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Everything posted by Hamishmash

  1. I think Red Dwarf was always a better sci-fi show than it was a comedy. I loved the jokes when I was a kid, but they've not always stood the test of time. What has though are the plots! It's unique because it's a sci-fi comedy which isn't really spoofing anything too obviously. It's quite an original concept and universe and has ideas in it that most serious sci fi shows wouldn't go near.
  2. I loved it! I liked it a lot more than Asylum of the Daleks. I was completely surprised by the "internet's" reaction. I need to stop reading it. Sometimes I swear people are expecting Battlestar Galatica when they watch Doctor Who. It’s a bloody kids show with dinosaurs and spaceships and egyptian queens and double entendres. I'm sure kids utterly loved it and that makes me happy. Doctor Who makes me feel like a kid again, this episode especially.
  3. I've always wanted to see a level creator in a Mario game but nothings been announced and I get the feeling it'd be one of the first things they'd have said. It would be pretty perfect with the Miiverse and Gamepad though.
  4. I just got this... and ... is it just me or is this a lot harder than the other games?
  5. Genesect is kind of terrifying and I like it. It seems to hark back to the weird origin stories of gen 1 pokémon like Porygon and Mewtwo.
  6. That's all really helpful thanks! I know that in the beginning, Astro Boy was influenced by Disney and stuff... so as an industry it owes a lot to Western Animation. I'm trying to see if they are still looked towards for inspiration.
  7. Those are good starting points for me though. What I mean is... like how shows like Avatar and Totally Spies and Teen Titans and stuff have a clearly deliberate influence from anime... are there any animes which are consciously trying to imitate Western animation?
  8. I'm writing a dissertation on the relationship between Western and Eastern animation. I wanted to know if any of you know of any good anime shows which have a direct (and obvious / intentional) influence from Western Animation.
  9. I got my download. It's still a crap way of doing it... I mean... I was in the store for about 10 minutes before I plucked up the courage to ask someone "Hey... can I... download the new Pokémon?"
  10. 1. Wii Sports I have never seen my mother play a video game. And I just can't explain how moving it was to see her not only play Wii Sports, but utterly enjoy it and actively ask if she could play some more. Wii Sports completely reinvented gaming, for every console. It will be the game that will always define the Wii. And it was bloody fun as well. 2. Okami The best Zelda game ever and there's not even a hint of green caps and golden triangles. I know this is a port, but the Wii was the console it seems to have been designed for. 3. Super Mario Galaxy Perfect platform revolution. So Mario. So original. And the music alone would put this in the Top 10. Wind Waker was the last game which gave me this sense of wonder... when you first crash into the Good Egg Galaxy, with that music swelling, nothing this gen can compare. 4. Donkey Kong Country Returns And the best 2D plat former that Nintendo has put out since Yoshi's Island. Every level had a million different ideas and the multiplayer actually worked, unlike NSMB Wii. Gorgeous. 5. Monster Hunter Tri I unfortunately had to replace my Wii and lost all my data for this but the times I spent playing with you guys online was my favourite online gaming experience ever. 6. De Blob Not much else to say other than I love games which have no predecessor. Never played a game like this. It does what games often forget to do, and make something original but entirely satisfying and addictive. Painting the town was like nothing I played before, but exactly what I was missing. 7. Little King's Story Another game which could just be added by default for the music alone. Adorable, tough and hard to put down. Just... well done. 8. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword It's a little sad that the game which shows how the Wii can work with normal games comes in its final year, and it's not the greatest Zelda of all time, but playing this game will always be a very memorable experience. The plot was fun and unique and it was a great way to celebrate the 25th. 9. Goldeneye 007 It is also sad that this didn't spark a wave of high quality Wii shooters. The controls are perfect and it is worthy of the title. 10. Xenoblade Chronicles The game is immense. It's only fault is being too big, too long... my attention span can only take so much. That sad, the game is flawless in itself. So many great... choices.
  11. Yeah but the best thing about that is the scene with Rhys Darby and thought it needed posting.
  12. Omg. They're back! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QsmuMGkIlA
  13. Skyward Sword The controls were perfection, everything was great... but the hype man... the reviews... all of the pre-release buzz was just insane and when it turned out to be what it was, I couldn't help but be underwhelmed. I only really became underwhelmed by Twilight Princess on my second play through, but I got bored of Skyward Sword midway through.
  14. I thought this was going to be about Bret's helmet that looks like his hair.
  15. I had this day dream once which was Super Mario Universe. It used the whole Mario Galaxy format but none of the galaxies were separated. It was like a massive open world of platforms and planets and stuff and you could get completely lost finding stars and not realise you were miles away from Bowser's castle without looking at your star chart. It could also be online, so could see you friends jumping around the planets too (as cosmic Marios...) I also think Pokémon Snap would be great with the GamePad, especially with all the new Monsters that are out since Gen 1. And finally... Okami? Jet Set Radio?
  16. I'm hoping that New Super Mario Bros U is a little longer though...
  17. Well I actually animated my Coming Out story and put it online yesterday... (and it's worthy of a plug I think!) That was how I came out to my friend (and yeah, I literally did try to tell him on a roller coaster). And he's still my best friend so he was cool with it. I didn't tell my Mum till a while later and by that time I actually had a boyfriend, who was 5 years older than me and lived on the other side of the road. So I had to tell her ALL of that. She was fiiiiiiiine with it... more worried for my sake in regards to homophobia than being homophobic to me and now she's met my boyfriend she likes him so much more than my brother's girlfriends. But initially she was just very, very, very shocked because I don't think up until then I'd given any really telling signs. I told her in a letter I left on her bed with a photo of me and my boyfriend holding hands looking happy. My dad was cool with it, he said "You're old enough and ugly enough to do whatever the hell you want, long as you're happy, I'm happy." My grandma was told a year after that and she was actually cool with it. She did say though "But he's so good looking!" Hmm. I guess that's a compliment.
  18. I made Frilligon a grass starter called Gilgun. woah an update? what did this come from!?
  19. Having spent a lot of time in Australia and America recently, these problems are worldwide.
  20. That's sometimes nice, sometimes too... Wand of Gamelon for my liking... Also... third Hobbit film? I don't understand how 1 short book can be 3 films, while massive tomes can be 1 film. (I'm just bitter that this would post-pone the Tintin sequel...)
  21. Porn has way better plotting than 50 Shades of Grey. Also, this book was originally written under the pen name "SnowQueens_IceDragon" so what do you expect?
  22. Yeah I did like The Avengers but it definitely feels like Part 7 of a 15 part series or something. The Batman films all seem to stand on their own quite well and definitely feel like a beginning, middle and end, and for me that's more satisfying.
  23. I just have this feeling that people can forgive films like the Avengers so much, yet the slightest flaws or niggles or plot holes with this and people get so angry and bitter. (and I don't see them as plot holes, they'd be holes if we knew everything, but a lot is left for us to make up for ourselves... there are very legitimate ways to explain these holes) EDIT: I thought he had the mask to prevent himself from getting hurt, like he could get punched endlessly and not feel it. Like the World is Not Enough baddie.
  24. Hopefully they'll fix that with the 3DSi next year.
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