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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Dude... 47 letters. Although, a few of the names could be shortened with variations of their spelling. I'm exhausted just thinking about typing out that workout routine!
  2. ...Thread that celebrates their birthday! Yes, that thread title is indeed an anagram of @jayseven and @lostmario! They are both 29 years of age today. Are ye twins?! Happy Birthday!
  3. Whether it's a direct or conference or a foam party in Ibiza...I'm more concerned about what exactly Nintendo are going to show rather than how they're going to show it. The internet age is a strange one. You can no longer pull the wool over people's eyes or make false promises that can't or won't be kept. People are starting to see through Nintendo and they've been doing so for some time. It's reflected in the sales and popularity of the WiiU. I want to know how Nintendo plan on turning this around. I'll be observing what Nintendo do with curiosity. There's a lot of work to be done.
  4. That's a sound idea! Might actually have to give that a try to see what it looks like. It's interesting how they've managed to make some changes to the console. The hard drive cover is more of a matte finish, which does match the rest of the console. However, there is something that I quite like about the black one being shinier. Also, no touch buttons on the white console for power and eject!
  5. The PS4 is here and we've switched over the HDD to the new one. Dat storage space. @Shorty, getting that drive out of the casing was a right bitch! We followed a youtube video where a guy was removing it out of the old casing. Apparently the new one is much tougher and it proved to be so. We had to resort to getting a stanley knife out, or else the casing would never have been removed. However, we took your advice and swapped the PS4 HDD into the new drive's casing and we now have a spare 500GB external drive to spare. Might use that for school work! We've given this all a test. Can confirm that we were able to both play online together on two separate PS4s using just one PS+. We tried it with Rocket League. Makes quite a difference having a whole screen to yourself. The white PS4 console is lovely. Think I might actually prefer the black though!
  6. Oh man, this was my first proper PS4 game. (retail, I mean. Guess my first real game was Resogun) This game blew me away. It's absolutely outstanding. Glad to hear that you're enjoying it, @Ronnie. I'm going to give it another playthrough at some point. Possibly before the sequel arrives later this year. I was also gutted about many of the trophies being multiplayer. Or else I would have platinumed this. Pretty sure @Eenuh got all of the single player trophies.
  7. I never said Poe was a complex character. I only elaborated on the characters that you mentioned. The complex characters were the new ones introduced: Finn, Rey and Kylo Ren. I'd also argue that they added more depth to Han and Leia, which I touched on at the end of that post.
  8. I guess it's all perspective. Poe: Best pilot. Counted on by many in the rebellion. Stands up to interrogation and can withstand immense pressure. A leader. We don't know an awful lot about him except that he's respected and well-liked. Finn: No family, bred to do one task and sometimes freezes in pressure situations. Doesn't even have a name, there's a whole slavery story there if you want to go down that route. Usually looks for the easiest way out and doesn't really want trouble; a strong parallel to Han in A New Hope. Is kind to those that has helped him and wants a purpose in life. Rey: No family, a parallel to Finn. Waits expectantly for her family to return, even though she probably knows that they won't be coming back. A scavenger, someone who holds her own on a planet that isn't hers against scum who pay her very little for her efforts and who try to rob and attack her. A quick learner, but also someone who learns to adapt, as she did to her powers when her senses to the force were "awakened" Chewie: Loyal towards his friends and dependable. Considering that the character is one we can never understand, I think the films (this one in particular) does a great thing of making you feel for the character. Same sort of reason why Wall-E was so loved. Han Solo: A father who has lost his son. A man afraid of his own demons and won't go back home to see his own wife/family...a stark contrast to the character we are left with in Return of the Jedi. He's a war veteran and, at times, appears to have had the life sucked out of him. Leia: A leader, but an aged one. Weakened by the loss of Han and her son, but still has the power to gather troops together and is dependable in must-win situations. At least, that's what I think. Although the film did a great job with the new characters, they did an awesome job with Leia and Han, imo.
