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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. I dont understand all this 3d stuff, why people think its actually feasable - googles/glasses/headets are completely out of the question as it goes against NItendos philosophy of attracting non-gamers and projection is out of the question due to cost - as far as im aware there is no other way to do it. Saying this, one possibility is that 3d will be optional - games can be displayed normally on teles, or you can change the display and wear glasses to have it in 3d - this makes a LOT more sense - image conscious people can just play normally and people who wanna give it a go can wear the glasses!! Great compromise!! Thing is, how difficult would it be 2 create games using 2 display methods? And also, this wouldnt be hardware tech and just a software thing, meaning it has nothing do with the revolution (other than the added immersion with the controller) and could have been done years ago!! So scrap that thoguht!!
  2. Depending on when it comes out I may import like I did with the cube. Though I feel retty confident that Europe wont be too far behind the rest of the world. But yeah, I'm getting one immediately and all the games I want at thaty point - obviously have no idea what they will be, also get 3 extra controllers so I can multiplayer too. And as for Mario, I would bet all the money I have that it will be a launch title - Nintendo paid greatly for not doing the same on the Cube!
  3. I would be extremely surprised if you couldnt get games with the stars, its such an obvious inclusion. I also believe some games will come with a free download - they gave away free games this gen so why not next? As for predicitons, okay, I think there will be a game creating software with the rev and people will able to upload games they have created. Something similar to shootemup construction kit but a lot more comprhensive and spanning most genres.
  4. Looks dull? How the hell can you tell? We havent seen and dont know much about the game at all. Why do people derive opinions from so little!?!? I think it looks quite interesting and cant wait to see more!
  5. How can you say a game is overrated because it is simplstic - is Tetris crap? How about MArio Kart? And also, how is a game that involves skydiving, spring boots, rocket packs, gliders, attacks against mechas etc etc be deemed as simplistic. And yes, Pilotwings was a great game for its time, not many games do stand up now. But whats wrong with that? If Pilotwings on Wii is as good for its time as the others then we're in for a very special game indeed!!
  6. Nintendork why are you so negative all the time? Have you played it? I'm guessing from you 'How good can it really be' comment means no - WELL THEN DON'T COMMENT THAT THE GAME 'SEEMS TO BE OVERRATED'. Have an opinion by all means but word it in a better way, please!! As a sidenote this is a very obvious choice for a launch game. Ive played both the snes and N64 versions extensively and must say that its one of my favourite franchises - cant wait for this!!. Funny how no-one has commented on the quote saying that it didnt seem to be particularly good. I cant see how its not amazing but I guess we'll see!
  7. This is absolutely the funniest thing I've heard in ages!!! On a more constructive note, I personall would love to see the wheel - I'd get it!! But I also think it would be great with just the remote. As for which game? Well there's a lot I'd love it to be, the usuals - FZero, Mario Kart, waverace etc. I also would absolutely love to see Excitebike - this came out late on in the N64, I absolutely loved this game!!!I would like to see a game like Gran Tourismo and PGR, not for me personally I prefer the above, but it would do well for inticing other gamers!!
  8. Fierce_Link your argument is extremely flawed, though I agree 100% with your sentiment. The name DOES sound like Wee, and in its context it really does lie next to Wee rather than We - I don't care what NIntendo intend. And I think everyone is coming from the same place, none of us here will be affected by the name and ultimately none of us KNOW how it will affect Nintendo in English speaking countries, but don't slag someone off as being immature cause the name will be synomonous with Wee, it doesnt mean we think it, people are just being sensitive to how others may/will see it!! I don't care, I quite like it and especially its intent, but I also can see that theres a chance it could backfire in a big way. The name doesnt bother me, but seeing Nintendo fail would - I'll admit it, I hate labelling but I could be classed as a fanboy, I loved nintendo since the nes and they are the only company to excite me in gaming, I simply want Nintendo to be number one again, this name gives me a niggling worry that it will be much harder than if the console was called something else!
  9. Good ideas, though I must stress that it is NOT Nintendo Wii!
  10. What I find inetersting is the quote that it's not nintendo wii, just wii! Nintendo are really going for this 'brand' idea arent they!!? Good news is you ask me. Nintendo are being so brave with everything they are doing - thats why I love them
  11. I'm playing devils advocate here: Comparing the name to ipod,google etc and to how freaked out everyone was about the controller is ridiculous - it's the not the weirdness or the unexpectedness thats putting people off - it's that it called Wii - which is pronounced exactly like Wee!! That simple fact is why people are hating it!! They must, and people must stop defending the name saying its just weird, we'll get used to it!! Yes we may get used to it - but it will ALWAYS be called Wii/Wee - New people to the brand will just think it is an absolute joke of a name. For example, lets just say that you wasn't that interested in music, or if you were you loved Sonys walkman - you were happy with it, its amazing and everyone knows Sony make the best portable music devices. Then Apple come out with their new music device which is pronounced 'Wee' - would that make you buy it? Would it put you off instantly? Would it make you leave your walkman and buy it? I'm pretty sure your answers would be No, Yes No. Some (hopefully All) will say that if Apples Wee was amazing then they would get it still - great, so would I. But not everyone has sense, and some people may not even give it a chance to see how amazing it is!!! Fact is, theres an uneccesary chance of losing customers, and likely the very customers that Nintendo are targeting this time - non gamers!!!!! And unfortunately there are some idiots out there who know how incredible the machine is, have wanted it for months, and now don't want it becaiuse of the name!!! Thankfully they are few and far between!!! PS Please excuse the hideous cliche!!
