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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Holy shit. Dibs on fridayton.
  2. Will the controls suck twice as much? Geddit?
  3. Didnt Miyamoto already discuss this a while ago? He said something about one person controlling Mario, while the other used a second Wiimote to point at the screen for clues or help or something.
  4. Theres no shame in not hiding the truth about you being interested in someone. The opposite might have a bigger chance of causing disaster.
  5. I think this one will be hard to beat.
  6. Ill be having spaghetti for dinner.
  7. Lol. That looks bad. I cant wait to hear about Jordans misery.
  8. Its okay, you can give it 10. Feel free.
  9. Resident Evil 4? Pikmin?
  10. "Now how the hell am I gonna get up there". Hahaha.
  11. /\ Those are some great bad covers. Here is more crap:
  12. Try Orbital radieo. Its the greaterest! (What I mean is search for Orbital and then click play on Orbitals artist page if that made any sense) (Or alternatively if youre on Wii just search for Orbital and click the listname)
  13. Thanks, thats nice of you. If you got the time, I wont say no. Im on windoss btw.
  14. Thanks for the tip. I will be looking into those fonts. Dont want to pay any money for a font though. And Arial is one of my favourite fonts. So I think I will be using it a bit more. Im not thinking about becoming designer Im just playing about.
  15. Surely it could be worked around with simple advertisement before certain videos.
  16. Good idea. I will try that. But for now... The sex:
  17. Thread over. Please limit to a couple of pictures a post. (Or a couple of pictures a day)
  18. If you know of a bad game cover, please post it here. Please dont post a million screens at once. Ill start with a really bad one:
  19. How about Ooccoo?
  20. Super Ghouls and Ghosts is an excellent game. Perhaps one of my favourite sidescrollers of all times!
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