment earlier. Basically:
  10. Do you mean in terms of difficult? As in, too hard? From a gameplay perspective, I think the water temples are the best constructed temples in the game. They were fantastic in MM and TP.
  11. It's all part of the plan. "If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a Microsoft console only sells 10,000 units, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan.” But when I say that the Wii U doesn't even make it from the shelves, well then everyone loses their minds!" Maybe it's their plan all along. Let the system fail, receive FREE publicity, then launch the greatest comeback of all time. Starting with Pikmin 3... FUCK!
  12. @Murr, I had that Ghostbusters HQ/Fire Station. I played so much on that thing. Ecto-1 was my pride and joy, then I think somehow I broke it. The feels! :'( The Ghostbusters toys were amaziiiing.
  13. Eet's ok. Lol at the Eeyore bit. It makes you wonder though. If there were a new gaming outlet on the high street, I wonder if they'd make a killing. I do think there's a gap there. People want exposure to games, but they also want decent prices. I cringe everytime I go into a supermarket and GAME store and see the new prices (not the deals). It's obscene at times. 45 quid for a new game is crazy. Although, I am the first one to admit that the deals are amazing when they arrive. Like when ASDA had the Wii U for £199. It quickly sold out at that price, both times, so there are people there who do want it and are waiting for those prices to drop, I feel.
  14. Dat Ending. I cri, evrytim.
  15. But if the prices are high to begin with, won't they just wait for it to drop? So, it's a combination of a lot of things really.
  16. From the sounds of things, @Iun has a bit of a hard time (understatement) in that country. Even more so considering that he's seen as a "foreigner" in "their" land. So, whatever he did, whether it was polite or not, the reaction from the "locals" would have been the same. Amirite?
  17. This game is awesome. I LOVE being able to use the Wiimote and the GamePad in tandem. I discovered today how you could send one of your leaders off to one area using the GamePad (setting a course/route for them) and then you could do something different with the other one. It was easy to switch back or forth using the minus button on the Wiimote. I sent one leader off to get fruit and the other to get something on the other side of the map. It makes things so much easier...multitasking at its best. The controls really are a triumph. Not to mention, this really is a gorgeous game. So pleased.
  18. Unlucky, dude. If you had gone for it a week earlier, you could have got it from Grainger Games for £25 quid. Want my advice? Get a link for the game and go to Flubit. @Rummy will vouch for you, both of us managed to get Pikmin for around 25 or so quid thanks to it. So, maybe take the grainger games link and input it into there, you might get a good deal?
  19. Pretty much the best thing you've ever written. The bold bit is important. Developers are now able to create games with much greater graphical details, which can help the storyline. This reminds me a lot of Silent Hill: Shattered Memory on the Wii. You would zoom in and look at posters or certain things and it helped you create an idea of that environment. That game was "cinematic" in a certain sense. It didn't have tons of explosions or witty-one liners, but it did things in a slightly different way. You would get voicemails. In Metroid Prime, you would find logs that fill in part of the back-story. All of these are interesting ways of telling stories. I'm all for games becoming more cinematic and for inventing stories of their own, because it will only lead to deeper experiences. In a way, I wish Nintendo would do something other than "Oh shi-, Peach has been kidnapped again." They're missing a trick there.
  20. What annoys me is that they do have the potential to do something amazing. Pikmin 3 is proof of that. It's different, we don't get one every so often but they've put a lot of love into it, tons of polish and now we have this beautiful game to play. They've got tons of games in reserves. The Wii badly needed another racer, so why no F Zero? An F Zero for the Wii U launch would have been a real signal of intent that they meant business. It annoys me because I can't help but feel at times that if they were on the PS3 or 360, they would get all these modes, online features and they would definitely see the light of day. There's a few too many ifs and buts when they're on Nintendo machines. We're not guaranteed ANYTHING. It's annoying, because we know they can do it. I look at Pikmin 3 and stuff like Luigi's Mansion 2 and I'm glad they can create impressive games like that. But...it's not as often as it should be.
  21. Ok, I've been back through this thread and what I have done is copied the posts that were still relevant to this topic to a new thread. All of the posts about video game narratives and Nintendo's variety have been moved into their own threads. Please don't bring them up again in here. Some posts have been slightly altered. If there's anything I've missed, then please let me know. I see Amazon have put the price of the Wii U Premium back up to around £240. Far too high, imo.
  22. Keep posts on topic and if you need to discuss something completely unrelated, please make a new thread for it... I would actually put that as a negative. For me, this is why Skyward Sword was weaker than it should have been. The narrative was almost non-existent.
  23. I've moved the posts from the previous thread yesterday, which were wildly off topic. You can carry on with the discussion here, but please keep it civilised. Any flaming posts or the like will be deleted. A football manager game on either the 3DS or Wii U would be sweet. There were aspects of it in the Fifa for Wii U, but I want a proper one. I can't believe there wasn't one for the DS actually!
  24. That Mastodon still looks good. Easily the best looking one. I always thought the Triceratops looked a bit shiiit. It just "wheels" into battle. Cmaaaaan.
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