  9. Not sure if srs. I reckon you must be having us on here. Edit: I'm willing to bet that the cast of Game of Thrones have won tons of acting awards. Probably over a hundred nominations. Never heard anyone call the acting awful before! Lena Headey alone is fantastic.
  10. Fancy some Battlefront?

  11. We saw this for a second time. This time, on New Year's Eve with a few of our good friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. I definitely feel that I enjoyed the film more the second time around. I'd had time to digest the plot and new characters and I think you always enjoy the story better the second time around because you're less tense about "what's going to happen next?" and can just sit back and enjoy things more.
  12. Last year's resolution Result This year's resolution The biggest news or thing to happen is that Ine and I got engaged! After 7 years of being together, that feels like a huge step. We now have to plan that wedding. So... Plan/Save up/Organise our Wedding! Continue to save for a house/deposit. We're not actually that far off now. We've got the contract for our flat for the next six months and realistically we'll be looking to get out of this place within the next 12. Hopefully, finger's crossed, we should be in a house this time next year. To move out of the flat and into our own house! (very possible now) Continue to increase my lifts, all of theeeeeem. Great success in a lot of areas. They all increased and I got stronger. My deadlift and squat was great, a big improvement. (160kg deadlift, 115kg squat) I feel like I could keep improving, but unfortunately I'm stopping bulking now and will be cutting. To be consistent with my exercise and keep my lifts at around the same level as they are now. Keep bulking to increase my lifts and gain some size. Did this. Will now be cutting to get my abs to come through. To look ab-solutely fabulous. Improve the football team and make them even better. Win a tournament! Didn't win a tournament, but we definitely look better and are playing better football. We've had a few bad results here and there, but on the whole we've won or drawn a lot more games than previously. We look better even when we're losing. Keep improving the football team and conquer the world. To go back to Spain would be great. Did this. Not sure how likely it'll be as Ine's family are selling off her home there. To either go abroad somewhere or to visit more places within the UK. To improve my Dutch/Flemish and Spanish and to be more confident speaking to other people in these languages. I'm tempted to say that this has been a big success for me. My spoken Flemish has improved and I now take part in more conversations with Ine's family. My Spanish has steadily improved, but probably not at the same rate as my Flemish. I had some compliments at Christmas from her family, saying that my Flemish is actually better than a lot of people who have been living there for some time. To improve my Dutch/Flemish and Spanish. I want to be near Fluent by next Christmas in either. To start looking at the basics of the keyboard. Didn't do this, but have gotten into Guitar more and have purchased some awesome pedals. I'm enjoying guitar more than ever and I feel like I understand things more. Only downside is that I feel like we haven't got enough room for me to leave things set up permanently. Maybe that'll change with us getting a house. To improve with all of my instruments. Start to learn keyboard. To continue with this and to get that drum kit. No chance of this due to current living situation. Need a house and then we'll think about this. To continue with the instruments and get a drum kit. So...it's been a successful year. In terms of lifting weights, I've been probably at my most consistent and have definitely seen improvements. Having an olympic weights set at last is a huge boost towards this! I'm the strongest I've ever been. My languages have got better and I think it's been a successful year in this regard. Should help a lot with getting to know Ine's family a bit more and joining in. I'll have to now that we're engaged.
  13. Ah, the house is empty? If it were currently occupied, I was going to suggest contacting the current owners/tenants. Would the estate agents know anything? Could they possibly provide a number? You're never going to get absolutely everything with a house, imo. There will always be at least one downside. When you're looking at places, I guess you have to weigh up how much that downside would piss you off. How much streaming/online gaming do you do now roughly per week? Is there anything else you do that requires high speed internet besides that?
