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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. Hey I see shirts with Diemetrix written on 'em. Minto.
  2. I'm thinking I'll just avoid guilds for a while. Maybe even avoid the MQ too, explore a little bit.
  3. I just wanna say that I liked your choice of Tempus with the 'rat-at-at'. Good show all round.
  4. Aah, unlucky for you. Blackie and me are on half term. White rose beats the red rose every day of this week.
  5. Awesome, I only know that 'cause I bruised mine once. Killed that did. How's about that then?
  6. No fee you say? Looks like it's time for me to buy Guild Wars.
  7. The great thing about using Trillian is that I don't get any of those flashy neon things or winks or anything. The only downside is that LOL appears as some fucked up smiley face. Which kind of makes conversations with you lot a lot more amusing.
  8. Morrwind was a fantastic game, and if Oblivion is even on a par with it, it'll be uber-stupendous, or even uberpenduous. I do believe.
  9. I don't reckon it'll get so bad as 'OMG j00 n00b' in real life, but I do think that English might start using more "sensible" spellings. You know like 'nite' instead of 'night' (as it's used in text speak). After all English isn't exactly perfect to begin with, we have like three different sounds for 'ough'. To someone who doesn't speak it from birth, English must make very little sense.
  10. Proper safe fo shizzle. Anyway, internet speak doesn't really bother me so long as I can understand what it means. I mean, ones that shorten long phrases like 'in my opinion' etc are useful 'cause they speed stuff up. I only get pissed off when people spell stuff wrong and say things like 'I've got more guns then that guy' and 'he took you're wallet' etc. EDIT: oh and apostrophes.. for fuck's sake they're so simple, please God, smite all those who use them wrongly.
  11. Not with the expression he has in the pic provided, but he does look like that in the show sometimes.
  12. I've got a couple of those two-month trial offer doodats if you need 'em.
  13. Yeah I liked it too. I feel the same way about the ending as you Odwin.
  14. Speaking of demo pods, has anyone encountered frequent instances of them not being turned on in game shops? Both my local shops keep them turned off now, I found the same happened with the old Xbox when they were on display. What might be the reason for this?
  15. They's got some good choonz. A couple of my mates have seen them and they agree with you Platty.
  16. That reminds me, my toe's broken as well. Is there a club I can join?
  17. I've broken both my wrists. I'd like to say at the same time in some sort of cool and heroic situation, but they were spaced out. PS: Boo, that ghost's gob does look like a fanny.
  18. I'd say that arming ordinary policemen would be an even bigger 1984 thing that ID cards. Normally when I see a police officer on the street I think, yeah, they'll take care of us, they got the mad combat skillz. If I saw a cop with a gun I'd be positively scared of him. Hey kids, guns are bad.
  19. Aah I'm sure they've been doing that for decades anyway and I never worried about it before. I wouldn't put it past them.
  20. Thing is, we live in the government's world. They've got all the power, and we can either do what they say and live in a kind of blissful ignorance, or leave. Or we could vote on it and make the process a lot more drawn out. Or we could revolt and make a big fucking mess. Which ain't good. What makes you so sure they're dodgy anyway?
  21. Why would the govt want to know what boring fuckers like us do? Really, anybody who's read or seen any future-world sci-fi stuff should know that all this is inevitable. Also, the Orwell stuff isn't totally on the dot. In 1984 the (I forget the govt's name) institute wanted to de-humanise every person, like, destroy even their sex drives. I'm all for ID cards, 'cause like Jord said, if you have nothing to hide, then you've got nothing to fear.
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