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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. In some cases crap is good. From crap comes beautiful flowers. Just wait and see.
  2. No, it was there in 9.0 aswell.
  3. I hear you brother, its awesome! Its just a big picture to click on but still!
  4. The newest Opera is available for download, and with it comes a interesting feature called Speed Dial. Everytime you open Opera or a new tab, you are presented with something looking like the Wii Menu where you can easily click on a big picture of your favourite webpages. Download Opera Video of Speed Dial I wonder where they got that idea from...
  5. Nintendo sent David Letterman a DS with Brain Training for his 60th birthday. Shameless advertising or what? Does it make anyone other than internet using people (nerds) know that Letterman recieved a DS?
  6. When you say you worry about being distracted. Does that not mean you know you will be distracted? You should not have a life when going to school you know. Else your grades will suck.
  7. Because it isnt about the hardcore games. Its about the simple way of playing games. Its about making stuff on the screen move without having to learn 38 button combinations beforehand.
  8. How big can the gaming market get? If everyone and their grandma is going to start playing, it could grow to astronomical proportions. Nintendo would be able to stuff their socks with money each day before going to work.
  9. You must alter the opacity of the gradient.
  10. The less boards the better for the activety on each of those baords. So nay I say. I say nay.
  11. The story in Wind Waker may not be amongst the most memorable ones. Some of the dungeons/quests may feel like work in stead of fun. But its still a lot of fun, especially in the exploration/boss parts. But it is ment to be appreciated by newbie kids aswell, instead of just by hardened elite soliders who has played too many games.
  12. This obvious professional grandma seems to know what she is talking about. It makes for an amusing view of the screen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH4dPK1FWU4
  13. I think that hardcore gamers think that there are more hardcore gamers purchasing consoles than casual gamers. This is not the case, the casual gamers outweigh the number of hardcore gamers. Casual gamers dont care about online as much as hardcore gamers. More no-care outweighs less-care. The reason the N64 and Gamecube failed was because they tried to appeal to the hardcore gamers. Now thats changed and so has the sales numbers. This is why the Wii will pawn PS3 and Xbox360.
  14. Like Harvest Moon only with humans? Consider me interested.
  15. Meeh... skeptic.
  16. The christmas tree is barricading the door!
  17. I met Mr Right at an early age. Gettit? Hoh hoh hoh.
  18. Cheating makes it less fun to play football.
  19. The aiming is good. It is the turning that sucks. It is too slow and cumbersome.
  20. About the "on-rails" gameplay. I think that the character does not move by themselves alone. You probably push the analog stick to move them along a set path, back and forth, like a train... When you are in the big hall you will probably have the freedom to move around freely. But whence you get to the stairs, the character will probably lock on to the "tracks" if you know what I mean. Well if they were smart they should have done it that way.
  21. Nice one Rezourcie.
  22. Your signature is too big mate.
  23. Sorry I dont speak french. That looks promising. I can imagine the feeling of horror must be amplified thanks to the first person perspective.
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