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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The first few months I would come back from putting my PS5 on rest mode and it would have crashed 75% of the time. It's been a bit better since then, I assume because of patches, but still happens.
  2. She's 57!?! Wow. Fair enough then
  3. Not sure which was worse, the glitch voice or the weapon tutorial voice. Both murderously annoying. What the hell were they thinking! Glad you really enjoyed it. I'm only 2-3 hours in, just got the ship unlocked.
  4. Funny I literally just finished the episode myself. Enjoyed it, some stunning animation as per usual.
  5. Had to chuckle at the Mii costumes, out of 4 characters...
  6. Yeah I'm giving the miss too, from what I've read the gameplay is great and speed golf is a lot of fun but the story mode is terribly bland (sadly no surprise there), and there just isn't enough content. I knew there was something off from the very first reveal trailer, everything just looked so dull and lifeless, especially compared to the fun and creative worlds in World Tour on 3DS.
  7. Played and Platinum'd Mass Effect 2, absolutely fantastic. Such a huge step up from ME1 in terms of gameplay. I do think it could have done with a few more main storyline missions interspersed with all the recruitment ones, but that's a small nitpick. Also weird how few side missions there were but I guess you have to scan a lot of planets to uncover those. Tali's loyalty mission was my favourite, Katsumi's was great too. Jacob's was terrible . He started strong as a character but then didn't really go anywhere. Lair of the Shadow Broker was a fantastic mission, easily the best in the game, though the Suicide Mission is a close second, such a complex system determining success, really great job Bioware did with it. I'll give Ratchet Rift Apart a go and then jump into ME3, I've really fond memories of that game from the Wii U days
  8. Xbox are on fire and easily leading the way in terms of indies in the last couple years. Really looking forward to Twelve Minutes, anything with Daisy Ridley in is an automatic win for me.
  9. Something I've wondered, when you book your 2nd jab does the NHS online site know which vaccine you've had as your first dose? It gave me a long list of vaccination centres to use as my second dose but does that list only show Pfizer centres? You have to imagine it does but who knows... Also, at first it said no availability at my centre, but when I cancelled my existing booking and rebooked the same place was there on the list, which is weird.
  10. "player tutorials" sounds like they've gotten rid of those ridiculous popups whenever you collect a rupee from a chest. "general guidance throughout the adventure" sounds like they mercifully toned Fi down
  11. You can tell from the final product. Though tbf I wouldn't have guessed TFA had any production trouble based on the end result either. Same with the two spin-offs. TROS on other hand... ooof. Hopefully a learning experience for all the higher ups at Lucasfilm moving forward. It's interesting hearing Boyega say he'd happily return to Star Wars if Kennedy and Abrams were in charge. The clickbaity YouTubers must have had a field day with that. I guess we'll find out soon, if we see it happen in Bad Batch then that's that, if it doesn't I'd put money on it being TBoBB (terrible acronym ) Thanks for the insight re TCW, I'll seek out some clips but I've still to finish season 7. My point about Bad Batch's cameos was more in terms of we've had 8 episodes so far and had cameos from Saw Gerrera, Cut Lawquane, Fennec Shand, Trace and Rafa, Rex, Bib Fortuna and now Cad Bane. It's not a real issue cause most were done well, but it's getting to the point where you wonder what character will show up this week.
  12. I thought the PS4 remake was basically the equivalent of a summer blockbuster with amazing visuals, where you enjoy it at the time but it doesn't really leave a lasting impression. Hopefully Rift Apart is a step up.
  13. It's so interesting how these unfinished clips get released. It feels like these days that sort of thing would never happen. Everything is too controlled in most entertainment. Still waiting on TROS deleted scenes. Especially the one of Snap and Klaud which apparently had the whole crew in hysterics. From what I read Abrams doesn't like showing stuff like that, whereas Rian Johnson loves the art of filmmaking and was happy to show his process. But yeah my hope for Cad Bane in the Boba Fett show has less to do with continuity/canon and more to do with, I just he looks and sounds cool and I could see Filoni tweaking his plans to fit him into live action.
  14. I'm interested to see if every episode looks different or if they'll all be visually similar. I also wonder if they'll focus on one period of time or jump around each episode. Will there be recognisable characters or will it focus on brand new ones.
  15. Really great Bad Batch episode. The past couple have been awesome. Stunning visually, really well edited, the usual stuff. Wrecker is just amazing, love him.
  16. This game is amazing. And yes, I'll be humming the catchy theme tune all weekend too.
  17. Tali is fast becoming one of my favourite characters in any game. Just did her loyalty mission in ME:2, fantastic.
  18. £57 on base.com if anyone's interested. https://www.base.com/buy/product/ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart-ps5/dgc-ratchetps5.htm?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5auGBhDEARIsAFyNm9GyrS1K0sXUapbVPPLrQ4XjybSy17Y5giV_p5AjzE_kUPD0PJUZp5gaAq1PEALw_wcB
  19. I'd pretty much agree completely with those Totally Official Scores of yours. Probably bump Nintendo down to an 8, alongside Xbox. There's definitely been stronger E3 Directs in the past 5-7 years but after 18 months of Covid they did really well, and are probably keeping plenty close to their chest.
  20. Terrible "trailer", but intriguing concept. All Good Things is my favourite episode of Trek ever so maybe this will live up to that high bar.
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