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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. Forty-two is the answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. So in effect, it answers more than the question of the meaning of life.
  2. Georgia V is definitely the one I'd pick. Simple and solid, it's good.
  3. It would have to have been the egg. The chicken's ancestors were not chickens, but one day, one of them gave birth to a mutant non-chicken. This mutated non-chicken was in fact, a chicken. Thus, the egg came first. Evolution says so.
  4. Ooh I see, I'm starting to get this now. Did you get your KVM from Maplin or somewhere Jord, or was it an online order?
  5. Right I just went and got a DVI to VGA converter. Do I just insert this in the back of the computer, inserting the Xbox VGA lead into the back of that?
  6. Hey, er, just wondering whether this would do the trick or not. It looks a bit different to your example... Also, I've got the Xbox VGA lead, it doesn't come with an audio jack though, just the white plug and the red plug, like from a scart lead. Is that a problem?
  7. Alright, I'd like to be able to hook up both my PC and my Xbox 360 to my monitor. This monitor has no VGA input, so I can't just plug the 360 straight into it. I think I've heard that it is possible to have both connected, I just don't know how. Any awesome people like to help me?
  8. This island has been invaded by everyone from the far North to the Mediterranean. We got pretty mixed up blood.
  9. Mike wins all my friend points. Anyone else though, feel free to comment on the video itself, I'd be interested to know other peoples' views on student work.
  10. ...this song's name is. It's by Lagwagon, a film done by previous media students for their A2 coursework. I gotta analyse it for my folder but I don't know the name. Any help?
  11. Yes. And... No shit? I find that really hard to believe. I've known about eight lefties and none of them were prone to budging the fudge.
  12. I actually read that if you get to the centre of a planet, which is impossible on one such as ours (but would be possible if the planet were made entirely of liquid, and if you could stand that sort of pressure) you are pulled by gravity in every direction at once, resulting in weightlessnes...
  13. You sure are a gifted logician. Got me.
  14. I'm in agreement with Haver, America has brought us many great things and we should try and remember that every once in a while. I think you can refer to Americans as a race so long as you lump every American national into a single category. If you spout hate about that category, it can then be classed as racism.
  15. Yeah I think it's all forced coincidence like the quote suggests at the top. Also, the Eagle has been used by so many other world powers (the Roman Empire, the Third Reich) you can't just attribute it to this situation alone.
  16. Nah tabs do all the work for you. They tell you exactly where to put your fingers and when to play the notes/chords. Granted they are often a tad inaccurate and are hardly ever timed in a way that fits the song, but the better ones are really good. You might consider downloading Powertab, you can then search tabs on databases like Ultimate Guitar and find tabs that can be run using that software.
  17. My dad went totally bald apart from a mohican strip down the centre of his head. I wouldn't mind having that.
  18. New Legacy of Kain game!? I am literally alive with anticipation, I fucking loved that shiz on all the other games.
  19. Where online can you find information about population density and GNP and stuff like that? I've never been able to find any comprehensive database. On topic; yep, pretty spesh.
  20. It seems that most people who can play guitar at the moment have learned off their own backs, and do not know how to read sheet music. I'm one of these and I thought I was all original and special until I went to college, where everyone and his fucking dog play guitar. And yeah I undesrtand what you mean Vill, guitar teachers do only teach current faves.
  21. Yeah clean up your fucking acts, you arseholes. Fuck.
  22. Well Vietnam was linked to the Cold War because Russia was funding the Vietcong and supplying them with those oh-so-easy-to-use AK47s. America of course, didn't want the Reds getting a hold of 'Nam, so they went and invaded. That's about all I know.
  23. You should try buying them from WHSmith, I saw GRAW in there for £32 today...
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