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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. They have talked about making new epic franchises for years. This would make a perfect choice for epic epicness. A 3rd person action/shooter/rpg with Metroid aiming, Mario jumping, and Zelda puzzles and items? Nintendo should do this.
  2. I sent this. Been reading some LOTR. I recieved.
  3. The pay for play service wasnt ready yet?
  4. Talk about bad luck. Being in last place and getting hit by a blue shell from the guy in front of me. I could see the blue shell turning right after release and thought to myself "WTF".
  5. I would like to see a Wii RTS. Its about damn time. I think there is a big potential for making something awesome out of it. And if its not crap people will buy it.
  6. Theres a new video here: http://www.wiiz.fr/article.php?a=17548 It looks very interesting. Release date is June 20th.
  7. Is Double Dragon any good, or are there better versions coming?
  8. Righto. I have done all the cups and time trials. What else do I need to do to unlock the rest of teh stuff? I played alot online too.
  9. Wii and PS2 are neck and neck. Will Wii sell more than the PS2?
  10. When is Okami coming? Dost anybody knowth?
  11. I dreamt about throwing cats. Not too hard or too fast, just enough to make them run away. Throwing cats.
  12. The bottom one has a slight more dramatic feel to him with the shadows being darker. I think it makes him look a little better. You could probably add more contrast.
  13. Thats nice. Im finding it a bit hard to believe those why say crap sells on Xbox360.
  14. Some day the market will be tired of hardcore games. Then we will se whos laughing. Mvahohahoha.
  15. Seeing people drive off the road on Rainbow Road always cracks me up.
  16. E3 should be moved back to May. July is too late for showing fall lineup IMO. Who wants to start a petition?
  17. If theres only 5 drivers 2nd place makes you loose points, I think.
  18. Here is a short summary of what went on: http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/04/15/five-surprises-at-nintendos-media-summit-nintendo-less-wiiware-pot-shot-at-ea-and-more/
  19. You use the Wii Wheel alot.
  20. Games work like a pacifier, like TV. If we didnt have games or TV we would be going on a rampage. Was the world better before TV came along? I think not!
  21. Interest level rising. Heres hoping it will be released.
  22. I get the feeling that the Japanese core gamer market isnt exactly climbing.
  23. The embargo lasts until tomorrow?
  24. The Mii voices sound like Waluigis retarded brother.
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