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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Yeah you do, you can control anything in your army - boat, plane, grunt, flamer, bazooka, tank anything and do whatever they do -antiair, just attack or whatever. And you also tell everyone else what to do - so you can get your tanks to attack a base, your grunts to attack other grants, your flamers to protect your base or whatever!!! You can also swap at anytime to control anything. If that makes sense. It's a great game.
  2. You know what, I'm not really believe it or not! I much prefer playing games with people in the same room; but Medal of honor is online only and the controls are amazing so I enjoy that; and I LOVE football games so that'd be fun to have some tournament on it I went to see my girlfriend over the weekend and we played on the Wii for 23 hours in 2 days!!! We couldn't believe it!!! That was much more fun than online!!! Though when mario Kart comes out I will be online most of my gaming hours
  3. I'm well up for that. Even if we do a mini league who cares!!!
  4. I have both games and love them both. I may have to edge Resident Evil though, its hard, its great, loads of replay value, you can play co-op!!! I don't know though, battalion wars is amazing too!!! So difficult!! Get both!!!!!! It really does depend on your tastes, both great games and you can't go wrong with either!
  5. Just finished this incredible game! Although Mario, Zelda and Metroid are the all round better games, this was just amazing! Only Mario out of said games gave me more of a magical feeling than this game! There's small levels and huge levels that make me think I full on story adventure game (ala Monkey Island) would really work for the sequel; though I do actually love the format of Z&W. Everything about the game just works, and although the game can be frustrating in its relentless difficulty, you forgive it, and love it even more when you figure it out (DON'T USE THE ORACLE DOLLS!). I'm guessing I have to go through and find hidden treasure but have no idea how!! PS The game is huge and has LOADS of replay value and if you like collecting stuff - shit loads to collect!
  6. What are you saying Dwarf? I don't understand, what do you mean well established on here. Shuddup moaning, get the game. tell us your account name (no friend codes for this) and lets all play
  7. You feel old!?!?! I was 19 I only look about 15 now though.......
  8. Neither can Mario and Sonic Olympics. Anyone know why this stupidity exists?
  9. I meant the proverbial you! And unless it against your moral code or way of life then you should try as much as you can!!
  10. Bit harsh calling Hylian Knight a fucking moron!! I thought he made his point intelligently. PS And I agree with him PPS About WIi controls not about Uncharted, which is amazing!
  11. Yeah I was a bit....surprised. Freaked me out a bit, but you've got to do these things haven't you To be honest I think it probably was dead, just still had a bit of air in there!!!
  12. It sounds like they are experimenting to me!!! And cancel Umbrella Chronicles? It's a great game!!!
  13. Not from a camcorder, just a Stills cam that takes video. I ate its body whilst it watch me I then asked them to fry the head and tail!!
  14. I went to a Suhshi bar in Osaka, I ate a fish seconds after it was swimming in a tank!! Here is the vid of what was laid in front of me!!! http://s271.photobucket.com/albums/jj124/dazzybee/?action=view&current=Dinner.flv
  15. I went on but nobody was on! I'll try again later.
  16. To be honest I like your Wii 2 theory. I really think Nintendo will release it very soon. Not in the next few months soon, but sooner than 4 years!!!
  17. Fair enough, if you didn't think the controls were better on Wii than yeah, there's no contest which would be best for you and the importance of the graphical downgrade make sense. Saying that you are clearly insane not thinking they were better :P Personally I would go for a more Scarface approach to the controls too!
  18. Am I the only one who thinks every single one of McCoys posts is comedy gold? Hie persistence to talk in the 3rd person just gets funnier and funnier
  19. Build it from the Res EVil 4 engine, take the time to do it properly, it'd sell stupidly well on the Wii!!!! I'd rather than Res Evil 4 version with awesome controls than the PS3 version with a pad!!!!!
  20. Why would it look cack!?! I REALLy don't understand this comment. Does Res Evil 4 look cack? You know, that gamecube game?
  21. I don't understand. Why not do that? Don't make a new IP because you already have the script and design of the game and like you said, the control input from Res Evil 4. Also don't because Res Evil has proven it will sell on the Wii so it's bankable.
  22. Hows this game going? Is it working yet? If so anyone up for a game tonight?
  23. Haven't you got it yet Khilafah!?!?!?! If not sort yourself out This game debuted in the JPN charts at number 5. Not to shabby huh? How many copies does the game usually sell?
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