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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. If I've got unfinished drinks or chocolate bars and stuff on me then I'll give them away, 'cause like booker said, they might just spend money on happy-juice.
  2. Blacky said it right. This coursework you're doing at the moment is a piece of litteral piss. A-Level is a lot more difficult, so enjoy this shit while you can. And I only do the easy subjects at college.
  3. Tool managed to put me off with their video for Parabola.
  4. Hit both the nails on the head there Platty. Plus summer makes everything stink.
  5. I'll back up the PM that I just sent by adding my sentiments to this thread as well. Be happy on the day of birth man.
  6. I used to watch that, it was ace. Albeit horrific at times. I think there was a new series of it mentioned about a year ago but nothing seems to have come of it.
  7. He speaks the same truth that I speak.
  8. I had the same problem with Azureus. Someone told me it was cause my ISP was stopping it working, so if you're with AOL, that may explain it. Also, if the other clients that have been suggested don't work, try using uTorrent.
  9. If all the sane plans fail then you could try making up a story to make your mum have pity. Like, she got mugged or something and really doesn't fancy sitting on a train late at night. Pends really, do you want her to stay?
  10. Well I've only read the first book in each series but he does weave a very nice world in both of them. Pick 'em up if you like those other ones.
  11. Have you read any of The Elenium or The View From The Mirror?
  12. 8/10 'cause it's better than I can do and also because Link looks like he's about to destroy a Rubik's pyramid.
  13. Both of those are fun to play so long as you don't pay too much for them, as I found them quite short. If the PC version has online multiplayer for SWRC, it'd probably make it a lot more worth it. Aside from those I'd like to ask whether you're into RPGs at all? Or are you just looking for shooty games? EDIT: Dawn Of War is really fun and if Rome Total War is as good as Shogun (any opinions Gaggle?) then get it.
  14. I'm gonna vouch for virtually all the books that have thus far been mentioned; Harry Potter and Philip Pullman expecially (I really loved the Dark Materials when I was younger). I also reccommend the Hitchiker's Guide, I think that everyone new to sci-fi should start by reading these, just to lighten things up. At the moment I'm reading mainly sci-fi and I've got these on the go: -Eternity by Greg Bear (I also reccommend the precursor; Eon.) -The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks (not read any of his other books, but this one is certainly refreshingly British sci-fi. If you read it, imagine a Dweller being voiced by Hugh Laurie.) -Rise of a Merchant Prince by Raymond E. Feist (I read this guy's Rift War series and Serpent War saga and liked them at the time, though now I think they're a bit dated next to the following...) -The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson (I simply cannot reccommend this series enough, they're fantasy, but encompass so much more that has to do with our own reality as well. Real brilliance in writing.) -Tom Sharpe has written some rather entertaining novels, namely Wilt and Riotous Assembly, both of which come in a box set which is probably available from Waterstones or Amazon though at the moment I cannot find a link...) -Night's Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton (These are ace, Hamilton's got some really cool ideas regarding science-fiction and he implements them very well in these books. I'd also advise Pandora's Star and its sequel Judas Unchained which are also very good, though I didn't enjoy them as much as Night's Dawn...) So, that's my book dissertation. Hope someone at least knows what I'm on about...
  15. I second that. Also, those signatures rock my world.
  16. Yeah, the NME does tend to cheapen good music sometimes. Then other times it cheapens bad music. And sometimes it shits on good music. It's hard to win when you're the NME.
  17. I'd like to publicly thank T3C for his most enlightening post about Evangelion. Cheers Guy.
  18. Yeah that hat looks like it was made from a porpoise...
  19. Out of interest, how many episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion are there exactly? I'm looking at the DVDs on Amazon and there are a ton of volumes all at 15 quid a piece. Just wondering whether I can get them all in one fell swoop...
  20. When I was a lad, me and the kids next door used to stage magic shows for our families. They were really good at the time, we had this Mac CD rom featuring some guy who taught us the tricks using videos and stuff. There was one where you seemingly pulled two cards out of a deck that you had just placed in there totally at random. It was pretty good to do in front of people who didn't know better. It was a great laugh, magic tricks are loads of fun.
  21. Aww, Streamline. That song is a godly one.
  22. Over three separate jobs I've only ever been paid minimum wage for my age (17). If I was an employer, I wouldn't pay my workers any more than I had to by law. Unless they rebelled or something.
  23. Who says the PS2 won this 'war' you're referring to?
  24. I sort of feel a bit dirty for saying so, but Innervision by System of a Down always used to get me feeling fired up.
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