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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. You got it all set up and seaworthy now then? By sea, I mean XBoxLive. Definitely not the sea.
  2. Drippy is awesome. I'd adopt him, the li'l scamp.
  3. Excellent news, excellent news. The ratio is looking better by the day. Poor, shitty, Owen-owned 360s: 1 Xboxs that work fine: 12
  4. I'm thinking that the collection of fruit with faces on in the bottom right may be The Small Faces...
  5. Not one bad box yet. Fuck-ups: 1 (belonging to you, Owen ) Functionals: 5 So it's looking pretty good so far, five to one. Well good for some at least...
  6. There's some very attractive guitar porn being posted here. I like these ones. They's purdy.
  7. So has anyone else encountered any serious fuck-ups with their 360? I wanna build some sort of ratio here... Fuck-ups: 1 Perfectly working Xbox 360s: -
  8. BlackFox has found the real reason for it. Owen just confirmed his suspicions in a PM to me.
  9. Maybe you just upset yours somehow...
  10. You'll either have to become one yourself, which you won't, or you'll have to stop being his mate, like demonmike said.
  11. When is it anyway? People have been trying to sell me roses to hand out all week. Those dorks.
  12. Sozzo. I don't have a 360, so I was just idly browsing and found that.
  13. They can't be forced to apologise. They were allowed to do it by law, right?
  14. I don't get what it's trying to say. Are they pro-cartoons, or anti-cartoons?
  15. Well I've been reading that Final Fantasy XI is coming out on the 360, so I don't see why WoW would pass up a chance to compete...
  16. Yeah, getting chased by the Balrog didn't really add much. And also, that bit where he runs across the bridge and it collapses, taking the Balrog with it...Total Dahaka moment right there.
  17. You can play the original PoP after completing Sands Of Time. I think there's a code to unlock it if you can't be arsed though. Sands Of Time is good too.
  18. More Quagmire: "Hey ladies, ever been penetrated?"
  19. Andross, to quote a good friend, life's too short for bullshit arguments. Good day.
  20. Yeah, sorry the reason I called him racist was because I was trying to piss him off. I am aware of the political correctness gone mad thing and I do realise that just because you hate someone from a different race it does not mean you are racist. Just that you think they're an arsehole. I apologise.
  21. You racist, I cannot believe you would use such racial slander against me.
  22. Did I unintentionally spout crap at you Adross? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that organised religion is crap. I didn't even say it at all. Organised religion is very useful to a great many people, despite the conflict it causes. It has been a massive help to humanity and it needs to be respected. Richard Dawkins; Fucking Toss-Wank, I agree.
  23. Yeah I don't get that bit either. Shit about the beating and the punching though mate...
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