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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Unless you mean downloaded content in games too - new tracks for mario kart, new exercises for wii fit, songs in guitar hero etc. etc.
  2. Oh my god this game looks effing incredible!!! Please make the best god damn mario kart game yet Nintendo!! I want Wii controls to be awesome, I wants simplicity with hidden depth, I want the bikes to be awesome, I want the stunts to be good and not tacked on, I want downloadable tracks...........
  3. I remember they projected 4 million sales of the game TOTAL. And people were saying NO CHANCE. 5 million already is just incredible and I can't see the game dropping sales throughout the year. A phenomenal achievement for what is a fantastic game!!!! Hate the last statement though - stupid fucking myth about Wii gamers!!!!! Winds me up and I really think it'll probably stay the same Nintendo are the only ones who can kick people into thinking that hardcore games on the Wii work.......and Capcom!!!
  4. Okay, anyone up for a game tonight? Room N Europe com Who's game? Shall we say 9pm?
  5. If you want to get highscores TURN THE RETICULE OFF!!!!! you don't need it anyway!!! May try the perfect shot, is out now?
  6. That is great news! So you can control passing high or low, decide where you shoot control virtually eevry player on the pitch and where they go - it's like they asked me to make the best football game I could think off whilst I was dreaming!!!! Even Spurs are a licensed team!! It couldn't get better!! Though the defending sounds a bit iffy, but who cares!!!! My only questions and one of my smaller worries is can you play a LONG ball to someone OFF the screen!!
  7. Is the perfect shot meant to be any good? Better than the Zapper?
  8. Okay, I've just bought a PS3 and wondered if there wasn't anything I needed to know about it. What can it do? Any great stuff on the store? Any great games? I'm a guy who LOVES the Wii, so gameplay is all important. Flashy graphics are nice, but they don't mean much to me. I've got Uncharted and DMV4 though swapping that for Ratchet.
  9. This game is going to eat up so much of my spare time that I don't really have. I'm going to get fat sat on my bed playing this all time. Good job Wii Fit comes out at the same time
  10. Okay, found a site that has solved the problem I think, it sounds like it's an LG make of tele and loads of people had the same problem; it sounds a bit faffy but can't wait to try it!!!
  11. I may be getting a PS3 and this is the ONLY game I truly want for it!!! And it'll probably be worth it
  12. I haven't really blitzed it for highscores yet, still going through to un;lock all the different sections. But I LOVE the game, thankfully I accidentally turned off the reticule when I first played it and because of its brilliance I never needed to turn it back on, it's that intuitive!!! And the Zapper makes it even better!!! Can't wait for HotD and I agree with the Virtua Cop pack!! Wouldn't mind a lightgun game using the balance board for dodging etc.......
  13. Doesn't the game control like Scarface then? I thought you'd control it by pointing - similar to FPS. I'm going to get this game eventually, really liked what I played on the PS2, but I'm gonna wait for a quiet patch of gaming (if there ever is one)
  14. But can you control WHERE you shoot - bottom left, top right, down the middle etc etc. As for long passes, what about if you wanted to play a wondrous ball across the field to a point that isn't on the screen? Can't wait for this game Anyone know if you can have inter-region matches?
  15. Brilliant Serebii!! Super paper Mario is so underrated!!! I can't believe Mario Kart is out NEXT month! God I hope it's good!!!
  16. Thats great news. Is the defending BAD or just hard? Also, can you select whether you pass high or low? Can you decide where to shoot or do you just shake? Does how hard you shake matter? How do you make huge 50 yard passes to areas past the screen? Is there a run button? I'm getting excited about this game now
  17. It's a pretty shit LG tele to be honest, 28" - think it only plays PS3 1080i. And where can you change what display it supports? I'm sure I couldn't find one that lists all of them like that AIMLESS. Really annoying, it seems like it could be the tele, but i can't rationalise why it would be.
  18. But how can it be the TV? Especially as the PS3 works fine and bluray DVD's are fine! It makes no sense! It's really making me think twice about getting one!!!
  19. Anyone up for as many people as possible to play this game this week? When is a good time for everyone this week and we'll sort it. Monday - all night Tuesday - after 11pm Wednesday - all night Thursday - all night So I'm pretty flexible! When's everyone else free?
  20. It was off originally, I then turned it on. Definitely not that!!! I really don't understand!! So frustrating!!
  21. Argh!! So frustrating! Could it be the tele? Blurays work fine I put a DVD in and 'no signal'. The PS3 kind of goes dead after that and I have to turn it off!! It's one of the first PS3's!!! Damn, I'll keep trying!!!! Played with lots of settings, updated the PS3 still no luck! It's definitely something with the signal - how does hdmi work with DVD's and different teles!!?
  22. Right, I'm thinking of getting a PS3 and came round to my granddads (he has one) and took a good look at it; anyways, I noticed he has a seperate DVD player and I asked why because the PS3 plays DVD's and he said it didn't. Anyways I went round tpo prove him wrong and couldn't. I put a DVD in and it says DVD and then goes to 'no signal'. If anyone can help immediately that would be great as I'm here for the next half an hour! PLEASE HELP! HOW DO YOU (if at all you can) PLAY DVD'S!!?!?!
  23. On Play £300 with drakes and ninja gaiden. Prob gonna get this!!!!!
  24. Okay, I never thought I'd say this but I'm thinking of getting a PS3. Now bluray has won the format war I'm thinking of getting in on his HD DVD malarky!! To be honest I'm not THAT bothered about the games, have a 360 and rarely play that, though littlebigplanet is pretty exciting. Just wondered if anyone knew of any good deals to get and whether it's actually worth it.
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