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Everything posted by Tellyn

  1. It is indeed the DX version.
  2. It was the only proper playable demo back in London last year, so I expect it will be pretty close to completion.
  3. This exact same thing just happened with me.
  4. When in actual fact he spends his spare time devouring copious amounts of space cake and shouting at an 8 ball.
  5. I loved the blue one. It's very different from the usual launch colours for handhelds/consoles, and it's the one colour that doesn't accentuate the dreaded fingerprints-on-gloss too much.
  6. I want an archaeopteryx. I always thought they looked pretty kick-ass, and I took pride in being able to spell the damn thing from a very young age. Look at those eyes. I'd tame it, then train it and use it to fight crime. By eating the faces of villains.
  7. See, this is the thing. Whenever there's backlash against him, he claims that he doesn't cater to gamers, but to investors. And yet he consistently gives statements and predictions to gaming websites, and has a regular slot on Gametrailers.
  8. How much does Michael Pachter earn?
  9. You want coverage? It's coming up. Ashley essentially went straight back to uni, and I've had to deal with a long-ass expensive journey home, and sleep deprivation. Most of my notes are written up, articles should hopefully start appearing tonight/tomorrow.
  10. I remember being really excited by the discovery of a whole, frozen wooly mammoth in the Arctic. One of the newspapers documented the process of the find and everything about it over a week, it was fascinating to follow. I just don't see the point of resurrecting the wooly mammoth, other than to prove that they can? As Moogle said, what exactly do they plan to do with it should they successfully clone one?
  11. I love the idea of Bane as the villain. Batman, despite being wanted for the murders of several people, is at the height of his power. The Joker is behind bars, his work with Dent has cleaned up Gotham and put most of the mob away, and he's winning his war on crime. Enter Bane, who takes on Batman and BREAKS HIS FUCKING BACK in order to put him out of the picture, giving him the means to take over Gotham City. Batman watches the city descend into chaos again, ruining all the work he's done. It's the best way for Batman to gain the public's trust back too, by RISING (ho ho!) back up to defeat Bane and cronies, and claim back the city.
  12. Sat in a lovely hotel room in Amsterdam right now. LIKE A BOSS.
  13. Bought my ticket for Sonisphere last week.
  14. Thanks for the well-wishes people, I had an awesome day indeed. "I'm gonna need a cake knife."
  15. Didn't they only use his CGI likeness in Terminator? And then, like, blew his face off?
  16. "It will/won't make launch" would suffice.
  17. Just showed my dad the new image of Andrew Garfield in the Spidey suit: "HE'S TATTOOED HIMSELF?!"
  18. There's a one hour presentation of the 3DS beforehand, then the press get four hours to mess around with the games. There's a few developer roundtables too, not entirely sure which developers are present though.
  19. (Yesterday, but I had a long session of celebratory drinking afterwards so couldn't post it.) Got a First in an essay I did last month! Incredibly proud of this, and can now relax for the next week and a half before I have to return to uni again.
  20. Another Blu-Ray spending spree.
  21. I think the concept is that there's some areas that the police won't touch/can't get to in time. He's doing this because he's not a fan of the way the police force handles things, right?
  22. Batman can use a variety of gadgets to hang from the ceiling, hide in the shadows and dispatch multiple thugs in seconds. I think a super-team would be necessary to take on these people and ensure they actually stand a chance, but I highly doubt they'd be able to survive a shoot-out.
  23. In particular, I'm very surprised that Tomodachi Connection stayed exclusive to Japan. That had massive potential in Europe, and didn't seem to need as much localisation as something like Dragon Quest IX.
  24. This is just like Kick-Ass, he's even on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Phoenix-Jones/131083536954406 I wonder how long it'll be until we see some nutcase assume the identity of a supervillain?
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