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About Murr

  • Birthday 08/29/1986

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  • Location
    Bristol, England
  • Interests
    Gaming, Sports, My Girlfriend, Gigs
  • Occupation
    Database Administrator


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, DS, DSI, 3DS, WiiU
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS1,PS2, PS3, Master System, Saturn, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360, PSP, GameGear
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    Too many...
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  1. Carrick has a rough few games coming up to act as interim.
  2. I’m working as an analytics manager for Defence Equipment & Support. It’s a branch for the MoD. My team builds reports for the finance area of DE&S. We are given data from different areas (Navy, Airforce etc) which again in itself has different content (operating expenditures, program cost reviews etc) and we build the ETL process to house the data in our trusted data warehouse, then we model the data following kimball methodology and finally build reports / create KPIs we think might be relevant to the areas. They’ll have requirements they want to see, but we also have freedom to explore the data and try to output what we think might be valuable information to them. It’s really fascinating data we’re provided, but given the content, can’t really tell you more than that haha.
  3. Watford 4 - 1 Man Utd FML 🤦🏽‍♂️
  4. Legitimate question, probably more so aimed at Off Topic than gaming side. Can threads be created for new events happening in the world? Reason I ask is newsworthy things seem to be missing in off topic (unless there’s posts in a master thread I’ve missed). Example being Kyle Rittenhouse (unless that’s not worthy of an official thread here which i’d not disagree with whatsoever, but it’s kinda a bit of a conversational piece globally at the moment)
  5. Writing for a site elsewhere went well for a while, but bills resulted in knuckling down hard career wise. So Analytics and Statistics is my bag now. I still dip my toes into GSRR but, kid and career sadly (weird way to look at it) came first.
  6. Took a flexi day on Friday and went to the cinema without wife or toddler to enjoy Ghostbusters: Afterlife. I’m glad that they completely disregarded the 2016 film. I’m also very happy with their respectful acknowledgment of Harold Ramis. The final 15 minutes got me good.
  7. Are @ReZourceman & @Rummy still active? That’s my question
  8. Good stuff? I remembered my credentials for this site after a long long time away from it. Oh, no my dad got discharged from hospital today “cancer free” after a rough rough time (Covid + Cancer can both suck a bag of cocks)
  9. Merry Christmas N-Europe. Enjoy the day, the family, the friends, the champagne and presents (doesn't need to be in that order)
  10. So enjoying the Terrorist Hunts on the BETA alot. Even lone wolf they're good fun. But I'm a little disappointed that there won't be any single player campaign for this.
  11. I thought I dropped you guys a message with my mobile number on. Maybe I didn't. Gonna go to the Rezzed show in April next if you guys are along for that?
  12. What an awesome awesome weekend EGX was. Business and pleasure. We got to cut queues for games, got to avoid queuing up with civvies to get in, got interviewed after playing Halo and will feature on a reel of feedback on their site. Got interviewed for 1001up.com and tagged in whatrhinosaid.com. We scheduled a meetup with the staff from the board game section before EGX as they contacted us with regards to if we'd review board games on our site. So spent 3 hours playing games with them on Thursday night. They liked our EGX summary we did after the weekend so are officially in business with us sending us games to keep and review. Got front row seats to the Yohsida Q&A which was incredible. Such an awesome weekend. Gang Beasts was incredible, probably the highlight of it all. CupHead was also a massive surprise. If anyone was interested in our summaries we split them up into the 3 days we were there. Day 1 - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.com/2015/09/29/egx-2015-day-1/ Day 2 - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.com/2015/09/30/egx-2015-day-2/ Day 3 - http://geeksleeprinserepeat.com/2015/10/01/egx-2015-day-3/
  13. So this game is apparently.... terrible Pretty disappointing as I loved THPS in the day (Like I imagine post people did).
  14. Murr


    Noted, PS+ is happening soon due to the other games coming out this winter so I'll give it another shot properly.
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