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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Just wait for the real one, its not even in the same league of fear!! Congrats on passing the theory!!
  2. Higher gear (2nd) when starting off, lower gear when going (as said engine breaking) obviously in either case if you cant control it there's no point in even behaving differently. I had to reverse on a wet sheet of solid ice today, that was extremely fun! (read: not fun)
  3. my body is failing me. Words cannot describe. Pain in more than one spot is physically possible too! Oh joy!
  4. My earlobes bled pretty much everywhere so i'm expecting the same =P
  5. duuuuuuuuuuuuude. Are you ever done having injuries?!
  6. try http://www.bodyjewelleryshop.com (uk) or http://www.bodyartforms.com/ (usa) for quality stuff (suitable for male and female!)
  7. How many have you got? I'm trying to find some piercing corks off t'internet that aren't from some distance land (also known as teh usa) but having no luck. Failure. I want to pierce my tragus, but I don't know if I could without some sort of protection for my ear! And less likely to fuck up placement if its held tight too.
  8. We aren't that lucky in my call centre =P We could be sitting for an hour with maybe a handful of calls, so they make us do data input when not on phone calls. (and we have targets with those) I know the night workers (emergency doc on call) get no other work, but then they are nearly constantly on the phone anyways.
  9. I feel like it gets manic hectic loads of canon stuff for maybe a month, then is devoid of any canon stuff for maybe another month. Would be nice to get a better balance!
  10. or pick her up by the falsey and let her go flying, see how far she goes!
  11. I DIDN'T FORGET that you ruined my strictly thread, Jamieson, so I'm just here to say that Strictly Come Dancing is blates better.
  12. My Sony HDTV's picture looks a bit wank out of the box too, must get round to changing the settings at somepoint soon =P
  13. Dell do a lot of corp contracts.. we have the monitors at work and they are superb. Ours are on 24/7 and they are still working fantastically (good few years too!!) the base units are the thing to avoid! I had that mouse as well Edddd, its pretty sweet. You wont go back to a crappy mouse after that bad boy!
  14. my thoughts too.. Sending loads and loads of hugs your way coolness, that really really sucks =(
  15. Picture a huge (7 foot odd) man dressed in a dolly dress. That sums up rokhed. he started getting bitter about everything, which is a shame really because she/he was a top class person..
  16. this is why i prefer piercings, they are (in the most case) only permanent while you keep the jewellery in. I'm thinking of doing another piercing myself... just getting the courage to do one that isn't my earlobe...
  17. I'm hoping 3d doesn't take off and become a big success.. I've got no depth perception so I can't really enjoy it!
  18. A cataract
  19. I'm really...in awe... Today I found out that the girl I work with has a 2 year old kid with one of my past school classmates. Another one got married a few days ago, and another got engaged on nye. I still feel too young for that kind of silliness!! *sticks head back into the sand*
  20. To counterbalance the extremely crazy/awesome personality she has! =P (rad tattoo lettymon)
  21. you'll find a mobile camera will be just as bad.. the only reason it looks good is cause a mobile phone screen has a tiny resolution (compared to monitor)
  22. Northern Ireland's had very little compared to everyone else it seems.
  23. I'm thinking that could even be literally so =P
  24. I'm really kinda not liking going out walking in the snow. The cars fine, because I cannae really injury myself (i'm a careful driver!). One foot wrong and down I go, not likely to be able to get up again!!! Today I was at work, normal boringness, got talking to a lovely lady who is on the same meds as me, and she was really nice. Kinda brightened my day a little =)
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