  12. Yenrug mate, I think you very quickly went down in a lot of peoples estimations with one of the most moronic posts in a while, won't buy one because of a name? Oh dear.... the debate isnt whether gamers would buy the machine, its that the name would put the 'masses' and anti-nintendo people off. I can't believe it would put anyone of us off!! And you quote: I don't want to say to my friends, "Come and have a wee in my living room!" This infuriates me and theres loads of them going about, these potential embarssing scenarious. Mate, do you now say yo your mates: "Come and have a gamecube in my living room."? No! So why would you be forced to saying "Come have a wee in my living room"? And also, this is a brand. It is very different to a usual game console naming, we must realise this - there will be no Mario Wii, or Mario Kart Wii, or Smash Bros. Wii. I think the game/console monikering will go for Nintendos next console. This name WILL cause problems in UK and poss USA and Oz, but hopefully it won't be too damaging and that Wii becomes everything we believed the Revolution would be.
  13. Hmmm, the name is pretty bad really,but it has to mean something. And surely this shows that Nintendo didnt speak to nintendo-europe as they would have warned them of the repercussions of calling a console wii/we/wee. Me personally I don't care and i hope in a few years that the software and nintendo will redefine the name wii and it will be as acceptable as other equally absurd names such as - ipod, walkman, yahoo, manic street preachers etc etc. We don't think of the words anymore, they have a new meaning, we think of the device, the service, the music. Hopefully when we hear wii we'll just think of the games. Unfortunately that will be harder for English people than anyone else!!
  14. gluccoseaddict, thats what the article meant about the shell, that it would have the revmote in it too!! It didn't mean you would just use the shell for the sake of using it. And Perrin Kaplan (ivthink) was talking about how they are going to package the Revolution - whether it would have a nunchuck AND whether it would come with 2 revmotes - I think it has to come with two personally!!
  15. I would be pretty happy if the next Mario looked like that, but they are undoubtedly fake! Since when did Mario live in a village (but then I suppose since when did Mario go on holiday and have a talking fireextinguisher!)? Also, Mario looks kind of weird on both images, particularly the bottom one, is he semi see through!?
  16. It was the ipod itself, tried others and also put the ipod ones in my laptop and were fine, oh well, replaced it today, the woman didn't even check the box!!! This ones fine and dandy now! It was weird though I was reading forums and they were saying apple headphones were crap and one guy said one pair the left one didn't even work! I just presumed it was this. When I pressed MENU the sound came to the left ear.... bit of a giveaway for it being faulty!
  17. Well the game has 'officially' been canned
  18. Hey, Ive just bought an ipod, and however awesome it is, my left ear has no sound. There was at first but not anymore. Ive checked online and an amazon review seems to blame it on the apple earbuds, which is fine as i hate in ear buds and was going to buy seperate ones anyway, but wondered if anyone had heard about the problem before.
  19. Yeah, but I didnt want to blow my cube but my JPN cube's switch to Aerican has now died so now it's only a JPN cube and I have loads of USA games! Oh well, I'll risk blowing it up and post back with my findings!
  20. The thing about people saying Red Steel being average as for Rev FPS, well I think at first most Rev games will e extremely fun to play as its such a new way play to games, I think retroispectively some of the earlier games and possible (likely) Red Steel will be pretty formulaic and gimmicky and nowhere near the level of later games, but for the first wave I think a lot of gamesvwill do very well. Bit like when gaming first started, most games were great to play because it was so new and fresh, only years later do most of them show how awful they truly were. I thini we'll see a very similar thing happen!
  21. 4 is Shi or Yon, not chi. Sorry for being anal . IF this is real then N5 it is, I'm fine with that, sounds more 'tech' anyway! Is anywhere doing a live update of the speech?
  22. I just read somehwre thatyou can use a power adpator from an ENglish cube on a US Cube. Can anyone confirm or deny this as I have both and if it works I could just use one power pack!
  23. I've always had a soft spot for golf games and Touch Golf on the DS is the best yet in my opinion - extremely underrated game, ultimately the touch screen way of playing makes the experience so much better then pressing A a couple of times. I can see the Revolution having an even better Golf game, or even a Revolution version of Touch Golf. This looks ok, pretty generic, but I dont care about screens - how does it play ie. with the controller
  24. No,get both, play Pikmin love it then play Pikmin 2. YeahPikmin two is loads better but dont miss out on Pikmin, still an amazing game
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