  14. I looked at the United team list and, Phil Jones and Wayne Rooney aside, it looks decent. Watching them, I was confident we'd score after the first 15 minutes. But, we seem to run out of ideas too quickly and then resort to just keeping the ball and "being patient". I've been wondering all season what the actual merit is of having Ryan Giggs as a number two. If LVG does go at some point this season, I'd be keen for somebody else to come in to replace Giggs, too. We need somebody who actually has an experience of being an assistant manager. Going from a player to temporary manager to assistant manager at Manchester United is just...too much, imo. We need players playing in the right positions and we need people in the right positions behind the scenes, too. Edit: We won! Against a managerless and relegation-fighting Swansea, but fuck, needed three points. Aside from Martial and Young, we didn't look that convincing. Far too open on the counter and their keeper almost scored (not exaggerating, I thought he had) from a corner with seconds remaining. Still, something to build on.
  15. Yeah, I'd be definitely up for that. Watching a bit of the football this afternoon and seeing some friends in the late evening, but I'll probably be online at some point. If I see you, I'll get a game running.
  16. Hmm. We've had a new one every year, so I do see the sense in that. We could just have a link in the opening post that links back to the old thread. Seems to make sense. New year, new start and all that.
  17. We're with Sky and our speed test just came out as 18.4Mbps download and 1.3Mbps upload. Never really had any problems. We used to be with O2 beforehand and they ended up selling off to Sky, which is why we're with them now. Can't complain about the connection when it comes to gaming. Could you find out for certain what the internet speeds are like in the house that you want? Is it definitely up to 6mb or estimated?
  18. When I swapped over my hdd into the current PS4, I redownloaded all of my games and think I must have left the system on overnight. Can't contemplate doing it now...it would take aaaaages! Think it would take me a week to get everything back if I were to do a swap now. I'll try my best not to damage the casing. Although, based on some of the videos that I've seen online of people showing how to remove the casing, I think that's going to prove to be very difficult.
  19. Good games @Cookyman and @Tales earlier today. I can't put this thing down. Been playing a bit of Fighter Squadron and have been getting tons of kills as Slave 1. Such an awesome vehicle.
  20. We've just cancelled the order and bought the Seagate one instead. It better not be too difficult to pry open! Also some of the reviews say the new casing now is metal instead of plastic, which is what makes it harder to open (plus part of it being glued to the casing I think). We'll see how it goes!
  21. That's awesome. Thanks for that! I found some videos on youtube related to that. and Delighted with all of that. I guess that's another big plus about buying digital. Rather than paying twice with two discs, you can just buy one digital copy and both of you can access it. Should come in quite useful! Yeah, I read that article and a few others that mentioned it being a pain in the arse to get into the casing. I went for the same drive as I previously owned, which didn't cost all that much more and we had the voucher (Eenuh mentioned earlier) which softened the blow. There's been quite a few moments this Christmas where I've wanted to play one game (want to start Uncharted 3) and Ine wanted to play Battlefront. (she's really addicted) Would've been quite handy to have 2 PS4s then. Now, we're at the stage where we don't watch an awful lot of tv and would rather game instead. This will come in reeeeeally handy.
  22. Yeeeeees, brah. Play The Witcher 3! Give us your addy! Ok guys, I think we're getting there...@Eenuh and I are about to buy a white PS4 500gb edition. Questions: We'll have one white PS4 and one black. The black one is the one that we currently own. Let's say that we both want to play something like...Star Wars Battlefront. I've read somewhere that if you buy the game digitally, you can both play the game online (with each other) at the same time without needing to buy it twice. Is this true? Secondly, we're going to upgrade the HDD. @Shorty, I think you bought this one. Can you (or anyone else) confirm that you can use this hdd? All that you'd need to do is take the casing off, correct?
  23. Liverpool now have the same points as United. I think you're more likely to finish above us than we are to finish above you. I want to pinch Coutinho off you, De Bruyne from City, Ozil from Arsenal and Lukaku from Everton whilst nobody is looking and pass them off as United players. They're all better than what we currently have.
  24. Hnnnnngggg. That would be my number one choice. Apparently they're not bringing stuff in from the prequel trilogy. A bit of a missed opportunity not to do that. I want to play as Darth Maul! Or even Grevious.
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