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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. What the hey is wrong with the Wii graphics?
  2. Its hard to think that the Wii is selling so little close to christmas without there being a short supply.
  3. Straight from da sauce: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/rmgj/download/index.html I could make sweet posters out of these.
  4. Lucas looks like a cool main character to me.
  5. I heard that turning on the lights an hour before waking up helps.
  6. I found that not scanning everything in Metroid Prime 3 and running to the end as fast as possible, was a different and more fun experience. If you try to find every possible way out of a room before deciding where to go, it gets kinda slow. And If you take the wrong way, you will always know it very soonly.
  7. Oh no. Please, no more lovely gameplay sweetness. I cant take another bite! Oh well... Just one more bite.
  8. You can choose wether to start anew or keep the file as it is.
  9. Ill have to see it to believe it. But that is a bit pessimistic no? Crazier things have happened in the past.
  10. About the story... I think it is funny how the game tries to be realistic, while at the same time have you do stuff in ways that are unrealistic. I mean who seals of the room to a supercomputer by turning into a ball and spinning around. I dont think realism is what makes Metroid fun and the realistic story feels a bit unnecessary. I rather have it just be about Samus exploring ancient ruins, solving puzzles, and fighting giant monsters. I dont see the need for a realistic story.
  11. What? I want them back! :p Lets trade.
  12. Friend Vouchers, I needs them. I sent EchoDesiato 2 friend vouchers and he sent me crap in return. I have 13 vouchers left if anybody wants. If anyone is interested in trading here is my Wii number: 2856 5234 7150 7368 Write your Wii number here or send a PMS to me.
  13. So is it confirmed that there is a shortage?
  14. It has a different flavur. You can only eat so much of one thing. With the Wii you can have many more types of flavours.
  15. Why not? More and more people realise how funny MMOs can be. Nintendo likes money.
  16. Sorry, I couldnt resist. Now Im interested in what the test says.
  17. Yes, I figured it out. Now Im stuck with 3 space monkeys. Wohoo.
  18. Is it not always a close race between the two candidates nomatter who they are? I mean people are voting for their side (party) nomatter how ugly it looks (George Bush), right? It is more like a battle of who bothered to show up at the voting urns, than what the president looks like.
  19. Im stuck. Its just to the right after getting the charge beam.
  20. I think obama looks like a cool dude, but the grown ups will probably not agree with me.
  21. Fapulous. Faptastic. Fapnomenal. And so on... I agree the trailer looks very HD, but theres a big chance its still a 2D fighter.
  22. Maybe a couple of days without the MPT isnt so bad. Perhaps it could lead to more energy being spent on making and reading other threads. Maybe it could be a good idea to try being without the MPT for a little while. Just as a test of course, to see what would happen.
  23. Tis is going to be the ULTIMATEST Worms game ever. I dont see how any other consoles can compete with this.
  24. Løve iz like butterfly, to watch it fly you must set it free. That means that you should not take love for granted, but treat it with respect.
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